Outlaws season tickets are THE BEST! We had so much fun last summer, oh my gosh! With Joe’s busy schedule and me & the kids running around like crazy, it was guaranteed family time for us. We just LOVED it and so did the kids. Since we had season tickets, we always got cool stuff before the games. Obviously at this game, it was the sunglasses. We had like 10. The boys enjoyed those things. They’re still all over the house now too. Ah, memories. ; )
Travis’s expressions just kill me!
Love my Joe! Looks like a rockstar!
Tiny Gwen! Haha. She wasn’t thrilled at the games but she wasn’t bugged either. She was a lot of fun.
Enoch has four eyes! AH!!
Travers – snacking as usual!
This was an especially fun night for being at an Outlaws game. They showed Honey, I shrunk the kids! On the jumbo screen and we all sat on the field to watch. It was a lot of fun. I figured the kids would be exhausted after the game and would probably sit all nice and quiet to watch the movie but boy was I wrong! They ran all over that field. It was pretty comical. We did make a good effort to keep them all from bugging other viewers. The Nardones were also at this game so we sat together on the field. It was a really fun night and I’m glad we were able to share it with them! They’re such a fun family!
SO much fun!!! Outlaws Season Ticket Holders for LIFE man!!!