Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

The torturous picture before the opening! By the looks of things, you kids were very good this year!

I let my kids do their stockings while we were waiting for everyone to get to our house Christmas morning. Santa brought Zachary some Diego undies. He was so so excited he ran to put them on under his "zips". When Shelly arrived he had to show her his awesome new "package" from Santa. I never want to forget the Christmas morning when Zach took off his clothes to show Shelly what he got!

Zachary and the "Monster truck", which is ALL he really wanted.
Dad gets to help you assemble the car track that was one million pieces. Bet your sorry you picked that out for him Zane!Jacob modeling his new clothes!

Christmas Eve...Olivia and Zach making up their plate of cookies for Santa (and a few carrots for some special reindeer)!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Family Concert

The Phoenix Girl's Choir had another fabulous concert this month! Olivia's choir sang in about 6 songs, one on them was in Spanish! They did a great job, and all of the girls looked so cute in their uniforms! Way to go Livi-Lu!
I had to laugh at all of the Hanukah songs they sang with a huge picture of Christ in the background! Political Correctness at it's finest!

Thanks for coming Nana and Poppy! It was fun and it was special to Olivia to you have you there!

We kept staring at this guy trying to figure out if he was real or a wax statue. I think wax...although he had hair in his ears! Yes, I got that close trying to figure it out! It actually was really creepy! Funny, he doesn't look as real in the pictures as he did in real life! He is holding a silver tray...for donations maybe? Very Interesting!

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Christmas at The Jamies'

We had a little holiday celebration before the Jamies depart to Taylor for Christmas! We had a great time! Thanks for the fun!
Super Cute!
Olivia working on her masterpiece!

Jamie showing the kiddos his antique train.

No comment!

Zachary preparing the foundation! It was the only part of the house that stayed together! The rest shattered on the way home!

And a little guitar solo!

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Let it Snow!

Zachary keeps putting on this little gettup' and telling me "Mom, it's snowing!" In your dreams little buddy...I think it is like 70 degrees outside today!
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Our Visit To Dewey

On our way to the Polar Express we stopped in Dewey and had lunch with Zane's foster Mom, Bernice, his foster sister Happy, and her husband Dave. We had some really yummy Mexican food, and a great visit with some fun people. We miss you guys, and wish we could make it up there more often!

The Polar Express!

A couple of weeks ago our family drove to Williams and went on The Polar Express train ride. The one hour train ride actually takes you through a magical tunnel that stops in the North Pole. On the way to the North Pole they served us cookies and Hot Cocoa and read the Polar Express book. The North Pole is all decorated in lights and we stopped there to pick up Santa. On the way back to Williams we sang Christmas carols and Santa went through the train cars and gave each child a bell. My camera's battery died right as Santa walked into our train car. Santa knelt down to pose for a picture with my kids and this is what it looked like:

Dang it! Oh time I will charge the batteries!
We had a great time, but the boys got a little restless towards the end. Zachary keeps asking if we can go back on the train ride with Ho Ho Ho (AKA Santa). Maybe in a few years little buddy!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks Aunt Cheryl!

My Aunt Cheryl asked me to blog pictres of the vinyl lettering she cut for me! Thanks so much, I love it! And I have had tons of compliments about them! I was glad to get them up before the Relief Society dinner at my house!
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Friday, December 19, 2008

I Heart the Car Cart!

I just happened to have my camera in my purse, I don't usually take it to the store! I thought the boys looked cute in their "Zips" (as Zachary calls anything with a zipper).

I just wanted to pay tribute to the car cart, which makes going to the grochery store tolerable for me, and fun for the boys! Zachary asked if we could go to the store a few days ago, because he wanted to drive the car cart!
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Student of The Month!

Olivia was student of the Month for her class for October/November! Congratulations Olivia you are awesome!
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Mesa Temple Lights!

Only in Arizona would you wear shorts to walk around and see Christmas lights!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

USB Device Drama!

So, I feel bad I have not updated my blog lately. I sat down today, and was going to do a massive bunch of posts and had trouble with my USB Device not being recognized...whatever that means. So, I called Costco technical support line and the computer geek on the phone couldn't speak lame man well enough for me to figure out what the heck he was talking about. I said "I think I better have my husband make this call, I don't have a clue what a flash drive is, but it sounds exciting!" He said back "I think that would be a good idea." Crisis averted, the Costco tech guy will not need to poke his own eyes out.

So...until I can figure out...or better yet have Zane figure out the USB Device Drama, these old photos will have to do. I have been meaning to blog them. Lately Zach and Jake have been playing so cute together. I love how protective Zachary is of Jake...I call it protective, but I have heard others call it tattle telling. I like to think it is for Jake's well being!
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