Friday, October 8, 2010

Soybean Harvest - part 2

My human mom made mention of a video in the previous post, but ended up fighting with technology for quite some time last night before she gave up. Seems that technology can sometimes be more stubborn than a bloodhound. Scary isn't it? However, I think she's got it figured out now!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Soybean Harvest

Hi there all, I'm going to let my human mom borrow my blog to post some pictures of the soybean harvest. She wanted to share these with some friends from another state. Still, I can't let her do that without posting at least one picture of me! Just to note, while I'm pictured (along with Beau) by a soybean field, it's a different field than the one shown in the harvest pictures and video. The picture of Beau and I is by the field at the end of our street, and the others were taken by our human dad at his brother's farm.

Beau & I by the field at the end of our street.

Combine unloads beans into wagon

Trucks waiting to unload at the elevator


Combine in the field

Soybean plants

Soybeans in the truck

Combine in the field