Sunday, February 22, 2009

If the background is still Chritstmas, I failed.

Ok, so it's been so long since this old girl has been updated (I'm talking about the blog, not me-I'm still young and feelin' fine)

Let's see, since December-
We had a Christmas party for the girls, it was fun.

Christmas was fun. We had a disaster with the presents. We bought most of Aster's gifts online and they were delayed in the mail so they weren't going to make it until the next week. Well, my parents are always very generous with the kids, so we thought that with their gifts at least she would have something to open, right? After sorting into piles we found that Aster had two gifts, while the other's had something like 20 gifts. ANd one of Aster's was a blanket. My mom got a panicky phone call at 12:30am. She said she didn't have anything for Aster there, and nobody else had mentioned extra gifts that had gone home with them. We didn't know what to do. All of the gifts were specific for each kid, so we couldn't really divvy up the piles and redistribute. I sat on the coffee table with my head in my hands for a couple of minutes, said a little prayer, and had the thought that maybe some of the clothes had been mislabeled, so we checked the clothes and sure enough, Aster's clothes were labeled for Edith. So that took care of bulk, but still no toys to speak of. Then I remembered that in the closet I had a little puppy thing that I had bought on sale for various birthday parties, so we wrapped that up, and squeaked by. WHew! So when Santa the big online jerk that almost ruined Christmas, finally delivered the beaten up,squashed box of gifts the next week, it was just an added bonus. Also, I made the girls each night gowns and Jane got her ears pierced.

Ok January-who cares, nothing. No wait, not nothing. Konden got his wisdom teeth out in January and what a mess that was. One of the teeth developed dry socket AND got infected. He was in severe pain for at least two weeks. It was awful. ANd he started teaching his first class in January, too. Now, I don't have any evidence to support this claim, but I get the feeling he is the world's best world religions teacher. You know it's true.

Also in Janny, we (me, mostly) decided that we would homeschool the kids next year. I just want to try it out, see how we do. Might be great, might be a big mistake. But I figure that even if they learn nothing the year that they are home, they're smart enough that it won't take that too long to catch up. We'll see, it's an experiment. But I found out some interesting things. For example it's in the AZ law that homeschooled kids can still join extracurricular teams like band and sports and the like AND if you chose, you could send your kid to school for just part of the day. That seems to apply more for older grades, but still, interesting.

February flew by, realized that you can't shorten Valentines day to just VD, cause then it means something else. And soon it will be March.

I don't remember how to change the background for the blog, so hopefully, I figure it out soon, or it'll be Christmas still or those dots or something.