Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

We have had such a fun October. Halloween is so much fun with a little one by your side. Annie loved halloween this year. It was the first time she really got it and was so excited to dress up! 

Claudeane (Lindsey's Mom) gave Charlie and Annie hats to decorate for the holiday. They had a blast putting on stickers. Annie wanted them to come off as soon as she put them on the hat however. Stickers usually end up all over her shirt, pants and me. 

She thinks Charlie is so cool. She says, "Charleeeee, you supa coo."

Trunk or Treat was the next festivity that we attended this week. This was Annie's first real experience saying, "trick or treat" and getting candy. She caught on really fast and was soon saying it to everyone that had a bowl of candy in their hands. 

Before the trunk or treat started her and Charlie had pretty big eyes looking at all the kids who dressed up in crazy costumes. 

Charlie was such a cute fireman! 

Macie was such a good fire dog!

Lindsey was so nice and made Halloween sugar cookies! She has the best recipe and is a good cook too. Annie loves to help "coo coo" in the kitchen, so of course she was in Heaven! 

Halloween came and Annie was more then happy to get back in her "Ruff" outfit. 

To say Annie was excited was a understatement. She was jumping off all the stairs we climbed up and kept saying "Go fast Daddy. Lets go Fast!".

Annie's pumpkin-- (Of course)

Drews pumpkin

Mine (always a funny one)

Happy Halloween! 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Pumpkin Patch Adventure

Andy and Lindsey told us of this great pumpkin patch in Layton. It was super fun and Annie loved every minute. You get to ride a tractor for about 5 minutes to get to the pumpkin patch. Once you get the to patch you get to choose the pumpkin of your choice. 


On the tractor ride to the pumpkins there was a kid dressed up like a wolf that jumped out of the haystacks and scared us. Annie got really nervous. She just kept saying, "Silly guys. They nice guys?" 

The next morning the first thing Annie said as I was getting her out of her crib was, "Silly guys. They nice guys." haha It made a pretty big impact on her!

Found the perfect one!

Annie was so funny on the ride back to our car. She kept holding her chin and saying, "hmmm, i waaaaaant.... THAT ONE!" And point to a pumpkin in the field. I don't know where she got that from.