Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hi, i'm bogging!

If anyone asks what i do in the wee hours of the morning i just tell them i've been blogging. Who doesn't. This is a picture of me and me bestest buddy in the whole world. Behind us is an old civil war fort and above that is the golden gate bridge. We went to san fran this last summer. It was really fun. Schools been nice, but i'm very glad this semseter is almost over. You start to miss the family when you havn't really seen them for a while. On a darker note, I have a hole in my sunday pants and don't like any of my sunday shoes, so i don't look forward to tomorrow.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

MMMMM I love food that's good!

I don't know why I think this is a funny picture, there's just something about it that's "cute". I am running out of doozy photos of Konden, though. I'm going to have to take some of him while she's asleep.

It just doesn't stop. Let's see, this week, Megan (my youngest sister) went through the temple on Tuesday to "take out her endowments" (that's one of Konden's favorite phrases, everyone says it...but what does it mean?) That I was able to be there (finding a two baby sitters- one for the older kids and one closer for the baby that eats every 3 hours) was an answer to prayer- it really was a miracle. Wednesday, nothing, Thursday, the obvious, but I got to make the turkey! Important, huh? Oh and we did the fun run with the girls. Everyone ate our dust!! Well, they would have if we were'nt very last to begin with and if Eliza hadn't fallen and scraped her knee before we even got on the track. We were eerily alone on the entire route , I sometimes wondered if we were on the right track. But once we converged with the 5kers and the 10 milers it felt like a real race again. It was fun. Then on Friday Shannon and BJ were sealed to Sam (Shannon's my sister) It was so neat. I had never been to a sealing of child to parent. To me it felt even more special than a wedding I think because as a parent you begin to understand better how profound a gift the sealing is. And today... all 28 of us (my family) went to Sears to get our portraits done. They said they couldn't do it. We said I know but let's try it anyways and actually, it worked amazingly well. We bought the disc and with a little photo shop, people will be none the wiser. Also today I had to make a cheesecake for Erin's bridal shower. Maybe it was because I have exceeded my weekly allotment of dishes that turn out unembarrassing, but this cheesecake was not unembarrassing. Konden told me once that they use the rotten milk to make chocolate ice cream because the flavor is so strong that you don't notice. So I tried the same philosophy, I made a really dark ganache and covered the whole thing, garnished it with whipped cream and crushed candy canes and its true! You couldn't even really notice the barely edible filling. So there you have it, some advice that may come in handy one day- if you make something gross, cover it in chocolate and maybe no one will notice. NOw I have sworn off cooking, Thanksgiving, really fun family events, and enormous groups portraits at Sears for the rest of my life.

Here are some other photos of this week, the girls had school off the entire week, so Jane came up with a lot of schemes. Here's one of Lamby's birthday party.
She's actually getting pretty good at cooking. On Sunday she made the stir fry. (It was a frozen mix but still- come on she's 7)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

One for Konden

Start posting, Konden

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Catching up

I haven't posted for a while, and there's so much to share. So here is the agenda: halloween, Norah's blessing, Edie's party, Buddy's poo.

So here's Halloween. These first pictures are of our pumpkin carving

Here are the girls in their costumes. They loved passing out the candy and trick or treating. So did I. Halloween is so fun. Konden spent the evening dry heaving in the bathroom. He was really sick with a sinus infection, he's actually still unwell, they think he may be having a relapse of valley fever. Anyways- here they are.

Edie's a princess, Eliza's a fairy, Jane's a bat, and Edie's a pioneer. They raided the dress up box mostly. I just couldn't face costumes this year.

Ok, there are only two pictures of Norah on her blessing day and their both bad. But that's actually better than we usually get. Aside from Norah, Jane is the only one that we actually took a (one) picture of in her actual blessing dress. It was a lovely day. Everyone came over after church for chili and birthday cake (Konden, Edie).

I apologise for the classy peek of garment on my leg. They were both bad pictures.

Ok Edie's party. It was a teddy bear's picnic. What a fun party. We had a good time.

OK, now for the piece de resistance. Buddy eats crayons and this is how we know (WARNING-viewer discretion is advised)

Here he is asking to go outside, which he never does. Notice what he has in his mouth. Now notice what we found all over his "area" in the back yard.

When Jane was a baby, we busted her for eating crayons with the same type of evidence.
Good night. Its very very late