March 29, 2010

Porter's Head Wound

On Nov. 14th, Porter bumped his head on something. It was a very minor bump. We have had much worse in our family - the kind where the bump looks like a horn protruding from the head. But Porter thought this bump was going to be the end of him. He insisted on a band-aid. I try to enforce the "you don't need a band-aid if there's no blood" rule at our house, but when your baby looks this sad who needs that crazy rule. He wore that band-aid for over two days until I finally tricked him in the bathtub and ripped it off before he knew what I was doing.

And just for fun - here's some of those before mentioned head bumps:

But the best goose egg of all was the one my sister got when she ran into the door frame in her bedroom. There was this huge thud and then no sound and then the craziest cry I have ever heard. We all thought she was laughing and being silly with the kids so we ignored the noise. And then she came downstairs with this huge bump on her head. It always looks horrible on a child, but when it happens to an adult it looks so much worse. She was in so much pain, but I couldn't stop giggling - I'm doing it now as I type. It was that cry - there's no way to describe it - only my mom and Julie can understand. I would give money for a picture of that goose egg - I don't know how we passed that moment without taking one.

March 28, 2010

Seriously...5 months!!

Has it really been five months since I put anything on this little family blog? I have said before that time flies by, but this time it really flew, like warp speed kind of flying. So, on the agenda for tomorrow - catch up on the blog and try to remember and capture all the events that have taken place since November. November - seriously!! And yes, I'm hoping that by actually writing this down I will commit myself to this project. Time will tell.