Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring-Break St. George

We snuck away to our Condo in St. George for a few days. The weather was great! Sunshine is so good for you when you've been stuck in the cold for so long. Every morning while we laid around lazily, Duff would get up and go for a couple hour ride, then come home and we'd head to wherever we decided.

Monday, we met up with our friends, The Fentons, and hiked Hell's Canyon which was out by Ivins. It was a great 4.5 mile hike. Then we came back and had Dinner and Swimming with Nikki & Kids and Gr & Gr who where down there too. Thanks to Nikki for driving up to hang-out with us.

Tuesday, we got to go on my favorite Mtn Bike Ride, Bear Claw/Poppey Trail. It took us about 1.5 hours and was a fun ride.
Then, we had a bbq and swam with the Fentons.

Wednesday, we shopped a little, and then headed up to Zions. It was pretty windy and we got there a little late, so we didn't do our planned Angels Landing Hike. We'll have to do that another time. We ended up riding the shuttle and going up to the Narrows which we couldn't do because of the high water, but we did hike a little on a trail that led to the Narrows. Oh Well:|

Thursday, shopped a little more, then cleaned up and headed home to LIFE!

I must say, I LOVE the condo. It was a GREAT purchase. It actually feels like home when I'm there and I don't feel in a hurry to go home.

New Kind-of Life-SLIM & KNOBBY'S

Well, I know I haven't updated for awhile. Life has been crazy lately. For those of you who don't know. Duff decided to start a Bike Shop in Heber. It's called Slim &* Knobby's Bike Shop. Needless to say, life has been crazy busy. I don't think we realized, or at least, I didn't realize the time commitment to get it up and going. Duff putting in 60+ hours a week and me 40+ hours, it's been crazy. Especially keeping up with the kids and home. I have do idea how people do this all the time. Luckily, we have some great employees and we were actually able to go to St. George to our condo for 5 days and have a change of scenery.

FYI: Grand Opening is Apr. 23rd. (eventhough we've been open for a month now)

So if you are in need of a bike or bike fixed, come on in!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I still BELIEVE!!

We had scheduled to take family pictures on Sunday. We were praying the rain would stop or at least turn to snow so we could do it outside, but it didn't happen. We ended up doing it inside my house and then running outside in the backyard for a quick picture shoot in the rain. I think it actually turned out ok.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


OK, so I'm a horrible mom, I didn't even take a picture of Kassidy when she was dressed up as a clown for Halloween. She wore mom's old clown costume and looked so cute. Kace was to old to dress up (sad). He went to a party with friends and then came back home to watch a movie when they were bored of the party. Duff and I had a great time hiding and scarring the Trick-or-Treators. I must be getting old, because I can't think of what else we did in October. Duff is still racing on and off. He placed 2nd in the 6 Hours of Frog Hollow in Hurricane. We are doing the 25 hours of Frog Hollow this weekend and then he's heading to Texas for a race on the 20th. Caution: Soapbox: I'm just going completely insane. I have no idea how my parents raised 8 13 yr olds and survived. They are moody, know-it-alls, emotional, and love to push buttons. How many more years do I have before it's over and their enjoyable again. Then 10 yr old girls and their friends. It sure is a love/hate, on/off relationship. What drama. I do love both my kids but man, I think I like the 2-3 yr old stage. Can't they just stay that age?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Duff's Point 2 Point Race

Duff did the Park City Point 2 Point race, which is a 80+ mile mountain bike race on Saturday. The race started at 7am and ended when you finished as long as you made the cut-off. Of course, I did support. It was a little crazy this year. It seemed like I was racing from place to place. Duff did a great job! He was a pretty worn when he got to Park City Mtn Resort, but took a couple minute break and then hit the trails again. The finish was as The Canyons Resort. He ended up finishing 15th overall and 12th in the Open Class Division! He didn't make it under the 8 hour mark like he'd hoped, but he finished in 8 hours 9 minutes. I think he would have been close to making it, but his bike was having issues, and then he lost his rear derailer and rear brakes at the top of mountain above Canyons! Brother-ion-law, Steve Hough, raced in a duo-team and did a great job! Great Job Guys!


Life seems to be crazy this year. I'm a little behind on the blog so I'm going to try to do a catch-up.

August started out with Fair Days and the Draper Family Reunion in Wallsburg (see previous blog)

I decided to take Kace and Kassidy and fly to New York to see my sister, Tracie & family, and see my brother Casey & family in Philadelphia where he was moving. It was kind-of a long trip for me (10 days). I'm kind of a home lover so I was a little stressed. We decided to fly the red-eye which left at 11:59pm and fly all night. My mom was flying by herself earlier that day which turned in to be an interesting ordeal. She had an allergic reaction and had to be put in the hospital in Chicago for 3 days.

When we arrived in NY I rented a car and drove to Connecticut to see Tracie & family. We spent Saturday to Thursday staying with them. Dave & Tracie entertained us with all sorts of fun things, frog catching, movie, shopping, swimming, etc. I loved just spending time with them since we don't get to see them often. On Tuesday, Kace, Kassidy, Grandma D, Taylor and I went on a tour of NYC. It was fun to see all the sights. Kassidy just happened to spot THE AMERICAN GIRL DOLL STORE and Kace spotted THE APPLE STORE. Needless to say the both HAD to go there before we left NYC. So we shopped at both and headed home. I was driving which was a little scary. GPS's don't work in downtown so we got a little lost trying to get out, but we did it.

Thursday, we headed for Casey's in Philadelphia. We arrived and had lunch with Casey and my dad. They had arrived the night before with the moving truck. We did a little sight seeing. Friday, we helped them move things in and did some swimming at their apartment. Saturday, we went and got tickets to Constitution Hall and did the tour. After that we toured the US MINT. That was a lot of fun, but you couldn't take any pics. We went back to Casey's and went swimming. Then we headed for the biggest mall. We ate dinner there and then went to THE APPLE STORE again.

Sunday, we drove back to NYC and flew home. The flight was so eventful it was crazy. The last half hour was so turbulant that I now know why you should always wear seat belt and just what the barf bags for. Luckily not for me or kids, but quite a few people on the plane. Found out later, hurricane force winds in SLC was to blame. I honestly thought we were landed and started sliding sideways. SCARY!!

Kassidy also played her first Competition soccer game at Bonneville Jr. High. They won 9-0! She did a great job!

Kassidy also did cheerleading for the 5th grade. This is so out of my element, but she had fun and is now having fun cheering for the 5th grade football teams.

School started-YEA!! and PTA made me a little crazy at the end of the month. I'm glad to be back on a schedule. Forgot to take picture of Kace! Sorry Kace!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010 Draper Reunion-Wallsburg

So Dave's buggin everyone for pictures since they weren't there so here's a quick blurb for ya!

We had a great time. Thursday everyone arrived, had dinner and played a crazy game that Drake new. I can't remember the name, but it was like cops & robbers. Its was dark and they took everyone (robbers) to the top of the field (1/2 mileish) and dropped them off. 2 people (cops) stayed on the 4-wheelers with spot lights. The goal was to be able to make it down to the house without getting caught by the cops.
Shane was the first to hit the house without being caught. He came walking in covered with burs from head to toe. He said he had to roll all the way down so he didn't get caught (crazy). Kace and Drake did run into a barbed wire fence. It bounced off Drake's teeth, but went through Kace's lip inside his mouth. It was gouged pretty good, but inside heals quick, so we didn't take him for stitches. Anyway, I think that game was one of the highlights of the reunion. It's funny how the weirdest things are.

Friday, we played in the water, some golfed, and just hung out. I think we did the relay race too on Friday. We put on our Cowboy & Cowgirl crubs and went to the RODEO Friday night.

Saturday, poor Steve Staheli had to tend all the kids. Lesa & Steve had to leave to a wedding, Mom, Dad & Carrie went to a different wedding and Duff and I had to hit the last race at the Canyons (He took 7th in the race and 2nd overall for the year-Great Job Stud!). Steve did survive. We went to Heber for the parade which Kassidy was in (Cheerleader). Then back to Wallsburg for dutch oven cookoff. Carrie & Shane and Duff & I WON!!! Even though some of ours wasn't cooked all the way. It was delicious! Brady & Angie and Steve & Nikki's turned out...well....not good:) Cody & Natalie and Casey & Lindsay's turned out perfect, but we still WON!

We missed Dave, Tracie & the kids tons! Lucky for me I get to see them soon!

Thanks to Grandma Helen and Grandpa Draper for such a fun place to spend time with the family. It was actually their anniversary the Thursday we got there-Luv them and miss them.

Thanks to Brady & Angie for putting it together and to the family for a great time.
Its FAMILY that is important and I love you all!