Today in Primary the kids received a piece of paper where they were to write their temporal blessings-- one for each letter of the alphabet. I thought I'd see if I could identify 26 unique things for which I am grateful. Here goes--
A to Z
A- Art. It makes the world just a little more beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the new exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art this month-- all religious art.
B- Bathrooms.
C- Car.
D- Dishes. Though I am avoiding washing them right now while I write this.
E- Electricity. It only takes a few hours without it to realize how much you depend upon it.
F- Furnace--to heat my home in the winter.
G- Garage-- to store my car (and some other stuff).
H- Hot Water!
I- An iron to iron my clothes, though it is my least favorite domestic task.
J- Jumper cables-- for when my car battery dies.
K- Kleenex tissues. I use a lot with this allergy thing I have going.
L- Lights. It is really dark so early now--by the time I get home from work; grateful for lights to see
M- Mattresses to sleep on; no camping for me
N- Neighbors. I live in a great neighborhood.
O- Ovens. I love to bake.
P- Pearls. I feel fancy when I wear them.
Q- Quilts to keep me warm at night.
R- Refrigerators to keep food cold
S- Shoes. I love to walk so comfortable shoes are a must.
T- Toothbrushes. No explanation necessary.
U- Umbrellas-- to stay dry; I always carry one.
V- Views of the mountains from my backyard.
W- Windows to let the sunshine in; sure do wish I had some at my office-- hopefully soon.
X- Xerox (photocopy) machines. It's one of those things we take for granted, yet use it almost every day.
Y- BYU, nicknamed, The "Y" I am grateful for my job there.
Z- Zesters-- a great kitchen tool for oranges, lemons, nutmeg, and so forth.