
Monday, March 31, 2014

March 2014

It seems like the time is just passing by, but here are a few highlights from March

I decided to do a little sewing project.  I haven't sewn in months, and it was really a fun experience.  Last year I got a dress for Alice from Old Navy, and it was so cute, but simple.  I did my best to recreate it, but also enlarge it a tiny bit.  Alice picked a fabric from my stash, and away I went.  I made so many mistakes on this silly dress.  I had to sew the bodice 3 or 4 time because I couldn't get it to turn right, then I sewed the entire skirt on inside out.  Additionally, I forgot to surge the seams, and then hemmed it.  Also, I enlarged in the wrong places, so the neck line is too big.  Oh well, it was a fun project, and I learned a few new things.  Alice loves it, and I guess thats really all that matters.

Big Whoops!
 Alice wearing the dress

We also had Leah come over for dinner.  Alice was so excited she just adores her.  We had David's favorite meal, meatloaf, and we got to skype with Mom and Dad as we were planning David's future and trying to figure out the best classes for him to take.

Charlotte started scooting forward.  She is still pretty slow, but she is moving.  She also got her first tooth on March 11.
 Enjoying precious time with Daddy
 I see a tooth
 I love baby kisses

Our big event was traveling to California for Brad and Rachel's wedding.  I went with Melissa and we took all the kids.  We left Sam and Dusty home to work and go to school.  The drive went better than I expected with 6 children and 2 of them being tiny babies.  It went really smoothly, and we arrived in good time.  We stayed with Becky and she was a marvelous host.  Thank You!

We did some great activities like going to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. We got to see lots of safari animals, and even a Cheetah run.  It was a great day, and especially fun to have Papa come with us.  Grandma was home finishing Rachel's dress, and we missed her, but understood.

Then next day was the wedding at the San Diego temple.  It was a beautiful sealing, and a beautiful day.  We left all the kiddos at Becky's with a sitter, and took the tiny babies to the temple.
Sweet Charlotte
 Beautiful day at the temple
 And tired babies
 These kids played hard, so naturally, they all fell alseep on the way the reception

On Sunday, we went to church, then did something very uncharacteristic.  We went to the beach.  Garrett has a rule about no playground on Sunday, and all the kids in the house was a bit much.  So we since we had Grandma and Papa still there, we went to the beach.  The kids had a great time playing in the sand, and we all loved soaking up some rays.

When we got home, we did a little sitting at the Browns.  On the 20th, I got there, and Emily shows me a picture of the cutest little lamb.  It was born that night, on the first day of spring.  It was so fun to see the lamb, and the Mama was so sweet.  They were figuring out nursing, and she was so loving and protective of her baby.

On the 22nd, we went to the BYU Men's Volleyball game.  Melissa and the kids joined us, and we had a great time.  Alice finally got the courage to take a picture with Cosmo, and it was the highlight of the night.

On the 26th, we were sitting for Sofia, and we had to take her to her last gymnastics class at the provo rec center.  I had prepped Alice, that we were going to just watch, but then the teacher asked if she wanted to participate.  She love it, and we are signed up for the next session with Sofia.  It should be really fun.

 A few other picture from the month.
This is Alice's angry eyes. She definitely has opinions, and emotions.
 Playing with Sofia

Charlotte turned 7 months.  I weighed her a bit late, but she was about 14.5 lbs, and 25 inches.  She is sitting very well, scooting, has 2 teeth, and is still pretty grumpy, but on days that I can stay home and do nothing but try to help her take regular naps on time, she is a little better.  She has grown to like her crib, and sleeps much better in there.  We think she is just a big girl with big plans trapped in a baby body.  She just wants to be moving and involved in everything.  When she is happy, she is so smiley and cute, but when she is grumpy, she just screams.  We love her, but we definitely have good days and bad days.
 7 months
 She loves her feet
 Sitting well
still loves the paci
 Scooting along

Friday, April 19, 2013

My Baby is 3!

I can't believe how fast the last three years have passed.  I feel like I have tried to cherish them, but they still seem to go by so quickly.  Alice is still a sweet little girl and we are so happy to have her in our family.  Below are some things we don't want to forget about our little 3 yr old.

  • She is still a short little girl.  Weight - 28 lbs, Height - 34 in
  • She is definitely a girl.  She loves her nails painted, pretty dresses, and she LOVES to twirl.
  • She loves all things princess
  • She is still a great eater, and her favorite food still continue to be fruit and beans, and anything mexican
  • She is enamored with her "long hair" and she will often shake it behind her head to feel it on her back, then say "I have long hair"
  • She totally understands the concept that there is a baby in my tummy, and she is certain it is a brother.  She often asks when the baby will come out.
  • She has become very independent, and wants to do everything by herself.  
  • She loves to "help" me do dishes, cook, clean, and pretty much everything I do.  
  • She is very polite, and says please and thank you, usually in a very sweet tone.
  • She is still very timid on the playground, especially around bigger kids.  She loves swings and to "go higher" but gets nervous on the slides.
  • She is gotten a little bit of a sassy streak, and has been recently exhibiting behavior such as hitting, spitting, or yelling at me when angry.
  • She loves her cousins, and they are her best friends.
  • She loves nursery at church and often sings songs she learns
  • She knows "I am a Child of God" and will sing it to me almost every night
  • Her favorite toys are princess figurines, fisher price little people, and play food.
  • She still loves books, and will sit through multiple long stories.  I don't think I could ever read enough to her.
  • She can count to 10, knows all her colors, some shapes, and almost no letters.  We are working on that.  
  • She is fully potty trained, day and night.
  • She hates snot or boogers, and can effectively blow her nose by herself.  She also enjoys picking her nose and eating them.  We are trying to stop this, but have not yet succeeded.
  • She loves to dance, sing, and is starting to pretend play.  It is so cute to see her talking to her toys.
  • She is pretty good at playing with other children.  She shares well.
  • Her language is great.  There are few things that she has trouble explaining.  Some of her new phrases are "whatever", and "I don't care"
  • She falls asleep in our bed almost every night, then we move her to her bed when we go to sleep, and she usually comes back at least once during the night for snuggles, and to stay around 6:00.  She then sleep with me until around 8.
  • She rarely naps anymore, but occasionally she will fall sleep in the afternoon, then it messes up bedtimes.  This is a challenging adjustment. 
  • Overall, she is still a sweet, timid, and precious child.  We love her to pieces and think she will be a great big sister. 
 6 months
 1 yr
 2 yrs
 3 yrs

Friday, January 25, 2013

Yes, I am a terrible Blogger

I have just realized that I really haven't posted anything since early September.  I always have great intentions, but alas, when it comes to blogging, I never follow through.

My lack of writing has not been because we lead a boring life, and I have nothing to document.  On the contrary, we have been super busy, and swamped with the comings and goings of life.  I have finally downloaded my camera and my phone, and I am ready to catch up.  I plan to backdate my posts to keep them in order, so sorry if that is confusing to read.  That is just the way it will have to be.

Some of the crazy busy stuff we have been doing, include a vacation, Halloween, Thanksgiving, moving, living with family, IVF, Christmas and beginning as a full-time student, and in between it all, soaking up as much time with family as possible.  We knew we were going to miss them, and we do, terribly!

As you can see. There is alot to catch up on, so please be patient.  I will get there, I promise!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stuck Between A Rock and Hard Place

With the political environment on fire with the upcoming elections, there have been many heated topics.    The economy, healthcare, and women's rights have been on the forefront of the discussions.  I feel like I am being impacted by all three of these items today, and I am realizing that although my specifics are not mainstream, my feelings are important, and I can feel frustrated.

We are delving into the infertility realm again, and today I was reminded why this is so hard, and frustrating and such an emotional roller coaster.  I thought once we had a baby it would be better, but our family still feels incomplete, and that emptiness of the second child is not to be underestimated.

I am outraged at the thought of all the people who claim that their bodies are their own, and they deserve the right to choose whether or not to have a baby.  The government backs them 100% and offers them the ability to obtain birth control at virtually no cost to them, and get it from anywhere, even if those places don't believe it birth control.  The government also ensures that sterilization procedures are covered by insurance and available at any time.  They also allow and pay for abortions for those who choose selfishness over humanity.  They want to ensure that a woman is entitled to her CHOICE, and will pay leaps and bounds to protect that choice.

I want to have the same ability to CHOOSE.  However, I choose to have a baby, not prevent or terminate; however, due to MEDICAL DISORDERS, I am not given that choice.  My body does not operate normally, and therefore, I cannot have a baby.  There are options available, however, the government does not see these medical procedures as important to demand tcoverage by insurance like they do birth control and abortion.  Why is my right to choose to have a baby less important than the choice to terminate one?

It is rare to find an insurance that covers infertility treatments; however, 10% of couples have trouble conceiving, and that number is on the rise.  My current insurance is a high deductible plan, because we cannot afford the outrageous cost to join my husbands work plan.  It is just not worth spending $1,000 a month for premiums and then still have a large deductible and copays when you get sick.  His plan also does not cover fertility.

Although I believe it is unfair, I have come to grips with knowing we will have to pay thousands out of pocket to try to have another baby.  Afterall, I have three babies sitting in a freezer.  I am not about to abort those babies.  What choice do I have other than to give them a chance to grow into people who can survive on their own?  Even if that will cost thousands of dollars that I may not have.

Here is my further frustration with the Healthcare system.  I have insurance, I understand I will have to pay, however, it is impossible for them to tell me how much I will have to pay.  Sometimes things are considered medical (can be covered) and sometimes things are considered infertility (definitely not covered).  Here is a typical conversation:

Me:  Is this something that insurance will cover?
Doctor:  I don't know, it depends on if it is medical or infertility
Me:  How is that determined?
Doctor:  It is based on the codes that the provider enters
Me: What are the codes you would give the insurance?
Doctor:  Well that depends on what we find.
Me:  So, even though, I have to pay for it, you can't tell me how much it will cost?
Doctor:  Well, we can tell you how much we typically bill, but if it is covered under your insurance, they may reduce what you will have to pay.

So, then I call insurance, and they tell me that until they get the bill from the doctor, they won't know how much their rate will be based on the contracts.  Keep in mind, when I say "covered," that doesn't mean they pay for it, that means I get to pay for it at their contracted rates.  So when something is not insured or someone doesn't have any insurance, what make the doctors think that people who can't afford insurance can afford higher rates for the same procedure.

In the political world, healthcare reform is a hot topic.  They want everyone to have insurance.  Do they forget that some things are not covered by insurance, like infertility due to medical disorders or like all high deductible plans, prenatal care and maternity?  Do they care that the consumers are unable to find out much they actually will pay for a procedure since neither the doctors or the insurance can tell them until after the procedure is complete?

I think that healthcare does indeed need to be reformed, but it needs to be reformed in a way that makes it fair.  If the government is going to subsidize the choice for abortions, they better subsidize the choice to have a baby.  If they are going to make insurance cover vasectomies  they better cover in-vitro as well.  They also better reform it to make it clearer to the consumers how much it will since most of us are paying for the procedures anyway out of pocket, either through deductibles, or our 20% of the cost of the procedure.

Overall, people only figure this stuff out after they get sick, or find out something isn't covered, or essentially get screwed over from the healthcare system and the insurance companies.  We we are sick, or infertile, it is already an emotional roller coaster.   The that last thing we need is to feel like we are stuck and caught between a rock (Doctors) and a hard place (insurance).

Friday, September 21, 2012

All Aboard - Part 2 - Land Adventures

Our first stop on the cruise was in San Francisco.  We were there for 2 days.  The first day, we went to the Aquarium, and the wax museum.  In all honesty, the aquarium for being in San Francisco, was pathetic.  It was small, and didn't really have much.  I guess maybe my expectation were too high.
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The wax museum was interesting and impressive.  They had tons of sculptures that looked very lifelike.
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The second day, we just walked around the downtown city.  We saw the sea lions on the pier, and walked to Ghirardelli square.  When we got there, we were a little disappointed that they didn't do tours anymore, but we still had a great time.
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Our second stop was San Diego.  My sister Becky had recently moved down there, and we thought it would be more fun to spend the day with them, rather than do the ship excursions.  We got to see their house, see where Marcus works, and the Amtracks (sp) he works with.  The Amtracks are like floating tanks, and they were very cool.  Then we went to the beach on the base, and had a great time.
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Our last stop was Ensenada, Mexico.  Our ship was parked next to the a bunch of sea lions, and we enjoyed watching them.  We also walked around the little town.  We didn't find too much interesting, so it was a short walk.  Besides, the ship in reality was way more fun.
We particularly liked item 7 and that mittens were forbidden, I didn't know there was a rule against keeping your hands warm.
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