Friday, April 25, 2008


Ya, sebuah band yang bising dan agak huru-hara dijangka akan menghuru-harakan lagi keadaan di The Annexe, Central Market, KL pada 1 MAY 2008 ini.

Band yang mengenengahkan Meny(guitar), Kojak(bass), Panther(drums), Izzat(guitar) dan Mat(vocals) ini adalah sangat tidak asing bagi penggemar muzik yang berteraskan old school thrash metal/hardcore dan juga punkrock. Berasal dari Kuantan, Pahang (kecuali Mat) dan kebanyakan ahlinya telah mula aktif di persada muzik underground Kuantan sejak dari tahun 1992 lagi. Meny dan Izzat pernah bermain bersama untuk band 'Fungus' dan juga telah mengeluarkan satu demo yang aku tak ingat tajuk dia... Cuma yang aku ingat ada satu anthem yang diakui memang catchy pada part chorus-nya berjudul, 'End My Fear'. Pernah bermain untuk beberapa show di sekitar Kuantan dan tidak lama selepas itu, telah dibubarkan secara tidak rasmi dan tertubuhlah pula band 'Fungus Is Dead' yang dikepalai oleh Lee Askar di bahagian vokal dan gitar.

Kojak, yang juga pernah bermain untuk beberapa band di Kuantan lebih cenderung kepada elemen grindcore dan juga metal. Walaubagaimanapun, fakta band yang disertai tidak dapat dinyatakan di sini di atas sebab aku tidak membuat sebarang kajian terperinci. Kojak kini adalah seorang 'artist' (bukan artis dalam majalah Mangga atau URTV... itu semua adalah kerja penulis-penulis yang tak beretika dalam memperanakharamkan perkataan 'artist' tersebut) sepenuh masa dan bergiat cergas dalam pertunjukan seni secara berkumpulan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.

Panther, aku tak nak cerita banyak sebab akan membabitkan DEP. Sorry, sebab ini cerita pasal Enslaved Chaos. Nak tau cerita dia? Sila baca history DEP. EC sikit lebih kurang macam projek sisi (side-project?) untuk Panther sebab dia juga sangat suka bermain drum bila ada kelapangan.

Mat Ribis pula adalah seorang mat saleh dari Amerika yang tersesat (atau memang sesat? teehee) ke Kuantan. Aku tak pasti sebabnya, tapi sebelum tu Mat ada menuntut di sebuah sekolah pondok di Kelantan selama 5 tahun. Tak silap aku lepas dia graduated dari sekolah pondok tu, dia ke KL untuk menyertai PERKIM atau atas sebab lain yang aku tak berapa pasti di sini. Mat juga ada melepak dan berkawan dengan band-band sekitar KL macam ABC Dead, Carburetor Dung dan beberapa lagi band yang aku tak pasti. Tapi dia memang agak popular dikalangan warga CM masa tu sebab dia boleh bertutur dalam telo Kelantan dengan fasih. Biso demo!

Ini semua berlaku di sekitar awal 90-an hingga ke pertengahan 90-an dan dengan suatu kuasa dan kimia (pun intended) yang kuat, telah membawa individu-individu istimewa ini ke satu haluan untuk menubuhkan Enslaved Chaos pada tahun 95/96.

Ada satu show yang bertempat di sebuah restoran di One Utama masa tu. Tahun mungkin 96 kot. EC telah muncul untuk pertama kalinya dan mendapat respond yang baik dari para penonton. EC was fresh and energetic walaupun venue macam tak beberapa sesuai. What the hell? The spirit that counts...

Tapi show yang aku tak boleh lupa adalah masa diorang main kat Lips Boom Boom di Kuantan, tahun 97, kalau tak silap. Intense gila babi! Bad to the bone... tak tau nak kata apa dah... Seeing is believing... Ada sorang kawan bagitau aku, "Rasa macam tengok D.R.I masa kat States dulu..." 'Nuff said!

Tapi macam mana best pun sesuatu benda tu... dia akan berakhir dengan cerita yang tak berapa best. Happy ending, jauh sekali. Selepas Mat balik semula ke kampung halamannya di USA, kelihatan semua macam hilang arah tujuan. Tapi hilang semangat bukan kerana Mat blah, sebab lepas tu EC masih lagi beraksi dengan sokongan vokal dari Bart (Aghast) yang sangat terkenal dengan 'growl' or 'frog in the throat' or whatever... banyak sangat terma untuk orang bersuara garau/parau ni... Jadi macam yang aku kata tadi, memang bukan sebab pemergian Mat yang membuatkan EC terpaksa membawa haluan masing-masing. Aku rasa tidak patut diperbincangkan di sini kenapa dan apa sebab-sebabnya.(Sebab aku mengamalkan penulisan yang beretika, bukan seperti penulis Mangga, URTV atau yang se-genre dengannya.) Tapi sebaik-baiknya kita harapkan yang mereka akan terus beraksi dan release more materials in the future. I'm hoping for EC's best. Hope you too.

So aku berharap sangat yang aku dapat menghadirkan diri di show tu nanti untuk melihat kembali dan melalui satu pengalaman yang aku dambakan (cheh!). Lagu-lagu seperti Sick Of You, We Want Some Violence dan I Hate Work akan sentiasa bermain di kotak fikiran aku tatkala bercerita tentang mereka. They may not be the best band in the scene but they will always be one of the best for me. Their spirit, friendship and support will always be remembered and cherished.



Nota kaki:
Enslaved Chaos only manage to have one release, a self-titled EP on 1997.
Desas-desus mengatakan yang Bart akan mengambil posisi vokal untuk EC pada show tersebut. Untuk keterangan perihal masa dan lain-lain info berkenaan show, sepatutnya rujuk di sini. Bagi kesalahan fakta dan sebagainya dari pihak penulis, maklumbalas di ruangan komen sangat dialu-alukan.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Bem with one of his lecturer.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


DULL - Sebutan yang betul bunyiknya macam huruf jawi "dal" ataupun kuah "dal"(ca) yang kita makan dengan roti canai. Rujuk di sini untuk maksud yang lebih terperinci.

Ada satu insiden di Jalan Ang Seng 4, Brickfields masa tahun 1996. Masa kalau tak silap sekitar petang tatkala penghuni biasanya sedang lepak tengok TV atau main gitar atau mungkin juga sedang bergumbira dengan bahan intoksikasi yang ada.

Terdengar ketukan di pintu beberapa kali. Oz yang sentiasa berlenging dan cuma berseluar jeans yang dipotong pendek di bahagian lutut, dengan gaya yang penuh rilek bangun lalu membuka pintu. Ada sorang mamat dipercayai pelajar sekolah menengah yang tinggal di perumahan berhampiran bertanyakan sesuatu pada Oz.

Tak lama kemudian Oz pergi ke bilik aku dan dengan mukanya yang selamba, berkata" Bang, saya nak beli kaset 'DOL Entertainment' , ada jual tak?" Kami sama-sama ketawa berdekah-dekah dalam bilik(boleh tahan lama la jugak) sebelum dapat kontrol muka dan perasaan dan jumpa mamat tu nak bagi kaset 'DOL'. Sebelum mamat tu blah, kami bagitau sebutan yang betul (sila rujuk perenggan pertama). Mamat tu berterima kasih, sengih dan blah...

Jadi, pengajaran kat sini, walaupun sesuatu benda tu nampak remeh, tak semestinya kita tak perlu belajar dan ambik tahu. Kalau tak pasti dengan sesuatu tu, tanya atau selidik dulu. Proses pembelajaran bukan setakat kat sekolah atau pusat pengajian tinggi. Ianya adalah proses sepanjang hayat...

Ok la. Taknak la bunyik macam Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah pulak. Tata!

p/s: Bahasa Inggeris tu memang tricky. Kalau "FULL" sebutannya "FUL", kalau "BULL" sebutannya "BUL", habis kenapa "DULL" sebutan dia jadi "DAL"? Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh setiap perkataan berasal dari bahasa tertentu yang telah mempengaruhi cara sebutannya. Itu teori aku la... Jom kita tanya Cikgu Easeart. Hehehe...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Thanks Izmi for being our 'indie rock darling'... ;)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The t-shirts are here for grab! Limited Edition (so called lah) t-shirts for sale at RM20 only. Only 12 pieces. Got 2 colours, black and olive green.So hurry get your size right, fast, now!

XL - 3 pcs only
L - 2 pcs only
M - 3 pcs only
S - 1 only


XL - 2 pcs only
M - 1 only

How to get it? Very easy, give us an email to Delivery will cost you extra RM5.Or call BEM at 017 394 2094 if you are in KL, Cyberjaya,Putrajaya and Seri Kembangan area.


Some time in 2003, I've worked out a song which was heavily inspired by the movie "Dancer In The Dark". It was slow tempo, accompanied by an acoustic guitar and self-not-worthiness kinda shit but what the heck?...

If Eddie Hamid can write sappy and trashy shits without feeling guilty, then why should I?

So on with the songwriting. However, I have this ritual where if I can't write anymore words for the song or thinking of another chord to ensue then it better stop there before it becomes another Dream Theater song.

Some time last year (2007), there was a project for a short movie which I "shamelessly" offered the movie maker to play it during the credits. He agreed and with the help of Mr Mic Wrecka of The Rebel Scum, we recorded the song.

I did the vocals and guitars while Mic Wrecka added all the bass and cello (it sounds like one) and some effects using his "beats" expertise and technologies. The sad part is... the song gone nowhere since the short movie project did not materialize due to some technical reasons. Bummer!

Again, what the heck? Curious on how it sounds like?... Take a listen...

Friday, April 11, 2008


We are glad to announce that Nor Din @ Bem will be permanently taking the drumming position for DEP. Welcome aboard! Brief musical history about Din… well he has none. Din was never in any band before and was laughed by his previous jamming buddies when he initiated the idea of forming a band and writing their own material. Those buddies were nowhere to be found now and look where Din had ended up… with DEP! Din, please ask them… “Who has the last laugh now?” He is currently working at Limkokwing University as a cameraman and girls; we think he is still single! :)

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank our previous skin bashers, Wan and Asma who have been collaborating with us for gigs and recordings circa 1995-2003. Your company will surely be missed and can never be forgotten.

Wan is currently working in Kuantan. Last time we heard, he worked at a hotel near the Telok Chempedak seaside. Am not sure whether he still work there or even drumming for any other bands nowadays. After he left DEP, he played with a band called Anti-Hero. Also not sure what happened to this band.

Asma is currently teaching secondary school pupil and on weekends, teaching students of UMP (University Malaysia Pahang, is this correct? Anybody?) to play drums and stuffs. He’s also playing with a band for Sultan of Pahang, for His Majesty’s royal functions. He once told me that he jammed on several occasions with Siti Nurhaliza… yeah, that’s a real achievement…

So kids out there, play your musical instrument whole heartedly and you will have your chance of performing with Siti Nurhaliza… or maybe M. Daud Kilau… your choice!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Oh sweet..look what we've found.. :)

1. Biodegradable Material #2 fanzine - Coverage pasal Kuantan Under the Sea and the importance of local 'underground' bands to play their own materials. Sensational!

2. Handout "Can You Hear the Ocean" - Interview DEP dengan Buddy Holly & Mukus Zine. Anything you want to know about DEP ada dalam handout ni and the year was 1997. Old School!
p/s: Handout "Can You Hear the Ocean" adalah idea dan telah digiatkan oleh Weng (penyusunan interview, photo dan cover). Thanks wei!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

DEP @ No Black Tie (2003)

Anyone you know in this picture?

This is the last show we played before we gone missing for few years. I still haven't got my double-chin and extra belly in these photos. I miss that skinny guy!

The show was not going so well since I did not bring a guitar strap and my guitar fucked me up big time by keeping silent (wiring issues) and it took us like 15mins to get prepared. I still remember that Roslan Aziz was the soundman or something. I'm totally pissed cuz I had blew my chance to impress him and sign me under R.A.P................ NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, you can't win all the time...

Anyway, thanks to everybody for your patience that night...It has never been our intention to keep you guys waiting...

p/s: Kuchalana delivered one hell of a show that night. Full of intensity and passion. But sadly, Zemang was missing... :(

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


You don't have to cry if they leave you
It won't make you feel much better
You don't have to lie if they like you
Cuz they only gonna make you suffer

Those past years I thought you've learn a lot
Spare us with some of your big thoughts
But we're wrong, you'll never regret
Prepare to die, cuz that what you'll get

You know that it kills you
Rotting every single second
You know that it kills you
So be glad we don't have to mention...
It anymore...

Do you think it's really healthy
With that 10 bucks you gotta pay
Do you think it's really worth it
With the life you have to give away

You know that it kills you
Rotting every single second
You know that it kills you
So be glad we don't have to mention...
It anymore...

Needles... you've shared
Life... despair!

You don't have to cry if they leave you
It won't make you feel much better
You don't have to lie if they like you
Cuz they only gonna make you suffer

You know that it kills you
Rotting every single second
You know that it kills you
So be glad we don't have to mention...
It anymore...
Not anymore!


You said you love her like... hell
Your crazy feeling is hard to tell
But you don't know she's just not that worth it
One day she'll dump you... you'll see!

Lemme tell ya somethin'

She's not worth it
She's not healthy
She's not worth it
Cuz she's not that worth it anymore

Not anymore...

She sleeps with anyone she loves to
Though she said that she loves you
Wake up! She's just a bloody whore
Cuz she's not that worth it anymore

Lemme tell ya somethin'

She's not worth it
She's not healthy
She's not worth it
Cuz she's not that worth it anymore
Not anymore...


People are moving but you still there
Don’t know what to do
Inject that macho thing into your self
Makes you look like a fool
You know everything that’s what you think
But stupidity still rules you
It still rules you!

You just love to criticize
But where’s your contribution?
Violent flame is in your eyes
And there’s no solution

Spreading lies to all those kids
For your own priority
Misguiding them into your tribe
That is how it’s got to be
You know everything that’s what you think
But stupidity still rules you
It still rules you!

You just love to criticize
But where’s your contribution?
Violent flame is in your eyes
And there’s no solution


Jealousy which brings you nowhere
With your coldest stare
Your wicked soul urged to mislead
Sewing those evil seeds
Friends turned foes, love became hatred
You tried to be un-you though I know how much you hate it
Rebelling without a cause
It’s like boozing without a pause

And you’ll suffer the consequences

Standing clueless at a junction
With loads of hesitation
Turning back is not your option
Keep going that wrong direction
You know you’re lost, but admitting means losing
In this thing you called war but still for me it’s nothing
Egotistic only rules
To people that I called fools

And they’ll suffer the consequences

And they’ll suffer!

Jealousy which brings you nowhere
With your coldest stare
Your wicked soul urged to mislead
Sewing those evil seeds
Friends turned foes, love became hatred
You tried to be un-you though I know how much you hate it
Rebelling without a cause
It’s like boozing without a pause

And you’ll suffer the consequences

You told me nobody could bring you down
But I can see your pain through your reflection


I can see that swollen face
I know your pride has been disgraced
When you’re crawling
Your tears falling
You’ve been soldered by pain

I can see that big grey sky
I can see that smoke gets in your eyes
This air we’re breathing
It’s so suffocating
We’ve been soldered by pain

No one cares if it’s not right
No one care if we’re inside
This unbearable pain
Release us from these chains
We just wished for once that we could stand on our feet again
Stand on our feet again!

I can hear the children cry
Their needs have long been denied
Their bellies need filling
To keep on living
They’ve been soldered by pain

This world is so full of lies
People we meet, they’re full of disguises
They all pretending
To know our feelings
That we’ve been soldered by pain

No one cares if it’s not right
No one care if we’re inside
This unbearable pain
Release us from these chains
We just wished for once that we could stand on our feet again
Stand on our feet again!


I wish I was at the place where I belong
Being alone as a stranger, bad vibes are getting stronger
Those wasted days made me feel so wrong
Well I don’t wanna be here, please take me back to the place where I belong

My smiles fake my agony
Do you think it’s that easy?
Pride swallowing is possible
But how long could I keep this invisible?

The things that I’ve said
Promise I made
The damage I’ll mend
But will the pain ever end?

I wish I was at the place where I belong
Can’t stay any longer when things are getting harder
This misery has been here for so long
Well I don’t wanna be here, please take me back to the place where I belong

My smiles fake my agony
Do you think it’s that easy?
Pride swallowing is possible
But how long could I keep this invisible?

The things that I’ve said
Promise I made
The damage I’ll mend
But will the pain ever end?


Depression kills! And it’s what I’m feeling now
It keeps on hurting me no matter what no matter how
It takes some time to learn about this shitty life
But when you’re ready to face it makes you think that you just rather die

There’re some questions to be answered not to be ignored
Choose a wise solution don’t you drag your brain into mind war

Please answer my question
Is it good to have a life like this one?
Please answer my question
I’ve been waiting for consoling signs
Please answer my question
Is it bad to have a life like this one?
Please answer my question
Or should I end this for the other line?

I’m full with fear when things are getting out of hand
My destiny is clear yet I just can’t understand
It takes some time to think about what we’re looking for
We deserve good things in life but we just can’t ask for more

There’re some questions to be answered not to be ignored
Choose a wise solution don’t you drag your brain into mind war

Please answer my question
Is it good to have a life like this one?
Please answer my question
I’ve been waiting for consoling signs
Please answer my question
Is it bad to have a life like this one?
Please answer my question
Or should I end this for the other line?


It’s about time to take turns
Voicing about something that we can all learn
Some will agree some will not
But still it’s a matter of thoughts
Just don't keep it to yourself
Cuz I won’t talk on your behalf

If there seems to be trouble
Let’s face the fact
Together we’ll be able
To seal the crack

Barriers breaker is what we are
Being so closed minded feels like living in a jar
You always hate the typical world
They just keep going in circles
So it’s time to take control
Don’t let them jeopardize your soul

It’s time to take control
There’s no looking back
Together we’ll be able
To fight back

All these people
These over friendly people
They just drag you down
Make you drown

All these people
These over friendly people
They just drag you down

Conscience will help you
Keep your eyes wide open
You will see what’s good for you
Don’t let nobody tell you what to do
When they were never there for you
You’ve gone this far by yourself
Have faith in yourself

One thing about trouble
They keep coming back
But we’ll always be able
To face the fact


This used to be our playground
But now you’re not around
I feel no sorry
Why should I be?
Now you’re someone
Try to get your job done
We’re not (even) in your last page
So you can kick us like garbage

You’ve burned your hometown
Keep your feet off the ground
You left your old pal
And it makes you feel well
Makes you feel well…

You got a tasteless mind
A tasteless soul
You think that’s fine
Our dejection is your goal

You got the power, you should bring justice
You ain’t got no guts, you don’t deserve this
Your brain is clay, you don’t know how to say it
You make the rules don’t expect that we’ll play it

You think we’re dying you think we’ll suffer
You know you’re wrong cuz we don’t take orders
What can I tell you? It’s your decision
Free society or is this prison?
Or is this prison?

You got a tasteless mind
A tasteless soul
You think that’s fine
Our dejection is your goal