Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's Props
Lenin's Tomb weblog

The rave reviews from Amreekan liberals of Obama's speech to Congress compelled me to watch it, or as much of it as I could without sinking into a grinning stupor. Was it really "electrifying"? Well, of course it was. It was supposed to be. But was it Obama who was electrifying? Wasn't it just the atmosphere whipped up by lapdogs in Congress who insisted upon raising up on their hind legs and slapping their paws together at the blandest incitement to do so?

Obama did what he was expected to do: he conversed as if he might be the father you never had, was courteous to his opponents, smiled charmingly, spoke in coy yet apparently effusive language, and denounced the past (the past is very unpopular among American politicians, especially concerning "the stale ideas of", "the failed solutions of", "the broken promises of" etc). And he had very carefully phrased, and timed, moments in his speech that clearly instructed his supporters to holler and rave. And that was what was electrifying.

Trying to extract content from the speech, on the other hand, was like trying to suck blood from a stone (where, in all likelihood, the only blood you taste will be your own). And even Obama's performance, though obviously well-rehearsed, contained a few slips. Not that Obama lacks a sense of dramatic irony. Promising to have his stimulus/bailout package sternly overseen by the vainglorious waffler Joe Biden, he flourished: "because nobody messes with Joe". Joe, the banking industry's favourite gopher, giggled with delight, as red in cheek as he was white in mane and fangs. If Congress got the joke, that didn't stop them from giving it up once more.

In a parallel fashion, when he promised that the banks would really be very roughly scrutinised indeed, he remarked: "this time, they will have to clearly demonstrate how taxpayer dollars result in more lending for the American taxpayer. This time, CEOs won't be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet." Another ungovernable ovation. This cassandra was driving the chorus to delirium. But was Obama ever a cassandra? Did he not, in fact, put his popularity at the service of Wall Street and Hanky Panky Paulson in helping push through the last bail-out? You know, the one that enabled CEOs everywhere to replace their dreary old drapes with lush new ones made of crushed velvet or, worse, velour? Where were his forebodings about the fucking executive curtains?

And again, when it came to reforming healthcare, he subtly juxtaposed it with a coded reference to social security privatization. The administration has just had to back down from plans to create a task force looking at ways to address the supposed solvency problems of the fund. In fact, Obama is lying when he complains of the 'growing costs' of social security. The number of over-65s in 2000 was slightly less than what it was projected it would be by the Roosevelt administration in 1934. Notwithstanding that, Alan Greenspan's ominous warnings about baby-boomers flooding the social security rolls come the new millenium did result in a series of reforms in the 1970s that increased the payroll tax. The system has a surplus, and will continue to have a surplus for decades. There is no solvency crisis. Obama is, to repeat for emphasis, lying. It is unfortunate for him that these fibs were trashed by liberals in 2005 when Bush first tried to push through privatization. On the other hand, if his progressive supporters continue to gush and drool as they are now doing, he could probably hand over the Treasury to Wall Street and no one would hold it against him.

Perhaps Obama's biggest challenge in this speech was to determine the correct quantum of patriotic blood-letting. Most Americans oppose both the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. The vast majority of Democratic voters are in opposition. Obama, for his part, indicated that he was working on a plan to get US troops out and leave Iraqis to their own devices, which would be encouraging except that reports intimate his intention to leave tens of thousands of troops in there. And as for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the war counsel is evidently that the US must escalate to "defeat Al Qaeda and combat extremism". Unfortunately for him, Pakistan isn't playing ball, having cut a deal with the Taliban. And, as we know, Karzai and most of the population of Afghanistan would like to pursue a similar policy. Hardly perfect, I'm sure, but then you don't necessarily "combat extremism" by practising it from 20,000 feet, even if you sell it as "carnage you can believe in".

Still, Obama had more than one audience to please, and on this question he has consistently chosen to place his presidential charisma at the service of the war party. And, though he has thankfully ordered the closure of that Guantanamo hellhole, the fact that he insists it is a humane institution should cast some doubt on his statement that "the United States of America does not torture". This is being treated as a promise, but it sounds like denial. In fact, it is the exact wording Bush used in his denials, while the US was in fact torturing prodigiously. And given that renditions will continue, and that most of the secret prisons are being maintained, there is no reason to believe that the global gulag will stop mutilating genitals, much less waterboarding.

Oh, by all means, have the Obama jerk-along. He's a sweet enough guy and if you had to do it with a US president, he'd be the pick of the litter. Better, at any rate, than fishing around under Bill Clinton's flabby mid-riff for a mouth organ. But when it comes to politics? When it comes to your interests, I would suggest and urge a more dispassionate approach.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Keep People in Their Homes, the Banks Will Get Their Money as Well
Congressman Kucinich Press Release on 2/11/09

An Excellent Discussion with Dennis Kucinich on why Congress has Trouble Carrying out the People’s Wishes and What the People can do to Change Things.

US Senate Passes Rescue Plan, Tough Battle Ahead

Who Will Be There for Obusha When the Floor Drops Out?
David Michael Green

Stimulate Peace, Not War
Anne Miller

Who’s Keeping Burger King Workers Below the Poverty Line?
Robert Greenwald, Brave New Films
Goldman Sachs has been having it their way with Burger King workers for too long.

War Criminals, Including Their Lawyers, Must Be Prosecuted
Marjorie Cohn

Demagogy and Empty Promises as Obama Signs Stimulus Bill
Patrick Martin, World Socialist website

Investigating Bush's Crimes
Scott Horton

U.S. Intel Chief’s Shocking Warning: Wall Street’s Disaster has Spawned our Greatest Terrorist Threat
Chris Hedges, Truthdig

Obama's Tar Sand Trap
James Hansen

Our Health Care System is Organized for the Wealthy – We Can Change That
Maggie Mahar, AlterNet
We are accustomed to living in a sharply tiered society, but it doesn’t have to be that way with health care.

Obama Throws Down The Gauntlet On Afghanistan Troop Escalation- The Anti-War Movement Is Now On Notice
“American Left History” Weblog Commentary
Okay, the Obama “honeymoon” with the anti-imperialist section of the anti-war movement is officially over, or it should be. Any regular reader of this space knows that this writer had not, in any case, granted the new Commander-In-Chief any such “honeymoon” as a matter of course due the extreme distance in our respective political perspectives, but today he speaks to those who took Obama’s anti-war positions as good coin during last years run up to the presidential elections. Those who still want to give “Brother” Obama some additional 'quality' honeymoon time can wait until future events unfold on the slippery slope for those who venture in that god-forsaken part of the world.

And to those serious anti-war militants I will be short ands sweet as we have been down this road before. The news that Obama has given authorization for an additional 17,000 troops to Afghanistan is really old news. That Obama intended to make Afghanistan his war has been an ‘open’ secret for a while. What is interesting about this recent announcement is that the actual forces (mainly Marine and Army units) to be deployed later this year were originally scheduled to take a rotation in Iraq. Thus, by a rather nice sleigh-of- hand on his part Obama is able to draw down troops in Iraq and escalate their number in Afghanistan. Nice work. But again, if you had been paying even casual attention, this deployment was already laid out in last year’ campaign rhetoric. Here is one time at least that a bourgeois politician dose what he says he wants to do.

But that is neither here nor there for our purposes. Only a raw political neophyte would be shocked by such maneuvering. What is necessary to understand, even for those just mentioned political neophytes, is that this should be a wake up call for those who thought that Obama was going to dismantle the imperial war machine, turn swords in ploughshares or some such. You now have your notice. I will finish up by reposting a recent entry (Vote NO (With Both Hands) On The Obama Afghan War Budget):

“….. President Obama has already authorized an ‘intermediate’ troop escalation with more planned. He, moreover, has very publicly declared that Afghanistan, come hell or high water, is his signature war and has made Afghan policy a high priority. I have argued previously my belief that Obama intends to stake his administration, if not his place in history, on Afghanistan. In short, although he has proven he can raise fantastic sums of money for himself, since he is not going to pay for it personally he is coming to you looking for the loot. As the beginning of anti-war political wisdom therefore-“just say NO”. No money. Nada. I would urge every anti-war militant to sent e-mails, letters (does anyone do that anymore?) or call your representative and tell them the same thing. But here is the real anti-war ‘skinny’. Let’s get ready to, once again, go back into the streets and shout (and shout at least as loudly as we did at the unlamented Bush), Obama- Immediate Unconditional Withdrawal Of All American/Allied Troops From Afghanistan!”

Corporate America, Ground Your Jets
Barbara Ehrenreich & Chuck Collins, AlterNet
The American taxpayer, reeling from the economic meltdown, doesn’t feel like subsidizing lavish jets and bonuses any more.

Plans to Publish Early Tolkien Adventure
Dave Itzkoff, NY Times
February 19, 2009

There will be much celebrating around the Party Tree in Hobbiton: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt said in an e-mail message that it planned to release a previously unpublished book by J. R. R. Tolkien that predates his novel “The Hobbit” and his fantasy epic “The Lord of the Rings.” The book, “The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun,” was written during the 1920s and ’30s, while Tolkien held the Rawlinson and Bosworth professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University. It is his English-language narrative of the Norse hero Sigurd the Volsung, whose medieval adventures were — of course — populated by magic horses, dwarfs, dragons and gods with mischievous motives. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt said that it would publish the book, with commentary from Tolkien’s son Christopher Tolkien, on May 5.

Visit The Northeast Tolkien Society at:

(Duchess Note: Many thanks to Carol [NYC] and Linda [TX] in contributing some of the above articles, as well as sharing insightful commentary of their own. All is greatly appreciated. The real reason for continuing the war in Afghanistan hasn't much to do with terrorism, but alot to do with oil pipelines. Again, corporate elite and oil companies are pushing the agenda on this and all for oil/land control. Civilian and soldier lives are being lost and maimed, so that the "elite" can bath in greenbacks, while the rest of us sink further into a deep recession. Let's call it what it really is ... a depression.)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Yorkers for a Dept of Peace present the first "Speaker Event" of 2009 - Tuesay Feb, 17th, at 6:30 pm

Join NYDoP on Tuesday, Feb 17th at 6:30 pm for our first Speaker event featuring Liz Graydon.

Liz will be speaking on the topic, "What Better Looks Like: A Department of Peace." The "What Better Looks Like Campaign", through films, Public Service Announcements, Education Programs, and other creative projects offers scenarios that open a dialougue into the question "What would better look like?"

We invite people, through us and with each other, to dialogue about the question, and seek positive answers. After leading participants through a "What Better Looks Like" exercise, Liz will show how the Department of Peace Campaign has helped her find the answer to "What Better Looks Like" in her own life. She will explain the main components of the bill to create a Cabinet-level Department of Peace, in the areas of domestic, international, and educational policy. Then, through stories and examples, Liz will make the bill come alive as a series of practical, possible, exciting and necessary steps on the way to creating, "What Better Looks Like".

Liz Gannon-Graydon is a New York State coordinator for the Campaign for a Department of Peace, a national campaign to establish a federal, cabinet level Department of Peace.

Space is limited, please RSVP to

Please arrive by 6:25pm to be sure to ensure a seat. This event is by donation (please give what you can to help support our efforts)

Location: Healthy Body
NYC1133 Broadway (at 26th Street)
Room 1023

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


[Duchess Note – Sincere apologies for the long delay with “personal news” and that it’ll be in a condensed version. Enjoy!]

Monday, December 22nd, I enjoyed a tasty holiday lunch with EY co-workers Keith and Lily at Jacks, which is off of 7th Avenue.

Tuesday, December 23rd, Dee and I did volunteering at the St Luke’s Lutheran church “soup kitchen”.

December 24th through 27th – I visited my parents, brother and sister-in-law for the Christmas holiday in upstate NY.

Friday evening, January 2nd, I enjoyed a nice, leisurely dinner with Jackie at Fiddlesticks pub in Greenwich Village.

Saturday, January 3rd, after my chiropractor visit I headed into Manhattan for a NYDoP working meeting at Carol’s place with Marianne and Priscilla. Afterwards I headed home to do laundry and change into nicer clothes for dinner/drinks with members of the Northeast Tolkien Society at the Pig ‘n Whistle pub. We were celebrating the birthday of Professor Tolkien with a toast and then afterwards strolled over to Rockefeller Center to observe the holiday décor.

Sunday, January 4th, I went to the Unitarian Community Church on East 35th Street to see the documentary “Invisible War”, which was regarding Depleted Uranium in warfare. Afterwards I headed back up to Carol’s place [Marianne joined us] for a follow-up working meeting.

Tuesday evening, January 6th, I joined other members from NYDoP CCR committee on a conference call to discuss upcoming Community Board meeting presentations. Very productive conference call and feeling inspired.

On Thursday, January 8th, I learned that I would no longer be supporting FSO Insurance Tax at E&Y. Plus the upcoming move would also incorporate a “new” group, not only here in NYC, but with all E&Y offices around the US. That group is known as the “Business Services Center”, or what I and other EAs refer to as the new “secretarial pool”. So I’m being moved into the BSC, along with 10 others at our NYC office. Amidst all this there were more E&Y layoffs here in NYC and throughout the other US offices. Unsettling is one way to describe one’s feelings at this time, as well as jittery.

Friday evening, January 9th, I joined other ladies at “Friday Nite Knits” in Fort Hamilton section of Brooklyn.

Monday evening, January 12th, I joined Kevin and Howard at the Community Board Manhattan #6 “public safety” meeting on the eastside. Kevin gave a brief presentation, and then this was followed by a 40 minute Q&A segment.

Following evening, January 13th, was the NYDoP board “business” meeting held at Healthy Body. The meeting was very productive and successful, plus it’s always a pleasure seeing other NYDoP members.

Thursday, January 15th, was a busy day at work with meetings, being moved to a new floor and then attending Community Board Manhattan #9 meeting with Kevin on upper Westside. Kevin gave a presentation on DoP and this was followed by a brief Q&A segment. We also ran into Matt from Councilmember Dickens office and had a brief, informative discussion.

Saturday afternoon, January 17th, I headed up to Yonkers ferret shelter to help Joanne with volunteer duties. Hadn’t been to the shelter since April 2008 and it felt good to be with the wee furkids again, plus catch up on news with Joanne.

Wednesday, January 21st, watched the 2-hour season premiere of LOST. WooHoo!

Thursday evening, January 22nd, I joined other “Park Slope knit” ladies at Sweet Melissa’s. It was an enjoyable evening and interesting conversations.

Friday evening, January 23rd, my living room window was cracked by an icy snowball thrown by a group of 10 kids. Apparently these youthful “gangs” do this sort of thing randomly. I’ve lived at this location for 23 years and this is the first vandalism to my abode. I hope it’s the last! Called my landlady and she came over with clear plastic, duck tape and cardboard to cover up the window. I also phoned the local police and they came by to view the scene, plus write up a report. All this is abit unsettling, to say the least.

Sunday, January 25th, I attended a “transitional meditation” [ie: Share International] meeting on the upper Westside. I was invited by fellow goddess Cielito.

Monday, January 26th, I took a personal day from work, so I could be at home to supervise the living room window is properly repaired, and that no one broke in to my abode. Feels good not having chilly drafts whipping into my home. Amen!

Tuesday evening, January 27th, I joined other members from NYDoP CCR committee on a conference call to discuss upcoming Community Board meeting presentations. Very productive conference call and feeling inspired.

Saturday, January 31st, I joined about 8 to 10 other members of TGTSNBN for brunch at TOAST on the upper Westside. Due to the freezing temps, brisk winds and icy conditions on the Quidditch pitch, the game has been postponed until February.

Feb 3rd through 5th … Worked at a client site with another BSC member for three days on a project.

Saturday, February 7th, evening was “movie night” at my friend Linda’s home. We had a tasty meal of tuna casserole, mango juice and chocolate chip cookies. We watched “Lady Hawke” and “Yes”, both of which were really good films.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


The Pseudo Stimulus
James S. Henry, The Nation

Kucinich on Lou Dobbs Show about Citigroup Sponsorship of NY Mets Field – On CNN’s Lou Dobbs Show, Dennis Kucinich says Citygroup [a recipient of federal bailout funds] should drop its $400 million sponsorship deal of the NY Mets field.

Kucinich Reintroduces Dept of Peace Bill with 62 Co-Sponsors

Barack Obama’s Not-So Non-Ideological Inaugural Address
Paul Street, Black Agenda Report

Obama Preserves Renditions as Counter-Terrorism Tool
Greg Miller, LA Times,0,4661244.story

Pearl Jam Pumped up to Hit the Studio
Jonathan Cohen, Billboard

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda (TX), Carol (NYC) and Andrea (NJ) in sharing many of the above articles. I am also so excited to learn that Pearl Jam is working on a new album and even more jazzed that Kucinich re-introduced HR808 into Congress. To learn more about the latter and attend the upcoming 5th Annual Peace Conference in DC, go to ]

Saturday, January 31, 2009


President Obama, Don’t Become Complicit in their Crimes!
Cynthia McKinney, OpEdNews

Kucinich on the Stimulus: “This Economy is Literally Killing People”
Jan 28, 2009

Towards An Even-handed Foreign Policy in the US Congress? Ohio Democrat, Dennis Kucinich, Leads a New Tread
Michael Carmichael, Global Research

Kucinich on Proposed Pfizer-Wheth Merger
Jan 27, 2009

Five-Way Green Primary to Take Place in Illinois; Twenty-Six Candidates in Total
Ross Levin, OpEdNews

Obama the Imperialist – “Change? In foreign policy, hardly. The new president is in the classic liberal interventionist mould”
Richard Seymour, The Guardian [UK]

Kucinich on the Stimulus: Oversight, not Banking, is a Proper Function of Government
Jan 26, 2009

Top 5 Myths About Closing Guantanamo
The Progress Report

Kucinich to Obama: Change Failed Bush Policies in Middle East – Calls for Even-Handed Treatment of Israelis and Palestinians
Jan 23, 2009

Kucinich Challenges Banks on Hoarding Bailout Funds – “In God We Trust, Not in Banks We Trust”
Jan 21, 2009

Are We Civilized Enough to Hold Our Leaders Accountable for War Crimes? The World is Watching.
John W. Dean,

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda [TX] and Carol [NYC] in sharing many of the above articles. Three cheers to Kucinich and McKinney in continually speaking truth to power. They are the "real, true" progressives AND always there for ALL Americans. I proudly voted for them in the primary and general election, plus continue to be a firm supporter. Let's bring peace to the world.]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cynthia McKinney statement on Obama Actions Thus Far re: Gaza -- "Mr. President: Give Us a Clean Break from War"

In a message to President Obama today, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney wrote:

"It is time that the United States negotiate in good faith with Hamas, the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. It is also time that the U.S. government tell Israel to release the Hamas Parliamentarians it illegally arrested. President Obama, please say something about Gaza. You have been roundly condemned for your continued silence in the face of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel in Gaza. Silence is complicity. Not one more bomb for Israel."

Israeli action in Gaza has outraged the world. Starting with Israel's inhumane blockade of Gaza when it didn't like the 2006 election results that put Hamas officially into power. In September 2007, Israel declared Gaza an "enemy entity."

Of course, Israeli efforts to isolate the Gaza Strip can be traced back to Ariel Sharon as early as 2005. In carrying out its military Operation Cast Lead, Israel not only committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, it also carried out a long-standing goal of Gaza isolation. The President's continued silence on Gaza and the Palestinian right of self-determination is unacceptable. I would like to commend President Obama for recognizing that peace is the imperative and that the United States can play a constructive role in its attainment. However, placing a phone call to an irrelevant "leader" in an attempt to revive his political standing is not a route to peace: it is a journey down the same road that we're already on, that is massacres, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture--all with U.S. weapons, paid for by U.S. taxpayers.The President must call the elected representatives of the Palestinian people and that means dealing with Hamas. President Obama has already spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. George Mitchell, the President's Middle East Envoy, is reportedly scheduled to visit the region, but is expected to meet only with Egyptian, Israeli, Saudi, and Jordanian leaders, and the West Bank's Abbas.

Unfortunately, despite worldwide revulsion and United Nations outrage at Israeli actions in Gaza, Gaza has not been reported to be one of the Presidential Envoy's destinations. Even worse, one of the first officials that Obama called on his first day in office was Palestinian Mahmood Abbas. Abbas, however, is no longer President, heading a government that has no opportunity to govern, from a state that exists only as a construct not made by the Palestinian people. For the United States to embark upon the path of peace, it must recognize and act on the fact that Mahmood Abbas is now irrelevant.I believe that the call to Abbas occurred because of pressure on President Obama from outraged activists around the country and around the world calling for him to do something. But Abbas is irrelevant if the goal is peace. If the goal, however, is to appear to be doing something while all the time doing nothing but allowing the violence of U.S.-sponsored military action to spread including saber rattling against Syria and Iran, then the President is on the right path.

The American people voted for change and peace. President Obama's current path will produce neither. I have implored President Obama to say something about Gaza. He has been roundly condemned for his continued silence in the face of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel in Gaza. Silence in the face of such criminal behavior is complicity.President Obama must urgently place a call to the elected government of the Palestinian people. President Obama can send a strong message to the warmongers inside his own party and present them "a clean break" from war. I encourage him to do so. We will not be fooled by actions that have the appearance of putting us on a path for peace, but that are public relations projects that buy time for more war. To activists and human rights lawyers around the world I say: Now is not the time to let up. We must be unrelenting in our pressure for justice and recognition of the rights of all peoples embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those rights include the right not to be occupied. And the right to resist occupation. This is the embodiment of self-determination. And the Palestinian people are holders of these rights.

It is time that the United States negotiate in good faith with Hamas, because it is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. It is also time that the U.S. government tell Israel to release the Hamas Parliamentarians it illegally arrested. While the United States Government spends precious resources to imprison Palestinians in the United States who attempted to ameliorate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, I will attempt another trip to Gaza to assess the depth of the worsened humanitarian catastrophe now there. I have repeatedly called on the President to ask for and the Congress to vote not one more bomb, not one more dime for the Israeli war machine.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Big Party, Small Change: Baby, We Were Born to Run … the Empire
Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque

Obama Has to Hold Bush Accountable for the Laws He Broke
Elizabeth Holtzman, The Nation

Urge Congress to Enact Single-Payer Health Care
Capital Times Editorial

Activist Spreads King's Teachings on Nonviolence

Ruling on Records Delivers a Win to Cheney

On the Eve of Obama’s Inauguration
Barry Grey Commentary,

Obama’s Economic Plan is Not Going to Save Us
William Greider, The Nation

The Next Real Estate Crisis: Shuttered Stores and Empty Malls
Paul Craig Roberts, CounterPunch

Pete Seeger Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize
Peter Dreier

Historical Mystery of Bush's Presidency
Robert Parry

Mothers for Peace Take on Nuclear Waste Storage

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Carol [NYC] in sharing some of this weeks interesting news articles. Also, stay tuned for more "Personal News" updates.]

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Kucinich Condemns Israeli Attack on House Floor
Friday, January 16th, Democracy Now!
Speaking on the House floor, Democratic Congressmember Dennis Kucinich condemned the attack on the UN compound, saying, “Using US planes, helicopters and munitions to attack a wounded, starved and thirsty civilian population of mostly children trapped in a box called Gaza has become acceptable, perhaps because we have already accepted the deaths of over one million innocent civilians in Iraq in a war based on lies…When we recognize the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, when we come to grips with the reality of suffering on both sides, we may yet find a way to save ourselves.” Kucinich has been one of the few members of Congress to publicly oppose the Israeli attack on Gaza.

How Republican Is Mr Obama?
George Kenney, Electric Politics

Kucinich Ready to go After the Federal Reserve!

Kucinich on the Destruction of the UN Headquarters in Gaza

Why Big Finance is Laughing all the Way to the Bank
Rob Larson, AlterNet

Obama’s Perilous Compromise with Wall Street Looters
Jeffrey Klein, Huffington Post

US Weaponry Facilitates Killings in Gaza

Will California Scandals Derail SEIU's Dream of Total World Domination?

“An Unconscionable Legacy” – Veteran White House Correspondent Helen Thomas on the Bush Presidency
Democracy Now!

Hundreds of Thousands of People Worldwide Protest on Day 15 of Israeli Invasion of Gaza
Saed Bannoura, IMEMC News

Obama Can Pump Trillions into the Economy, But No One Knows if it Will Work
Nicholas von Hoffman, The Nation

Memo to Obama: You Can Hold Bush and Cheney Accountable While Still Moving Foward
Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post

Bank of America: Bad for America
ZP Heller, Brave New Films

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda (TX), Carol (NYC) and Judith (NYC) for their contributions of articles to the Duchess blog. You all rock!]

Friday, January 16, 2009

Coordinated Action in Honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – January 19th – 23rd

A Department of Peace and Nonviolence is directly related to Dr. King’s dream. To honor his memory and to continue his work towards a "beloved community" – New Yorkers for a Department of Peace [NYDoP] is coordinating a specific lobbying effort next week.

All next week, after the MLK holiday on Monday Jan. 19th, please contact Domenic Recchia, Chairperson of the Cultural Affairs Committee at 212-788-7045, fax 212-788-7769 or email and ask him for a hearing on City Council Resolution 627.

Looking at some of Councilman Recchia’s past actions, he is a good candidate to move this resolution forward.

"While at John Dewey High School, he joined the Council for Unity, a national non-profit organization, promoting racial harmony. As a member of the Council for Unity, he spread the organization's core message of empowering individuals and groups with the skills needed to promote unity, diversity and safety." Source:

Sounds like he’d certainly be open to the idea of a Department of Peace!

After you’ve made that call, fax or email, why not contact your Member of Congress (Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121), and ask him or her to support HR 808, the Department of Peace and Nonviolence bill.

After you’ve made your call, sent your fax or email please let us know you did so by emailing the NYDOP City Council Resolution (CCR) Committee at

Have questions? Need support? Call Kevin Fagan at 917.865.4763

With gratitude,
NYDoP CCR Committee

[Duchess Note: FYI ... the Duchess is a proud board member of "New Yorkers for a Dept of Peace" and also on the NYDoP CCR Committee. If you live in the NYC, please, lend us a hand with this endeavor. Thank you so much and be peace.]

Sunday, January 11, 2009

“New Yorkers for a Dept of Peace” City Council Resolution Committee mission and history

Councilmember Rosie Mendez first introduced the Department of Peace Resolution on November 29, 2006 with a press conference on the steps of City Hall. Resolution 627 is in support of legislation (HR 808) currently in the U.S. Congress, which would establish a Department of Peace in the Federal government. As of today, there are fifteen co-sponsors of this important Resolution. Since November 2006 several U.S. cities have successfully passed a Department of Peace Resolution … Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco and Portland. These cities recognize that a Federal Department of Peace would benefit their communities in many ways. At present there are 35+ cities whose local governing bodies have passed similar legislation. This represents more than 12 million U.S. citizens. NYDoP CCR Committee finds this fact to be quite inspiring and we continue to strive towards New York City's residents joining those ranks!

We are looking for volunteers to help us in this quest, and urge you to call or write your City Council member about Resolution 627. We are striving for a hearing within the City Council “Cultural Affairs” committee and then on to a final vote. Please click on to obtain contact info for your City Council member and have them request a hearing on Resolution 627 in the Cultural Affairs committee.

Let us work together, peacefully, in making this a reality. Thank you and be peace.

Inauguration Day Postcard for Peace Campaign 2009

The current national US Dept of Peace group campaign is to send postcards to President Elect Obama on Inaguration Day asking him to make funding violence prevention programs a top priority of his presidency.

Some suggested ideas you can use or adapt:

  • Make violence reduction and prevention a top priority in your first term
  • Invest in proven violence prevention efforts for our schools and homes.
  • Strengthen peacekeeping efforts internationally through our foreign assistance and diplomacy.
  • Lead us to peace with all your efforts.
  • As part of the Department of Peace campaign, I am urging that violence prevention and peacebuilding programs and policy be one of the top priorities of your legacy.
For more information, click here:

In addition, our New Yorkers for a Dept of Peace chapter had the additional idea to try and get 10 "key community leaders" to send postcards. These are people who represent a lot of others, such as the president of a nonprofit organization dong peace work, teachers, policeman, clergy, college professors doing research on nonviolence, etc. Think about who you might know in your community and ask them to write a postcard too!

Collect as many as you can between now and January 20, 2009!

VERY IMPORTANT: Please email and let me know if you collect any - it will help our campaign keep track of results.

On January 20, 2009, mail all of your postcards to:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenuew NW
Washington, DC 20500

Thank you so much for reading - feel free to pass on to anyone you think might be interested!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Yorkers for a Dept of Peace warmly invites you to join us, and others throughout the US, at the 5th Annual National Peace Conference in Washington, DC

Peace Within Reach - People & Politics Partnering for our Common Security
March 20-23, 2009 at the Hyatt Crystal City, Arlington, VA

Register Today – An historic 4-day event of inspiration, education, empowerment and effective peace action. For more information, go to

Confirmed Guest Speakers
Riane Eisler, social scientist & social activist
Rita Marie Johnson, Costa Rica’s Rasur Foundation
Azim Khamisa, CEO & Founder of Tariq Khamisa Foundation
Ocean Robbins, YES! Youth for Environmental Sanity
Rich & Yvonne St. John-Dutra, co-founders of Challenge Day
Swami Beyondananda, the Cosmic Comic

Other Guests
Bob Koehler, Tribune Media Services
Dot Maver, Peace Partnership International
Lisa Schirch, 3D Security Initiative
Members of Congress
Plus other leading experts on peacebuilding, global security, human security, domestic and international programs and so much more.

Peace Conference Fee(s)
$255-$355 sliding scale; Student* rate: $100
Those of us who can pay at the higher end make it possible for us to include the broadest cross-section of our population as possible. At the door, registration fees will increase to $275-$375 sliding scale for general registration, $120 for students, so don’t wait. Late Registration Fee – After March 19th and at the door conference fees increase, as stated above. For DC Metro and bus information, check out

* Note – Students under the age of 18 must have the name and contact information of their chaperone to complete registration. No more than eight students per chaperone.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Violinist in the Metro
A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and
started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning.
He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.
During that time, since it was rush hour, it
was calculated that thousands of people went
through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by and a middle aged man noticed
there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and
stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet
his schedule. A minute later, the violinist received his first
dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and
without stopping continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall
to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and
started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year old
boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid
stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother
pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning
his head all the time. This action was repeated by
several other children. All the parents, without
exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people
stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him
money but continued to walk their normal pace. He
collected $32. When he finished playing and silence
took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor
was there any recognition. No one knew this but the
violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians
in the world.

He played one of the most intricate pieces ever
written with a violin worth 3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell
sold out at a theater in Boston and the seats average $100.

Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was
organized by the Washington Post as part of an social
experiment about perception, taste and priorities of
people. The outlines were: in a commonplace
environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive
beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize
the talent in an unexpected context? One of the possible
conclusions from this experience could be: If we do
not have a moment to stop andlisten to one of the best
musicians in the worldplaying the best music ever
written, how many other things are we missing?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Decor in Apt
[Some of the holiday decor in Duchess' Brooklyn apartment]

Xmas Morning with Family
[l to r - Dad, Michelle, Duane and Mom on Xmas morning in upstate NY]

Xmas Morning in Upstate NY
[Duchess with her brother and sister-in-law on Xmas morning]

[Duchess Note: More photos below in "Personal News"]

Which of These Progressive Positions are Extreme Left?
Rob Kall, OpEdNews

Van Jones and the Green Economy
Leighton Woodhouse, Huffington Post

Without Systemic Change There is Only Chump Change as the US Empire Continues
Larry Pinkney, The Black Commentator

Madoff’s Shocking Scheme is Just a Microcosm of a Much Bigger Disaster
Maura Stephens, AlterNet

Was the ‘Credit Crunch’ a Myth Used to sell a Trillion-Dollar Scam?
Joshua Holland, AlterNet
Even as the media continue to repeat the claim that credit has frozen up, evidence has emerged suggesting the entire story is wrong.

Beware of Obama’s Groundhog Day
John Pilger Commentary
There is more continuity in Obama’s appointment of officials who will deal with the economic piracy that brought down Wall Street and impoverished millions. As in Bill Murray’s nightmare, they are the same officials who caused it. For example, Lawrence Summers will run the National Economic Council. As treasury secretary, according to the New York Times, he “championed the law that deregulated derivatives, the... instruments – aka toxic assets – that have spread financial losses [and] refused to heed critics who warned of dangers to come”.

There is logic here. Contrary to myth, Obama’s campaign was funded largely by rapacious capital, such as Citigroup and others responsible for the sub-prime mortgage scandal, whose victims were mostly African Americans and other poor people. Is this a grand betrayal? Obama has never hidden his record as a man of a system described by Martin Luther King as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”. Obama’s dalliance as a soft critic of the disaster in Iraq was in line with most Establishment opinion that it was “dumb”. His fans include the war criminals Tony Blair, who has “hailed” his appointments, and Henry Kissinger, who describes the appointment of Hillary Clinton as “outstanding”. One of John McCain’s principal advisers, Max Boot, who is on the Republican Party’s far right, said: “I am “gobsmacked by these appointments. [They] could just as easily have come from a President McCain.”

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda in TX and Carol in NY for their contributions to this blog.]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


[Duchess Note – My apologies to all with regards to my tardiness in getting “personal news” out in a more timely manner. Tis the season to be busy … HoHoHo … the following is a condensed version of my “news”. In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. Peace, love and joy to all.]

Saturday evening, November 15th, I joined several other NE Tolkien Society members [ie: Anthony, Jessica, Mary, Kathy and Tim] for a Moot at Radegast Beer Hall in Williamsburg. We had a fun time drinking, noshing and touching on a variety of topics.

Next morning, November 16th, I joined other members of TGTSNBN for the second Quidditch match of the season, which was difficult at times due to some muddy areas on the pitch. [See photo below.....] Despite that, two games were successfully played, and then afterwards we had a tasty brunch at TOAST.
Quidditch in Motion

On Tuesday, November 18th, I attended the monthly NYDoP board and core team meeting. Discussion centered on what transpired at the Inwood Retreat weekend and developments with City Council resolution.

Friday evening, November 21st, Jackie came over with Michelle [cat] for dinner and we watched “The Queen” on DVD. Great film and I highly recommend it to all. Helen Mirren is brilliant as Queen Elizabeth II.

Tuesday evening, November 25th, I participated in the NYDoP CCR Committee conference call as a follow-up to the call on November 11th, plus further discussion on PowerPoint presentation for future Community Board meetings.

Wednesday evening, November 26th, I volunteered with City Harvest at the Union Square farmers market.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, I volunteered with Project Find at St Paul’s Church on West 60th Street. We worked in groups of three to bring hot Thanksgiving meals, plus bring goodie bags, to homebound elderly in the NYC area. This year I was teamed up with Joelyn and Jeannie. Also saw Kevin and Pearl, whom I teamed up with last year, and we caught up briefly on news.

November 28th through 30th … Spent the rest of Thanksgiving weekend with my parents and brother in upstate NY. Did some shopping for gifts, beads, decorate front porch, watched some movies on cable TV, meal at relatives home, and had a hair salon appointment.

Tuesday evening, December 2nd, I joined Cielito and a few of her friends [ie: Judy, Maggie & Roland] for an evening of drinks, appetizers and fun conversation at the Ritz Carlton near Battery Park. Cielito was celebrating her 20 years in NYC and thankful for those in her life.

Cielito's Gathering At Ritz Carlton
[Cielito's Gathering with Roland, Duchess, Judy and Maggie surrounding Ms C]

Friday evening, December 5th, I left work at 5pm and headed up to Holiday Inn on West 57th Street for the annual Smiley’s yarn sale. Afterwards I jumped on the #1 subway and headed down to West 18th Street. I walked over to “Books of Wonder” store for the “Tales of Beedle the Bard” podcast, which was hosted by members from Scholastic and Leaky Cauldron.

Next day, December 6th, I joined my friend Sheila at Grand Central Station for an afternoon of lunch and shopping at several holiday bazaars. We had a delightful time and caught up on news. Love these holiday bazaars and the diverse vendors with all their terrific wares. I was especially attracted to the jewelry and spa items.

Sunday, December 7th, I participated in a conference call with other NYDoP board members on leftover topics from our inspiring Inwood Retreat.

On Tuesday, December 9th, several EY Insurance Tax staff members volunteered at St Luke’s Lutheran church “soup kitchen” in the Broadway district of Manhattan. That evening I participated in the NYDoP CCR committee conference call regarding continued work on DoP PowerPoint presentation and upcoming Community Board meetings.

Friday, December 12th, I volunteered with City Harvest at Union Square farmers market. Afterwards I checked out the booths at the holiday arts and crafts bazaar, plus had some delicious hot chocolate at NuNu’s.

Saturday evening, December 13th, I was invited to a lecture by Gili Chupak at Park Slope food co-op. His talk was on the basics of “Field Theory Principles”. Gili and I know each other via the Park Slope “peace meditation group” gatherings back in 2006/2007.

Next day, December 14th, I attended Joe & Marie’s annual holiday luncheon at a terrific Asian restaurant in midtown Manhattan. Food is delicious, plus I sat with Maria and Kelly [life partners] to catch up on news/gossip from past year. They had some exciting news … they are planning on having a baby. WooHoo … peace baby!

Tuesday evening, December 16th, was NYDoP’s annual holiday dinner party and this year we had it at “Village Natural” down in Greenwich Village. Due to the incremental weather not all attendees could make it, but those of us that braved the elements had a good time. We even exchanged gifts with a “secret Santa”.
NYDoP Holiday Dinner Party

Wednesday evening, December 17th, I attended a Community Board meeting for district #8 in Manhattan with Howard and Marianne. Howard gave a 3-minute Dept of Peace pitch during the “public forum” segment and we handed out copies of our presentation. Overall it was okay and we need to improve our “pitch”, plus streamline the presentation. Afterwards the three of us went to a restaurant called SPICE for a meal and drinks, as well as to discuss the meeting and other current topics of the moment.

Thursday evening, December 18th, was the annual EY FSO holiday party at “Tavern on the Green”. The Insurance Tax department sat at a large, round table towards the back and near the windows overlooking part of Central Park. We were near one of the bars and buffets, plus far enough from the dance floor so the noise factor wouldn’t disrupt of flow of conversation. Overall everyone seemed to have a good time and I took some pix of the holiday décor.
Dee Char & Angela
[l to r - Dee, Duchess & Angela celebrating at 'Tavern on the Green']

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Time for Change’s Journal – Five Historical Parallels to the Iraqi Shoe Thrower
Democratic Underground Commentary

Will There Be Room for Peace in the White House?
Joanne Herrmann, Interact Jacksonville

The Seven Deadly Deficits – How the Next President can get the Economy Back Afloat
Joseph Stiglitz Commentary

[Duchess Note – Many thanks to Linda in Texas for sharing interesting and informative articles.]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Poem by Joe Allegro

Tis once again upon us, the holiday season,
We gather to celebrate, validate and give reason.
Our many blessings, friends, family and health,
Could there be any other, true measure of wealth?

We’ve all much to give thanks for, in this I trust,
So many on the planet, not fortunate as us.
Economic turmoil, hunger, violence and despair,
Ubiquitous and ever present, pollutants in our air.

They stifle our growth and our progress impede,
For all of these things, we’ve truly no need.
Let us do all we can, to eliminate the blight,
I am certain my friends, we can all make it right.

Winds of change have blown, cross our land this year
The audacity of hope, replacing doubt and fear.
So let us make a new start, please let me know,
That you’re all fired up! And ready to go!

If you find overwhelming, these things that I ask,
I have every faith that you, can handle this task.
You’re a bringer of peace, joy and love, its true,
These things you bring to us, by just being you.

“I Don’t Know What His Beef Is”
Commentary by Cindy Sheehan

"I'm not insulted. I don't hold it against the government. The guy wanted to get on TV and he did. I don't know what his beef is, but whatever it is, I'm sure someone will hear it." George Bush to ABC News after Iraqi Journalist, Muntazar al-Zaidi threw two shoes at him.

I have vacillated over the past 8 years on whether George Bush is the stupidest man in the world, or the evilest. I think that the above statement may prove that he is both. He seriously does not know what al-Zaidi's "beef" is? Does George really believe that his cause was "Noble" and that the Iraqis should be grateful to that "dog" for destroying their country and killing over a million people?

Since the US currently is being governed in the highest office of the land, if not the world (for now), by the stupidest/evilest man on the planet, what does that say about Americans? We elected him, not once, but twice! "But, Cindy" you may protest, "he stole both elections." Yes, that is true and well-documented, but what did you do after Bush stole the elections? Did you storm the White House demanding his resignation? Did you work for election reform? Did you even go to a protest to demonstrate your dissatisfaction? I shamefully did not the first time he (with Al Gore's help) stole an election in 2000, but you can bet I have protested my heart out since 2004. If we lived in almost every other country in the world, the protests against such theft of democracy and lies would have been militantly protested. Calderon stole the election in Mexico in 2006-- from Obrador and the supporters of Obrador shut down Mexico City for five months after! Many Mexicans today claim fealty to the "legitimate" government of Obrador. Here in America, we are lucky to shut down an intersection in DC for two hours.

It is also being reported that al-Zaidi detests "America and Americans." If true, he does not make the distinction between Americans and our government, and he should not. Our government is supposed to be a reflection of us. That means that we are a nation of greedy, self-serving, corrupt and callous people. For years, the majority of Americans have been theoretically against the occupation of Iraq and today it hovers up towards three-quarters of us. We see less than a fraction of a percent of the 225,000,000 US citizens who oppose the wars out protesting them and we saw a popular mandate for a President-elect who NEVER promised to end the occupation and, in fact, promises to increase the forgotten occupation of Afghanistan which will soon vault to the forefront.

I have been publicly advocating for the impeachment and imprisonment of George Bush since November 3rd, 2004, one day after Bush stole his last election. The arguments against impeachment or any kind of accountability have been that it would be: divisive, time consuming, political suicide for the Democrats, or too late now. The shoe incident and the fact that tens of millions of people, perhaps, "detest" America and Americans is enough reason for me to impeach that stupid, evil man and demonstrate to the rest of the world that we are not as stupid and evil as our government is.

Mr. al-Zaida's "beef" does not even need to be explained to most 5 years old children who understand that having a family member(s) killed, or your home destroyed makes most people angry/sad. Most people in the world who are not in the Robber classes also understand the frustration of a population that has absolutely no recourse against humiliation by the world's biggest bully.

We should take this incident as a clarion call for impeachment. George can be impeached after he leaves office. According to many Constitutional experts, he cannot be criminally prosecuted for any crime he has committed in office here in the States. I already know of plans for at least one international war tribunal, though.

Let's hold our government to our high morals. Let's quit allowing it to drag us down to its filthy gutter.

Iraqi Shoe Thrower Captures Mideast Rage at Bush
Alistair Lyon, Reuters
"The hurling of shoes at US President George W. Bush on his farewell visit to Iraq strikes many in the Middle East as a fittingly furious comment on what they see as his calamitous legacy in the region. Arab and Iranian TV stations have gleefully replayed the clip, sometimes in slow motion, of an Iraqi reporter calling Bush a 'dog' and throwing his shoes at him - the Middle East's tastiest insults - at a Baghdad news conference on Sunday.”

Brought to Heel: The Grim Realities Behind Bush’s Humiliation in Baghdad
Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque Blog

Thousands Demand Release of Iraqi Journalist Who Threw Shoes at George W Bush
The Telegraph, UK

Mr. Obama, Weigh the Price of War
Douglas MacGregor, Defense News
"Today's world is different from the world of 1991 or 2001. Outside of the United States and Western Europe, nation-building with US military power is a euphemism for imperialism. American financial hegemony has collapsed. As seen in Iraq, the 'total victory' construct as it equates to the imposition of Western-style government and a free-market economy subservient to the US is in full retreat. In the broader Middle East, as well as in most of Africa, Latin America and Asia, 'damage control,' not 'total victory,' is the most realistic goal for US national security strategy."

Obama Slam-Duncans Education
Commentary by Greg Palast

Pearl Jam’s “Ten” Get the Deluxe Treatment with Four Reissues Next Year
Travis Hay,

How We Got the Worst Health Care System Mountains of Money Can Buy
Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello & Brendan Smith, TruthOut

[Duchess Note – Many thanks to Linda in TX and Carol in NY for their contributions to the Duchess Blog. Terrific and very informative articles!]

Sunday, December 14, 2008


[Duchess Note - May the holiday season bring peace, justice, happiness and love to all. Not only here in the US, but also around the world, and may joyful wellness abound in us all.]

Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama’s “Way-to-Go, Brownie!” Moment?
Greg Palast, Huffington Post

[Duchess Note: I agree with Palast, these are crappy appointments. They are far to the right of any philosophy of Education that most Democrats would have. These are bushleague appointments. We need educators in charge of education, not businessmen. Also, one might be interested to know that US policy of education (or rather lack of it), has 2 consequences, first one described by Palast, only the kids of the upper class who can afford private schooling can hope for the best jobs, the second one (has its obvious good sides) is that educated young people from elsewhere need to fill in the gap, not many native highly qualified scientist for instance! We cannot say that Europe is flooded by US scientist for instance, cannot find many, but US lab are a very different picture. I want a new democratic party.... one that respects women would be nice for a change.]

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

October 31st through November 2nd … NYDoP board members held their first ever Inwood Retreat. Robert, our facilitator, flew in from Montana to help us through this retreat and guide the group towards a more productive, organized and focused unit. It was great seeing and conversing with my fellow board members, some of whom I hadn’t seen for some time. We shared laughs, hugs and diverse topics of conversation, along with working out some important issues. Robert introduced us to peacebuilding games, log frames and many ways of looking at things. The weekend was, for me, very thought provoking, informative, interesting and inspiring.

Wednesday evening, November 5th, I joined other Harry Potter fans at Borders bookstore near Columbus Circle for a book reading / signing by Melissa Anelli. She talked for almost an hour about her new book [Harry – A History], being web mistress of “The Leaky Cauldron” and the amazing Harry Potter fandom. I’m looking forward to reading about the Harry Potter phenomenon from someone on the inside track.

Thursday evening, November 6th, I attended the Park Slope knitters group at Sweet Melissa’s and still working on a scarf with a slight checkerboard pattern.

Tuesday evening, November 11th, I participated in the NYDoP CCR Committee conference call regarding October 14th faxes to Community Board “district managers” and development of our Dept of Peace PowerPoint presentation. Productive meeting and the committee has two new members … Howard and Dawn. Hurray!

Wednesday evening, November 12th, I volunteered with City Harvest at the Union Square farmers market.

Thursday evening, November 13th, I attended the Park Slope knitters group at Sweet Melissa’s and enjoyed socializing with the other members of this group.

Friday, December 05, 2008


….The More They Stay the Same
Prisoner of Starvation Blog/Commentary

LOST: Flashing Forward and Back with the Producers
Daniel Manu, The Telefile Blog

On Tuesday evening, October 21st, I attended the monthly NYDoP board and core team meeting. Main topics of discussion were on fundraising, new NYDoP website, CCR committee, DC Peace Conference in March 2009, and last minute details regarding the upcoming Inwood Retreat. It would be awesome if more “core team” members could or would attend these meetings. Why attendance has dropped over past year or so is abit mind boggling.

On Thursday, October 23rd, the EY FSO Insurance Tax group gave a farewell luncheon to Juan at Heartland Brewery, as he’ll be heading back to Chile within a week or so.

After foot doctor appointment on October 27th, I joined fellow NYDoP board member [Joe] at a City Hall event, which was co-sponsored by Councilmember Mendez and Lower Eastside girls club. It’s great to see community work like this being done for the youth in our city. Afterwards Joe introduced me to some senior members of the Lower Eastside girls club and we engaged in diverse topics of conversation. It was an interesting and productive evening.

Thursday evening, October 30th, I attended the Park Slope knitters group at Sweet Melissa’s and as always had an enjoyable time socializing, knitting and nibbling on good food.

Monday, December 01, 2008


West Linn, Oregon City Council Passes Resolution – Students Ask City to Support Peace
Kara Hansen, The West Linn Tidings

The Peace Alliance on CNN Headline News with Wendy Greene

More U.S. Dept of Peace Campaign Video’s

Join “The Peace Alliance” for the 5th annual Department of Peace Campaign 2009 National Conference ... Peace Within Reach - People and Politics Partnering for our Common Security
March 20-23, 2009 at Hyatt Crystal City in Arlington, VA … check out more info at


The Obama Letdown - Ilusory "Mandate for Change"
Michael Hudson, Global Research

Barack Obama's Kettle of Hawks
Jeremy Scahill, The Guardian UK
"Barack Obama has assembled a team of rivals to implement his foreign policy. But while pundits and journalists speculate endlessly on the potential for drama with Hillary Clinton at the state department and Bill Clinton's network of shady funders, the real rivalry that will play out goes virtually unmentioned. The main battles will not be between Obama's staff, but rather against those who actually want a change in US foreign policy, not just a staff change in the war room."

Dow Plunges 680 Points as Recession Is Declared
Michael Grynbaum, NYTimes
"The evidence of a recession has been widespread for months: slower production, stagnant wages and hundreds of thousands of lost jobs. But the nonpartisan National Bureau of Economic Research, charged with making the call for the history books, waited until now to make it official - and the announcement came on a day when the American stock market fell nearly 9 percent in a single session."

[Duchess Note: For many of us who are poor or middle class, the recession has been here longer than a few months, more like a year or so. Yes, the Bush/Cheney Regime have contributed strongly to our woes, but the blame also belongs to their cronies in the corporate elite, ultra rich and even from the Clinton Regime. I'm sure some will disagree with me on this observation, and thats okay. Let's "agree to disagree".]

Remaining Silent About Obama
Gilles d’Aymery, Swans Commentary

Ten Greens I’m Thankful For
Ronald Hardy, Green Party Watch

"Disappointment?" - Poem Commentary by RST2536 on Common Dreams website
Who thought Obama’s advertising
Of ending Bush and Cheney’s reign
Was spot on are now realizing
They might have voted John McCain.
For when Obama was elected
The cabinet that he confected
Was mostly made of neocons
And Democratic woebegones.
Who dreamed Obama walked on water
The liberals in blushing pink
Began to feel their dream boat sink;
That he might even prove a rotter
By choosing those to rule the roost
Whom Washington has mass produced.

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda in Texas for some of the above articles.]

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

October 16th through 20th – I took some vacation time from work to celebrate my 50th birthday, entertain my friend Michelle [visiting from Nevada] and enjoy a terrific birthday party at The Parlour on West 86th Street.

On Thursday I took care of errands, laundry, cleaners, groceries and my cleaning lady stopped by to go over the apartment. Michelle’s flight landed around 7:30pm and she took a shuttle bus into Manhattan from JFK. Before meeting her outside Port Authority, I stopped by the office to take care of a few items. Weather that evening had a slightly cool breeze, but overall still showing signs of an Indian summer. Around 9pm I hooked up with Michelle, gave her a big hug and we headed towards the subway. Last time she visited NYC was in June 2003 for the Pearl Jam gigs at MSG. Great seeing her again, looking well and then back at my place we just hung out chatting until midnight. She utilized the sofa bed in the living room for comfy sleeping arrangements.

Next day, Friday, I turned 50 at 10:14am! WooHoo! After breakfast, phone calls and getting dressed, we head out around 11am and took the subways into Manhattan. Weather was blue sky, sunny, and heading up to 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Perfect for touring around NYC! Michelle and I arrived at the Metropolitan Museum of Art [MMoA] just before noon time and the place was already hopping with visitors. This is my favorite museum in NYC and it is situated on 5th Avenue with Central Park nestled behind it. Paid one dollar each, took the MMoA button and headed to the elevator. Got off at the 5th floor, which is also the roof garden, and Michelle was delighted with the views of Central Park and NYC. [Some of the trees were displaying there glorious fall colors.] The Jeff Koon’s sculpture exhibit was still on display until October 24th. We admired the spectacular views and took lots of pictures.
Michelle with Balloon Doggie

Views of Central Park at MoMA

We took the elevator back down to tour around a few exhibits, one of which is the permanent Egyptian section. At this point we were both feeling abit hungry and head just outside to a vendor for warm, yummy pretzels and ice tea. Not exactly healthy, but gosh darn, they sure were tasty. Afterwards we strolled briefly into Central Park to view Cleopatra’s Needle, which is near the MMoA, and also a good spot to catch some rays from the sun. Before heading to the subway, we checked out the artisan street vendors and made a few purchases.
Autumn along Lex Avenue

On the subway we headed downtown to Greenwich Village and got off at Sheridan Square near Christopher Street. I took Michelle to McNulty’s, which has wonderfully fresh loose teas and coffees, plus all the gadgets that go with it. We strolled around several of the charming streets in Greenwich Village, checked out a shop or two, and even strolled through a lovely garden next to a church on Hudson Street.
Views of Greenwich Village

Headed back to the subway and got off at Times Square to do some shopping at Bead’s World. Both Michelle and I are very much into creating our own bead style jewelry. Michelle was overjoyed with the quantity and quality at Bead’s World on Broadway. From there we walked over to my office at EY to hang out for awhile. The views, even in the evening, are really quite impressive. We then headed back to northern Brooklyn and Michelle treated me to a tasty dinner at Thai Café. After a satisfying dinner, we strolled around my neighborhood abit, and I showed her some of the more attractive streets with charming homes. Upon entering my apartment building we found a parcel in the hallway for me. It was a birthday gift from my friends Nancie and Tim in Virginia. They sent me “petit fours” from Figi’s. The rest of the evening we sat in the living room drinking tea, nibbling on a few yummy “petit fours” and watching the telly.

Next morning, Saturday, October 18th, before walking over to the farmers market in the park, we stopped by the local bagel place for breakfast. Weather was much cooler today with 20 mph winds. At the farmers market I picked up some dairy and bread products. Back at the apartment we changed into warmer garments and strolled over the nail salon. After waiting awhile, and checking the clock, we realized there wasn’t enough time. Before we left the nail salon, I utilized Michelle’s cell phone to reserve car service to Manhattan. I specifically stated pick up time to be 1pm. From there we walked to “The Garden” to pick up the cake I had ordered a few days ago and encountered an obstacle. Well, maybe not an obstacle, but definitely an irritating hiccup in the proceedings. I handed my “paid” receipt to the bakery employee and was told I owe another $20 on the cake. What?!? Excuse me?!? Apparently the employee who took my order a few days before messed up or misunderstood my request. Also, upon viewing the chocolate/hazelnut cake, it looked hideous with large gobs of white, yellow and green icing flowers circled around the Happy Birthday segment. This would not do, not at all. In the display case was a perfect-looking chocolate mousse cake. I asked for that cake instead and they iced on Happy Birthday. Wasn’t in a good frame of mind when I left “The Garden” with Michelle and wondering what else could go wrong that day. Sigh!

Back at the apartment we had limited time to freshen up and change into our party clothes. Next thing we knew it was 12:45pm and the friggin car service was 15 minutes early. Ugh! We grab everything [ie: cake, basket for party favors, petit fours, coats, bags, etc] and dashed out the apartment. The ride into Manhattan was uneventful and we arrived at The Parlour [upper Westside Irish pub/restaurant] around 1:15pm. Upon entering the pub we encountered Paul, our “host” for the afternoon. He announced there were a few slight “changes” to original arrangements for the party and I started to feel abit panicky. Sensing my unease, Paul immediately clarified that arrangements had been upgraded to the more “private” room in the back and not the front room. He said that as long as my guests purchased food and drink, I would not be charged for space rental. Whew! Amen! The back room was large enough to accommodate 20+ people. After taking off our coats and freshening up in the bathroom; Michelle and I were introduced to our waitress, Caitlin. She took the cake, plus the petit fours, into a pantry off the party room, were it would be stored in a small refrigerator until 4pm. Cake time! I gave Paul the guest list to check off those who came to the party. At about 1:40pm Dee, my co-worker and party planner, showed up with balloons and party favors [ie: M&Ms]. Everything looked so pretty in the colors I choose of navy, baby blue, white and silver.

As we were setting up the balloons and party favors my first guest arrived … Judith. Great seeing her and we’ve been staying in touch via email over past 2 years. We met during Jessica Flagg’s 2006 congressional campaign near Riverdale. [We support and proudly voted for the Green Party.] As always, my nerves seem to get the better of me, which makes me abit hyper and added to that sipping white wine on a somewhat empty stomach. Mon dieu! Between 2pm and 3pm the majority of my friends [ie: Stephanie, Robert, Max, Mary, Anni, David, Larry and Kristina] arrived, some bearing cards or gifts, and I greeted them all with warm smiles and hugs. Everyone ordered beer, wine, or soda, along with appetizers or main entrees. As for me, I was busy chatting with my party guests, nibbled on a few potato fries and greeting others [ie: Eileen, Joe, Marie, Cielito, Thomas, Phoebe] that showed up after 3pm. Around this time Dee had to leave and head off to another event. I’ll see Dee Tuesday at work and show her the party pix that Michelle was taking with her digital camera. Everyone was having a good time and many conversations were on politics, travel, protests, health, work, etc.

Before Caitlin came out with the cake at 4pm, I gave a long rambling speech thanking everyone in making my 50th birthday very special and just talking about “things” in general. Many laughs throughout that segment [smiling] and then Caitlin brought out the chocolate mousse birthday cake with 6 to 7 candles on it. Wow! It looked so pretty and festive.

Before blowing out the candles I said, should I make an impossible wish or a practical one. Everyone agreed I should make both wishes. Gazing towards the heavens or in this case the ceiling of The Parlour, I made my two wishes and then blew out the candles. Hell yeah, the lungs didn’t let me down and worked just fine.
Charlene Makes A Wish

Shortly after this two more friends [ie: Margaret & Linda] showed up to enjoy the party. Caitlin also brought out the Petit Fours for those who didn’t want a piece of the cake. The Parlour host, Paul, came in at that time and mentioned we could have the space until 6pm. Hurray! Shortly after I passed around slim slices of the yummy cake, a few of my guests [ie: Joe, Marie, Anni, David, Mary, Kristina, Thomas & Phoebe] had to leave for other events. Michelle took pix of me with my friends, as well as amusing candid pix throughout the party. Thank you so much Michelle, you are a gem! Close to 5pm I finally sat down to eat some cake and further socialize with my friends, plus regale them with some amusing stories [ie: hair brush incident of 2007]. We all enjoyed a good time and shared many laughs. Close to 6pm Caitlin took a few group pix of everyone wishing for universal peace.
We be for Peace!

Everyone paid their tabs, plus pooled together some donations and gave me a gift of $100. I was so very touched by their kindness and thoughtfulness. Then it was time to pack up all the gifts and cards, grab our coats, say goodbye, warm hugs and then head out towards our respective transportation.

Michelle and I grabbed the downtown #1 subway and switched at Times Square for the #7 and then onto the G subway. By this time I’m feeling abit tired and hungry. When we finally get back to my hood we decided to go straight to the Chinese Musician for a tasty meal. I had chicken, mixed veggies and some brown rice. I felt so much better after noshing on the meal and chatting about the party with Michelle. Before heading back to my apartment we stopped by a deli to pick up some dessert snacks to have with our tea. Back at my cozy apartment, while making tea, I put away the gifts and tacked up the cards, plus put the flowers from Anni/David in a pretty vase. Michelle takes a few more pix of the left over party favors and flowers. Then its time to relax in the living room, drink our tea, nibble on some goodies and watch a movie on PBS. By the time 11pm rolls around we are both yawning and ready for bed.

On Sunday, October 19th, after breakfasting at local bagel place, we head over to Eckard store around 11am. [Weather was abit windy and cool today, nothing like Friday.] While at Eckard we encounter issues with regards to getting Michelle’s digital pix to a CD, so we took our business down the avenue to RiteAid. They were able to help us quickly and we left there with pix from past two days on a CD. Hurray! Jumped on the subway and headed down to Brooklyn Heights for abit of a tour. Michelle really enjoyed strolling around those charming streets, gazing at brownstones, front step displays of Halloween pumpkins and the terrific views from the Promenade. Lower Manhattan is impressive with the Brooklyn Bridge, South Street seaport, Statue of Liberty, NYC harbor and Governors Island. Along Montague Street we stopped into the Connecticut Muffin shop to sample one of their tasty muffins. Montague Street has many nice shops and cafes. Back on the subway we took it a few stops to Wall Street area in Manhattan and walked up Wall Street towards Trinity Church.

At this point we were trying to find a branch of Michelle’s bank, so she could get funds out of the ATM. There was road construction going on and we had to take the long way around. And still we couldn’t get near the bank or ATM, and so we got on an uptown train at Bowling Green. Got off at Grand Central Station and purchased liquid refreshment at Oren’s near entrance to 4, 5, 6, 7 subway(s). Michelle had coffee and I had a tasty vanilla milkshake. Dang that was so good! Along Park Avenue we tried to find her bank and ATM. No luck, so had to settle for one near 101 Park Avenue. In that area are shuttle buses that take passengers to the NYC airports. Michelle’s flight leaves NYC next day and she purchased her bus ticket in advance. From there we walked over to 6th Avenue to check out several terrific bead shops and made some purchases. Michelle was amazed at the abundance of bead selection at these shops. I picked up another case [1/2 price] for sorting some of my beading tools and items at home. From there we strolled over to Times Square, took some pix, checked out a NYC souvenir shop and then ended up at the awesome M&M store on Broadway at 48th Street.

By this time the afternoon is shot and we hop on the M104 bus to the upper Westside. Check out a few restaurants and decide to have dinner at Ollie’s at 1991 Broadway. Dang that place is busy and the food was okay. Afterwards we both agreed to head back to my hood and get a drink at the Black Rabbit. We arrived around 8pm and the place is actually busy for a Sunday night. WTF! After ordering our drinks we learned that every Sunday evening is Bingo night at the Black Rabbit. So we stayed on, had a blast playing Bingo, nibbled on peanuts and had a second drink before heading home around 10am. Michelle actually won one of the games and received a small prize, plus two shots of some kind of liquor. No, not a fuzzy navel, but something similar. Back at the apartment Michelle packed her items, as we had to be up early next morning to head into Manhattan to catch her airport shuttle bus. In the city the next day Michelle caught the 9:15am shuttle to the airport and I headed home to Brooklyn. Overall I had a great time hanging out with Michelle and my birthday weekend was terrific. Be peace……..