Thursday, October 30, 2008


Once again I am talking about Jonathan weight issue or lack of it. Today we had an appointment with a dietitian, MD, and social worker. I think that it just left me more frustrated then anything. Jonathan weight is 79% of where is height is, they like it to be between 90-110%. SO he is underweight big time, which isn't anything new to me. They figure that it is because of his IUGR when he was born. But I feel that I'm getting conflicting information from the occupational therapist that comes and then these people. Right now I feel like I just want him to eat when he want and what he wants. But I am sure tonight I will just feel fine, and go back to the normal schedule and know that I can only do what I can. But anyways Jonathan is almost 20 lbs he is 19.14 lbs and 31 inches, and two yrs old that's my little guy! I love him even though he is in the 2% for his weight! He is just my little bug, and problem will lways be that way!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Last week, on Jonathan's Birthday, we went to the Pumpkin patch with PEEP! Jonathan was in Heaven, he wanted to see everything. Jonathan was off and running once we got to the patch. There was so much to do! There was the pumpkins, corn maze, animals to see, and a light alley. Jonathan's favorite thing was the animals. He loved the chickens, we spent plenty of time with the chickens. It was a cool day, so it was good that I dressed Jonathan warm! Jonathan didn't really care about a pumpkin, he would rather play! We had lots of fun, Jonathan could have spent a ton longer there.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Bags

These are Halloween bags that I made for Jonathan and Sarah. Last year I totally forgot about bags, so 10 minutes before we were going to go treat or treating I grabbed a blue gift bag that I could find! So last year Dave suggested that I make them one. So I did. I made small bags, although Sarah won't really use it. One of Dave's Co-workers has an embroidery machine, so I put their names on it. (Thanks Kara) I think they are so cute!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Jonathan off to play! Jonathan loves his bear!
Just being outside, just like what boys like to do!
Loves the water!
Our funny boy!
Loving his sister. Jonathan is a great big brother, he is always concerned with Sarah!
2nd Christmas!
Learning to stand
1st Birthday
Lavette and Jonathan! What a patient dog!

He has always loved balls!
Isn't he just adorable here!

Our small guy
It has been big year for Jonathan. He has learned so much this year!! He has learned to stand then to walk to run. Jonathan has learned to sign and now talk in his own way. Jonathan became big brother, and learned to love a new sibling. Jonathan learned how to play with toys to entertain himself. Jonathan is in the processes of learning to sleep without a pacifier, which is very hard for him. He has learned to eat with utensils, and go from drinking out of a sippy to cups on occasions. He learning to eat better and better, Jonathan is very much of social eater and loves to eat with his cousins. He loves to god see Papa and Abby. Jonathan continue to love people and get people to laugh and smile. He loves to see Sarah when he wakes up first thing, and loves to wrestle with her. He loves to help me with what ever he can. Jonathan loves to go to PEEP and sing and do the activities, and best of all eat the great snacks. Jonathan is great at saying please and thank you! He loves to take around this little step stool and get what ever he wants. Jonathan is very inventive and determined and will get what ever he puts his mind to! He makes me laugh with the cute things he does and says! I love you bug!

2 years from today....

Yes, I am a mother. The first time holding my baby. I remember not knowing how to hold him, or what to do. I felt so inadequate to be a mother, I always knew I would be a mother when that time came, but I never dreamed of it in my mind. But, I have to say that I love being a mother, it is one of the most wonderful gifts that Heavenly Father has bestowed upon me. I feel so blessed to have these wonderful children in my life forever. It has been hard, but I think once I realized that Jonathan walks at his own beat of his drum. Being a mother became a lot easier for me. I am so thankful for my Jonathan who brings so much joy to Dave and I (and all that know him). He is a wonderful boy that loves life!
2 years from today I became mother! This is a picture of me about 3 weeks before I was due. I can't find any closer to my due date, I think it is because I didn't take any because I thought I was huge. Although in retrospect I wasn't big at all, maybe just swollen. But here I am before I was a mother. I was not sure what to expect. I was scared and nervous because of everything that the Doctors had told us that might be wrong with our little boy. I was stressed a lot of the time, instead of enjoying my first pregnancy. If I would have gone back, I would have just had the first ultrasound and let him be and not listen to the doctors of what could have been wrong with him. BUT, of course that is now looking back. I have been thinking a lot about the weekend that Jonathan was born. I was admitted to the hospital for PIH (Pregnancy induced hypertension), but I of course was in denial and thought that I was just stressed and thought that the nurse just needed to use a manuel cuff and that it would be fine. I am not sure if you have herd that a nurse is the worst patient and yes that was me. I was so upset that the doctor, not Dr Wolsey and that was half the problem because my Doctor was out of town, was admitting me I had an agenda and that was to have Jonathan on Monday morning when Dr Wolsey was in town ( I was going to have Jonathan early anyways because my placenta wasn't giving him the nutrition that he needed). Well, I just rested a lot and waited. Well, Sunday morning they were going to start to soften my cervix, which they applied some gel. Well, it didn't do much to my cervix but Jonathan wasn't tolerating the small little contraction, that I couldn't even feel. So later that afternoon I had heartburn, so I asked for some milk. The nurse came in and told me that things weren't looking good and that the Doctor needed to come and talk with me. He felt that Jonathan was so small and that he wasn't even tolerating small contractions that he wouldn't tolerate full on contractions, so he felt that I needed to have a c- section. And with the plan before, I was going to get the gel the Sunday night and soften my cervix and send me home till Monday morning so then I could have Jonathan with Dr Wolsey. However, if we would have stuck to my agenda we never would have know that Jonathan was having problems, and something horrible could have happen. A stronger testimony that Heavenly Father is in charge and he knows what needs to happen and to trust him was reaffirmed to me that day. So Dr Thrope told me that it would be in my and my babies best interest to have a c-section within the next 2 hours. I of course knew that this is what was suppose to happen, but I wasn't happy with it first Dr Wolsey wasn't there and second I had the prefect baby delivery in my head ( you know Dave on my one side, my mom and my sister and the excitement...), well that didn't happen. All my family came to support me, and I was wheeled in and Dave was in his marshmallow suit. And they delivered him at 6 pm on October 22, 2006 Jonathan David, and Dr Thrope said as he was delivering him and showing him over the drape to me, "That he won't win any weight competitions, but he is healthy".
So as I got stitched up Dave watched Jonathan, and they tried to send him to the well baby nursery, but he was 40 grams shy of the requirement to be there. So he was sent to the NICU. As you will see up about that is me holding Jonathan in the NICU. I then was sent to my room in the postpartum floor. That night I started to have my own problems. I started to have a few liters of oxygen put on me, and an O2 monitor on me. So I couldn't sleep cause every time that I was started to fall asleep it would beep. I couldn't breath I started developing a cough, and by the end of the night I was on 10 liters of oxygen. Finally The nurse called Dr Wolsey, he gave me some lasix and something else I can't remember. I finally started to get an hour or two of sleep. Well, at 5:30 I woke up and that motherly insist was in me. I felt panicked I needed to see my baby. However, I couldn't move I just had surgery, I still couldn't breath. It was about shift change and of course when I called, no one was going to let me leave to see my baby, and I am totally sick and the nurse was going to kill me by the end of the night. So I finally say Dr Wolsey and I had to go and do all these test to figure out what was wrong with me. I didn't get to go see Jonathan till early that afternoon. But, then I was exhausted, emotional, and needed sleep. And on top of that I couldn't feed him (or attempt to) cause I had contrast through my IV for a CT scan. They finally found out that I had pulmonary edema! So I stayed in the hospital longer then most and the nurses were of course done with me and I was done with them. Jonathan stayed in the hospital for 10 days to gain weight and learn how to eat. It was very hard to be discharged from the hospital and not bring my Jonathan home with me even though I knew that was what was going to happen. We finally brought him home, it was a wonderful day!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Singing Happy Birthday

Man he is the cutest boy!! This is a recording of recording so its not that great, but I wanted to show you how cute he is ! He is helping sing to himself!

Dog Celebration!

Our cute little Puppy!
I made this dog house for the kids to eat under! They thought that it was great! Jonathan tried to eat under it at first but it was too hard!

These are the dog biscuits that we had! Leslie and Dan told Benny that we were going to have dog food at the party, but he didn't believe them. I made this Olive Garden Pasta Fagioli Soup, it was good (little spicy- it was easy to make too!)
Eating in the dog house!

They were kicked out of the dog house, no they just did better out!
Brother and sister!
Jonathan started opening presents on my lap, but he wasn't doing so good. He went over to Papa and did great. I am not sure if he started to get the idea of opening presents or just being with Papa. This is everyone enjoying the truck book that he got!
Getting ready for the cake!
Jonathan did so good at singing Happy Birthday to himself ( I have a video that I will have to put on, it is stinkin' cute)!

Jonathan did great at blowing his candle out! He also took a bit out of the candle- he found out it didn't taste so good! That's the dog cake that I made! It was a lot easier then his Caterpillar!
All the kids that were at the dog party. Lacey and Luke really got into the theme of the party when they were getting there cake the asked for it and then barked it was so cute!
One of Jonathan's favorite gifts! He opened it up (last) and he was off, he thought that it was the best.
Jonathan helped with the cutting of the cake and the ice cream. What a big helper he is!
Jonathan trying out his new coat. Doesn't he look adorable! I think so! Thanks Grammy and Papa!

Jonathan is 2 years old!! We had a dog party, Jonathan loves dogs. He can now say ruff like dogs do. It was lots of fun, we enjoyed it more this year then last year (although lots of work to get it all together)!!! As I got the house ready today, Jonathan was very excited. He knew something was going on, but he wasn't exactly sure what! We just got family together for the party, it was fun to have everyone here to celebrate Jonathan's big day! It was an adorable theme.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Whats going on

This is the dress that I have been smocking and it is finally finished. This is the first time, so there was some mistakes but overall I think that it turned out pretty good. Doesn't she look adorable!
Being together! Jonathan loves to be where Sarah is and visa versa. I think that this is just a cute picture!
So for Family Home Evening, we talked bout Jesus Christ. For the activity we usually toss ball around cause that is something Jonathan really enjoys (esp because it is really hard for him to sit still). I decided that the activity today would be dog pilling, and oh sis they enjoy this. Jonathan was just squealing and Sarah got in on the action too!

Our Sarah bear is just growing- and yes I say this every post cause it is so fast too me and what I am use too. Sarah pulled herself up on the couch today! It was great, I have been working on standing with Sarah cause she has a hard time with it. Sarah is all over the place, she is starting to replace her army crawl with a normal crawl, but if she wants something fast then she usually does the army crawl. Sarah really like the vacuum and seems to crawl to it a lot. Sarah loves to babble and jabber it is so fun to watch her. Sarah continues to be a joy!

Jonathan helping us clean out the garage. When we started it was way cold, so we of course bundled him up. So at first he just had his hat on and then he went in the closet and wanted me to put his gloves on. I thought that he was adorable. Jonathan was a great help, he loved vacuuming and just being outside. The bottom left picture he told me he was hot and ready to take off his jacket and boy was he hot. His hair was all wet from sweat! Got to love the random things you find in your garage- like a umbrella hat!
Jonathan loves to find Daddy's hats!
Jonathan is learning so much all the time. He continues to learn new words all the time- he now can say bless you (at the right time too). I always tell him I love him and he usually just makes a kissy face. But this past week he said "love you". It was so cute, I just loved it. He continues to make me laugh by the things he come up with- like the above picture he was done with dinner and I was doing something in the kitchen so I told him that he had to wait a minute so he was patiently waiting. When I turned around again he had the bowl on his head. He loves to feed Sarah and when he is done eating. Today at church during sacrament was the best Sundays we have had in a long time with Jonathan. We didn't have to take him out at all; all because a new food container. Jonathan is addicted to his pacifier, and we always said that when he was two we would get rid of it and this week he is two! I saw on someone blog about how they cut off a little each night, so then it wasn't functional anymore. Well, it is almost not working for him. He has really be struggling falling asleep although he is dead tried. But probably tomorrow will be the last of he before we say good to the pacy. What a sad Day for Jonathan that will be- but he will then be a big 2 year old right!

Dave and I have new callings we are back in the nursery, but this time together and in Jonathan's class. It is great, today we were set apart and was the first Sunday by ourselves. Jonathan loved having us in there and Sarah enjoyed crawling all over. Dave knows that this is the right thing for us, but he is still having a hard time not being with the deacons. He loved that calling.

This is the finish product of our hard work. For UEA we decided to clean out the garage so that we could fit both cars and not just one! I always forget to take a before picture!! Dave enjoyed his day off. He has been doing really well in his classes and also on staying up on his work. He has finally learned how to apply himself and stay on top of everything. He loves his program and the classes this semester. Good job sweety!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Wonderful Laundry Room

For what ever reason I never took any pictures of the before except for this picture o Jonathan and Dave. But just image a empty room with a washer and dyer with just two cheap cabinets above the washer and dyer. The Room was not functional at all!! I had stuff in box and it just would fill up with stuff so fast!! So this was our summer project that turned into fall, but hey it is done (minus a rod that needs to be out up above the dyer)!
The space in the middle is for me to sew at, and there is a great light under the cabinets that they put in that is wonderful!
The pictures are kind of blurry- sorry about that
This is a built in ironing board it is so nice! We had one of these growing up and its great!
This is the finished product, doesn't it look great! Thanks Dave for all your hard work- and also Grandpa who helped Dave so much, we really couldn't have done it without you! There was lots of learning involved for both of us! But I am so glad that it is finished and I can finally use it!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

24 hour Whirwind

The happy couple!
Rexburg temple!
I love this picture- We have a hard time getting Jonathan to smile when we are trying to take a picture but here is a great one of him smiling!
Some pictures of the trip! This last one is Sarh when we were coming from the temple to the luncheon, it was less then 5 minutes and she completely out. We were getting her out and I told Dave to take a picture, I just love sweet sleeping babies. Candace we missed you guys and hope everything goes well with the baby!
This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to my cousins wedding. Brittany and Kole were married in the Rexburg temple. It was so cold, while with the wind factor it was miserable. However, the wedding was wonderful. There was a great spirit there. Brittany was very emotional, but very happy. Dave and I were both able to go, and we are so thankful that Katie was willing to watch our kids while we went in. Thanks so much! It was so nice to have Dave with me, the last wedding I went to was Matt's and he had to work. It was great to be reminded of the wonderful covenants that we make when we are married, and some of the counsel that he gave Brittany and Kole. I know that Dave and I will be with each not only here, but also her after. IT is great blessing to have in our lives. The sealer told this story of selfless couple, and it was helped me to step back and to make little changes in my life!
After the wedding we had a luncheon and had great food. We were planning on staying for the reception, but our kids were tried and ready to go. So we headed home. We were glad that we got home at a decent time so the kids could sleep in there own beds. They are still recovering. But it was nice to get way as a family!