Thursday, April 30, 2009

Photo Update

I have had some requests from friends and family to update our blog with some photos of the boys. Sorry I haven't been so on top of posting, we're still getting use to a routine with 2. :D They are tons of fun and are just loving each others company. Trav TOTALLY notices when Enoch is around or not and gives him his undivided attention as Enoch tickles, kisses (slobbers) and plays with his limbs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You've Been Reading What...?

Yeah...I know, I have to admit I was probably the BIGGEST Twilight basher ever. Everytime someone brought it up you could actually HEAR my eyes roll. Then I would go into how stupid I thought the series was and just how ridiculous everyone around me was being for even thinking about picking up those books. Well, "those" books have become my best friends since I went on bed rest.

A friend of mine loaned them to me knowing I would roll my eyes at the very thought of picking them up but promised me if I did actually read them, I would be in for a good time. I counseled with my older sister as well hoping she would totally turn me off to the horrible of idea of reading them but she then confessed to me that she had felt the same way but ended up reading them and loving them.

After being driven mad by boredness on bed rest, I did it, I read Twilight. I will admit that after reading about 5 chapters I was bored to death and decided it was okay to watch the movie before finishing. Joe and I thought the movie was hokey and really didn't wet the vampire appetite but for some reason I continued reading the book. And I was pleasantly surprised! The book was MUCH better than the movie and I am currently reading Breaking Dawn. My favorite thus far is Eclispe...they should have made that one the movie, jeez. I will say that Edward has to be my favorite, not for "crush" reasons but because he makes the most sense out of everything. I hate Jacob...ugh. Can't stand it whenever he comes into the picture so I'm not too excited about all of the content in Breaking Dawn but I'll deal with it.

All in all, its a good book and I'll apoligize for my rude behavior prior to reading the series. Good, clean, fun books. Thanks for the entertainment! :D