I picked up a couple of forsythia.
No, no, I wasn't influenced by the display. Although, I have to admit, I did linger in the gardening section for far too long. I was influenced into buying forsythia by my daughter. I have been looking for forsythia, and Tractor Supply was the first place I've found it. You see, last year my daughter and I were at a Home Show together and she remarked how much she loved forsythia. Forsythia! I have always heard other gardeners remark how forsythia was just a green blob when not in bloom. Influenced by their disgust, I never imagined it in my garden.
But suddenly, it was her remark - no, it was the tone of pure joy in her voice at seeing a forsythia - that began to influence me. I imagined two forsythias close by the catenary (which I am still working on, and is not ready for a reveal yet), with yellow daffodils in the grass across the way, and yellow carolina jessamine blooms on the vegetable garden fence nearby. And when it's not in bloom, the unassuming forsythia will let the autumn grasses that are planted there, shine.
It's interesting, but my entire spring garden plan was influenced by her three little words "I love forsythia".
We gardeners are easily influenced. And it seems, we also love to influence others. Take my favorite spring bloom so far this year, the checkered lily, fritillaria meleagris. I had long admired this bloom in photos, but never dreamed of having them in my Texas garden. That is, until Alistair of Aberdeen Gardening convinced me that they just might live in my garden, and that they were certainly worth a try. And so, try is what I did.
Last year, I purchased and planted several bulbs, and put them in two different areas. One area stays moist, while the other area is a bit drier. And lo and behold, they are both coming up. They are the bloom that I am most excited about this year. Will they return next year? Not sure, but it will be fun finding out!
My great-grandmother's daffodils have influenced me, too. I decided I wanted daffodils growing in the grass just as they still do at her house, 30+ years after her death.
I started planting them last year. They are such a cheerful display, and I think of her whenever I see them. But it is the photo of the daffodils blooming in debsgarden that has given me resolve to continue adding to my little display. Maybe one day my daffodils will be give such a lush showing.
Sweet little species tulips are another bloom that I have been delighted to see. Tulips don't return here, and I'm much too lazy to dig them up and replant every year. While I was ordering bulbs last autumn, I read about species tulips. I read that they might, just might, return every year in hot-weather gardens. That small possibility is all it took to influence me to add them to my garden. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Who has influenced the blooms in your garden lately?
I'm joining May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, where there is a lot of influencing going on!
I'm joining May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, where there is a lot of influencing going on!