Sunday, April 29, 2012

The best of them. And the worst.

But not the very worst. Those must be burned.

All of my kiddos cousins.

The originals.

The cousins. With Jake smiling.

Um, this must be totally photo-shopped. Unless there is a halo of light surrounding my boys? Wonder what was wrong with the background in the original? WEIRD!

I like to call this one "ABS OF STEEL".
I don't blame you little buddy. If my tummy was this flat I would do the very same thing in our family photos.

I think Jake is about to puke in this picture. I asked him why he made this face and he said he is about to fall.

I hate family pictures. After looking at these I hate them all of the more. There was 350 pictures on the disk. There is an unusual small amount of pictures of my family. I think most of them didn't even make the cut to make it to the disk. The three of my family that made the cut, well, I find them all atrocious. Maybe someday I will cherish these pics. Maybe when I am fatter and older I just may find them completely awesome.



Snuggle Bunnies

Cutest Bunnies at my parents cabin. It was like a hide and seek game finding the baby bunnies in the woods. So fun. Good Memories!

I am sure the bunnies are happy we came home today.

What a great weekend! Thanks Mom and Dad!

P.S. Baby Bunnies. I am concerned for your safety. Please make yourself a more permanent home ASAP before you are an appetizer for a larger, less cute animal. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Planning For The Future...

Jaco is pretty sure he wants to be a "sanitation engineer" when he grows up. This kid has me chasing the garbage truck all over the neighborhood. I am pretty sure our garbage man thinks I have a crush on him the way we run out and stare him down. I keep thinking this is a phase that will pass...meanwhile a year later the garbage fascination has only gotten worse. Jake likes to sort the garbage and knows which can to put it in. He had words this morning with our sweet neighbor Joe who puts our garbage cans away for us. "Don't take our gargage! I want to do it." Thanks Jake. Now our garbage cans will sit out all day until your Dad gets home.
Jake has also decided that this is the car our family needs. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the Ford Flex. Specifically, a red Ford Flex. Every time we pass one on the road he yells "Mom, car. I want that car!". Awesome. He has asked me to follow the Flex's around too, but I have to draw the line somewhere.
