Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seaside, The Seaside....

We had a very restful and rejuvenating trip to San Diego! After picking up Olivia from Camp in San Diego we stayed on the beach for a few days enjoying the ocean.

Some highlights of our trip included:

1. Picking Olivia up from camp. Missed her so much!

2. Zachary's constant singing " Seaside, the Seaside. Never, Never, Never". It is a song from Noggin that Zachary doesn't know all of the words to, so he just made a few words up. A very few. Three to be exact. He sang it over and over!

3. Zane and I got to go to dinner with Ed, Kelly and Sherrie WITHOUT ANY KIDDOS! A real treat for Zane and I! Thanks Joey and C.J. for babysitting!

4. We got rear ended on our way to dinner with Sherrie, Ed and Kelly. That was my first "official" car accident that I have been in.

5. Sherrie put out "the vibe" for the firefighters that came to our rescue after our fender bender.

6. Finding $40 at Seaport Village. I set my backpack down and when I looked down there was 2 $20 bills. I found out later it was the money I paid Joey and C.J. for babysitting :) They snuck it back into my backpack!

7. No one got too grouchy this trip. Some thing to document for sure as it doesn't happen too often on Drescher family trips!

8. Smores on the beach with Jordan and Lexi. I can't believe how grown up my nieces are. I got the 4-1-1 on Jordan's love life...and Lexi zoomed in on every picture in my camera so we could see EVERYTHING...right down to the zits on my nose! HYSTERICAL. Good times, good times!

9. Anthony's, the silver man, and Cold Stone for my birthday! Yum!

10. Running into Scott and Angela, and Damon and Kelly at the beach! So fun!

11. Sherries striped legs due to interesting sunblock application. I will never think of Windex and Preparation H the same again!

Two Down...One To Go!

After 4 private swim lessons, and lots of hard work practicing the "big scoops"... I am officially declaring that Zachary knows how to swim. Yay!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sea World Camp!

Olivia has mixed reviews on Sea World Camp. She says she had a great time...she keeps saying she wants to go back next year. She loved going to the beach, learning to boogie board, meeting the animals trainers and spending time with the animals. She loved going on the rides, being with her best friend Maddison, and her counselors. She loved kayaking on Mission Bay, dining with Shamu, meeting Jared from Subway, the Bay of Play, and Journey to Atlantis!

On the down side...Olivia was a wee bit homesick. That coupled with some nine year old "girl drama" at camp made Olivia especially happy to see her Mommy on the last day. I can't believe how mature Olivia handled a few tough situations at camp. She absolutly AMAZES me! Why does growing up have to be so dang hard????????????

We REALLY missed Olivia while she was gone! She leaves to choir camp in a few days. Hope it is a "drama" free trip! Keep your fingers crossed! ;)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Hardest Thing I Have Ever Done...I Can't Deny It

My Grandpa died last week after a battle with esophageal cancer. "Boppa" as we called him will always be remembered with a smile on his face. "I Can't Deny It" was an expression we frequently heard from him.

Boppa did not want to give in to his illness. Until the end he was determined to fight it. Boppa continued to walk around until the day before he died. He would not let his illness incapacitate him.

Since I was canceled at work that night I decided to stay the night and help out as my Grandma was exhausted. My cousin Scott stayed also, he is a Hospice RN. It was a special night sitting up talking to Scott, watching "Catch Me If You Can" and watching over my Grandpa. Scott and I would quietly go in and care for my Grandfather, trying not to wake my Grandma.

Boppa said a few things to me I never want to forget. When I asked Boppa how he felt he said "Great, nearly great." I also said, "Boppa, it's Denise" and he looked up at me and said "Denise, a beautiful girl" and then took a big deep breath. My Uncle Steve said it was a compliment and I took Boppa's breath away :). I remember every time I asked Boppa if he was hurting he would say no. I wonder if he was being brave for our benefit? He seemed in pain every time we moved him. I also remember Boppa telling me "I am ready to go now" when I told him I was spending the night there to help care for him. He died a few hours later.

I have such fond memories of that night. I am so thankful to have been there.


The service for Boppa was so beautiful. What a great way to honor and celebrate Boppa's life!
As I look through these pictures I feel very blessed to have such a outstanding family.

It was so emotional seeing all of the Grandson's carrying the casket. I think I may have "lost it" as they did that little group hug thing.

The Pallbearers

Presenting my Grandma with a flag "on behalf of a grateful nation."
My Grandpa was a pilot in the air force during the war.

Boppa was so proud of his posterity.
Boppa had: 5 children
28 Grandchildren
78 Great Grandchildren
1 Great Great Grandchild

It feels so sad knowing it will be a while until we see Boppa.
I am so thankful for the knowledge I have that I WILL SEE HIM AGAIN!

I Love You Boppa, I Can't Deny It!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A 'WICKED' Great Night!

We had a "WICKED" great time at WICKED! What a cute show. Olivia sure enjoyed it, and it was fun to see her having a great time! It was a nice opportunity to have some fun after a hard weekend, my Grandfather passed away on Saturday. My Mom, Aunt Kristen, Aunt Charee, and my cousins Wendy and Robin went with us. Thanks for the great night gals! Can't wait for the next one..I am thinking Phantom, Annie and Mary Poppins, anyone interested?

Oh, and we ran into my good friend Beckie (because I am so Pop-u-lar toss, toss ;) , and her daughter Megan, and hubby David. Small world...they were sitting about 10 seats down from us!

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Zachary "Helping" Dad

Zane and Zachary painted the swingset! It looks great guys! Strong Work!
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