Saturday, February 22, 2025

Red Army flamethrowers and Wiesbaden

    Flamethrowers are a very frightful weapon in real life. In Bolt Action players are also fearful of flamethrowers because hits from such weapons allow no cover saves. This means that units can be eliminated easily.

   I have three flamethrower teams of two men each. All teams are Warlord Games models. 

The three teams

Team A

Team B

  Two of the models carrying the flamethrower are the same. I used green amoeba pattern camouflage and a shapka ushanka for the one, while brown amoeba pattern and a helmet for the other in order to make them look different.

Team C

   Below you can see some photos of Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden is the capital of the German state of Hesse. It is located very close to Frankfurt. It is a very nice city.

My wife

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more! 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

German Veteran Grenadiers

       Ten Grenadiers, each of them armed with an STG44 assault rifle, can be used as the perfect veteran squad or can be mixed in riflemen squads to increase their firepower. 

Veteran Grenadiers Squad


Soldiers with fieldgrey uniforms

Soldiers with splinter pattern uniforms

   The result of the camouflage pattern is more or less ok. I can say that I am satisfied though it was an extremely time-consuming process. Anyway, I have to arrange a battle for them to see some action now!

   My good friend Antonios returned from his Christmas vacation in Vienna and brought me as a gift this amazing basket.

   Speaking of German camouflage patterns, below you can see some lovely photos of the outskirts of Frankfurt.  

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

My Balrog, the Durin's Bane

    The moment I saw this cheap plastic dragon on a shelf in a toy store, I said to myself "This can be a Balrog! The ancient enemy of the dwarves!". So I bought it for my Lord of the Rings miniature collection without a second thought

   Balrog, the Durin's Bane! 

The toy dragon

   I glued the miniature on a 60mm base where I added a round shield, a dwarf helmet, a sword in its scabbard and an axe. I also glued some little rocks on the base.

Balrog vs a brave Knight of Minas Tirith 

   The other day we were invited in a good friend's house. In his yard he has a "parasia" where he fries potatoes and not only. Whatever he cooks on it, is delicious! 


   "Parasia" was for many years the traditional way of cooking in many villages of Crete. Nowadays they are very rare. 

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Boats, Kriegsmarine and Greek New Year's cake

    There are scenarios in Bolt Action campaign books where it is neccessary to have some boats available in case your troops are forced to cross a river. 

Black Death onboard

   For this reason I used foamboard and balsa wood to made six little boats. They are proper for tabletop games because their hull is flat. 

Boats under construction

Ready to sail!

   Two weeks ago I posted three photos of my Kriegsmarine. I understand that it is not fair to post a number of photos for every Red Army post and only three for these guys. So I decided to post some more photos of my squad.

Kriegsmarine squad


The LMG 

   The other day we played another Bolt Action battle. This time we picked the scenario  "The opposed crossing of the Don River" from Stalingrad campaign book of Warlord Games. The Soviets had to cross the river while the Germans were pursuing them.

The battlefield

Soviets next to the Don river

The Don river is a piece of blue fabric.

The Panzer hit the T-34

   One more time Antonios was victorious. His Germans managed to cut the way out and prevented the crossing of Don. So my Soviets lost.

   Here in Greece, we have a tradition on new year's day, the Vasilopita (Greek New Year's cake). We gather together, the whole family and our loved ones, to cut this cake, which has a lucky coin in it. The one who finds the coin in their piece of the cake has luck for the rest of the year. This year my youngest daughter Margarita found the coin! 

Καλή χρονιά! = Happy New Year!

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!

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