Thursday, August 01, 2013


I'm still alive.  Just enjoying summer!
Would you believe that I didn't turn on my computer for over three weeks in the month of July?
Seriously.  It was glorious.

Anyways.  I just thought I'd stop by the blog and tell you that I'm still here... I'm just enjoying summer!
I'll be back...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Just Some Pictures

Things have been just a little crazy around here lately.
Can it just be summer already?!!  Seriously!!

So.  How about a few pictures.

Love these two boys.  Nice neck shot Sawyer.

This kid.  Love him.

Trying to bring the outdoors in.  Loving my new beach-inspired print-- ordered it a LONG time ago and it just came...

Speaking of the beach.  We went.

Sawyer's first trip.
 Talk much??

Sports Day!  Can't believe this kid has only a few days of Kindergarten left!

And... that's it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kitchen Shopping Guide

Let me start by thanking all of you for your kind words and comments about my kitchen!  I love this room-- and it's fun to hear that other people like it too!  Now let's get on to the details-- here's where you can get everything used in our kitchen.

Custom cabinetry designed/built by my husband (email me at for details)
All cabinetry was sprayed Cloud White
Natural wood shelves are Western Maple and were finished with a clear coat

Knobs on all the cabinet doors are Cliffside 1 1/4" Polished Nickel from Hardware Hut

3x6 white subway tiles from Home Depot
We used Flextile grout in Bone and went with 1/16" spacers when installing the tile

Quartz counters-- a generic brand purchased from and installed by a company operating out of Richmond, British Columbia.  Email me at for more information.  
Sink purchased from the same company that installed our countertops

Edsvik kitchen faucet from Ikea

Intense White (OC-51) by Benjamin Moore

Striped Hand towel is the Hammam Stripe Towel from West Elm
Beaded white mugs/bowls are from Target's Threshold collection (LOVE them!!)
White Utensil Crock is from Target-- purchased a few years ago.  
All other white dishes/glasses are from either Ikea or Superstore

And that's it!  If anyone has any other specific questions... send them my way!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Kitchen Reveal

Alright.  Let's talk about my kitchen.

Like I mentioned a few days ago, my kitchen is finally finally done!  And it only took a year and a half.  But the end result is totally worth it, right??

Just to remind you of what it looked like before-- here's what my kitchen looked like when we first moved into this house.  It had a lot of bright colours going on, but was still dark and dreary.  It felt cramped, small, a tad depressing, and really didn't work for me :)

Fast forward 4 years, and here's what it looks like today.  When I walk into my kitchen I can hardly believe it's the same room.  Here's what it looks like now (when it's clean).

Now let's get into some of the details.

This was NOT a "go big or go home" kind of kitchen... but it also wasn't an extreme budget kitchen.  We had one major, MAJOR factor working in our favour-- my husband builds and designs custom kitchens for a living.  So... when it comes to the cabinetry, we got the best cabinetry possible and only paid for the materials since Doug was able to build it all with his own two hands.  But even though we were able to get the cabinetry we wanted for a great deal, we still were very conscious of our budget.  Here's a quick break down of the saves vs. the splurges in this kitchen:


kept existing appliances
kept existing layout-- for the most part
ikea faucet
inexpensive backsplash tile choice
used reclaimed wood for shelves
bought inexpensive knobs for cabinet doors
did ALL the work ourselves.  ALL.


quartz countertops (BUT, were still a bit of a save... as you'll soon find out!!)
expensive (and beautiful) bin pulls on all drawers
Closed up an existing window and made another one taller
Removed bulkhead

Okay.  So that was the summary.  Here are the details.

To save money, we didn't remove the wall that separates the kitchen from the living room.  People renovating with a similar floor plan typically do this, but it would have required considerably more time and cash-- two things we sure don't have a lot of these days!!  I still wanted that space to feel unique, so we added some open shelves between the upper cabinets to display some pretty stuff and tiled all the way up to the ceiling.  The lower cabinets are the same depth as the upper cabinets which keeps the room feeling spacious but still gives us added storage and counter space.

This next area of the kitchen required the most amount of work.  When we moved in there used to be a floor to ceiling window right where those open shelves are located.  While I loved all the natural light the window gave, the kitchen really really needed more counter space and more room for drawers!  Previously I had 3 really teeny tiny drawers-- now I have these 6 big ones plus three more on the other side of the sink.  And I can't tell you how much of a difference the extra three feet of counter space makes when I'm working in the kitchen with all my little "helpers".  It really makes this room so much more functional.

While this spot of the kitchen is definitely more functional, I also wanted it to be pretty.  Isn't that what we all want?  A kitchen that's both functional and pretty??  So... bring on more open shelves!  My kitchen is a very white-- and I love it-- but to keep it from feeling too cold and clinical I added some natural wood.  These natural wood shelves turned out to be my absolute most favourite part of the kitchen.  They turned out way better than I ever thought they would.  They were also a money saving solution-- the wood was free as it was just sitting around the shop taking up space and we didn't have to pay to have them sprayed like other finished parts.

These shelves hold all of my everyday dishes and glassware.  It's the perfect spot-- I unload my dishwasher right up onto those shelves-- no opening cabinet doors and moving things around-- everything gets stacked right up on these shelves and is used every, every day.

I've had a lot of people email asking about our countertops.  Even though I love marble, I knew that it could be a risky choice for my kitchen since we cook and live in this room all day long.  So, I decided to go for quartz since it's a much more durable option.  I was going to go with Misty Carrera by Caesarstone, but in the 11th hour I discovered that the countertop company we were going to work with sold a generic brand of quartz that had a colour that I liked even better than Caesarstone's Misty Carrera.  The spots and colour variation is more subtle than the Misty Carrera and is a tad less "grey".  And the best part was it was 40% cheaper than the Caesarstone option.  Pretty much a no brainer if you as me!

Others have asked about our cabinetry hardware.  The bin pulls on all of the drawers are from Restoration Hardware and were a splurge.  To save a bit of money I ordered knobs in the same finish (polished nickel) from an online supplier that were considerably cheaper than the matching ones from RH.  And, I really really love them.

Our faucet was a major save-- Ikea.  $79.  And I was like... WHAT!!?  Seriously.  It has the look I wanted and for $79??  Again, a total no brainer if you ask me!  I love the handles-- they have a vintage vibe that I totally love.

And the backsplash.  We saved money using a standard 3x6 white subway tile from Home Depot.  Even though our backsplash tile choice was cheap, it's still a classic look and I really love the way it looks all the way up to to the ceiling behind the open shelves, and around the kitchen window.  I also really love the light grey grout we selected.  It is subtle, but really makes the tile a feature in the kitchen.

Next week I'll do a special post listing the sources.   I bet you can't wait!!  If anyone has a specific question they want answered leave one in the comments or feel free to email me directly.

To conclude, I'm just going to brag about my hubby for a minute.  Doug designed/built/installed this kitchen with his own two hands.  ALL OF IT.  I knew he was good at what he does-- but even I was amazed at how GOOD he is at building kitchens... and how GOOD he is at all the little details that most people miss and don't notice.  I could explain my vision to him knowing that he would and could create exactly what I dreamed up.  Every little detail is perfect.  Exceptional.  Every day I walk into my kitchen and I can't believe Doug made it.  What would I do without him!!

So, if you live in the lower mainland and are looking for a cabinetry guy-- I know a really really good one!!  Shoot me an email if you want some info.

And, that concludes the long awaited (almost thought it was never going to end) kitchen renovation.  I love it.  Hope you do too :)

ps:  sorry 'bout the amateur photos-- still learning!
pps:  don't you just love how those pink peonies made it into almost every shot??
ppps:  pink peonies are my absolute favourite flower.  And a bundle for $5?  Score.
pppps:  wish I could have each and every one of you over for an awesome party so we could enjoy this kitchen for reals!!

Monday, June 03, 2013

Sunny Mondays are the Best

Sunshine, warm weather, kids napping, fresh slipcovers on the couches, and suddenly I'm turning on the Zolas and pounding a few new holes into the wall in the living room.  (didn't have a hammer, but it turns out that if you whack a nail hard enough with a tape measure it will lodge itself into the wall).

Nothing like a little sunshine to get me motivated to rearrange a few things around here...

This living room has been an ongoing work in progress over the past four years... and I like the way it's looking these days!  It really feels "me" in there...

Hope you all had a good Monday too!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's really really done

Today is an exciting day because I'm telling you now-- MY KITCHEN IS DONE!!!!

All the little electrical details, the touch up painting, the little tweaking... done.

I snapped this picture a few days ago to commemorate the occasion.  This is really my absolute favourite spot of the kitchen.  Fav.  Makes me smile and grin like a fool every time I walk into the room.

One of these days I'll take a few more pics to show you the kitchen in all it's fully finished glory.

But for now, I'm going to enjoy it.  And try to keep it clean...

Stay tuned for more!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Over the Weekend

Friday night.  Doug and I dropped the kids off (ALL the kids) and took off for the evening.  It was the first time since January that we had been away from the kids.  I pumped all week in preparation.  Maybe you can tell-- we weren't excited at all...

Kidding.  We were actually very excited.  Because we went to see Mumford and Sons!  So fun to see them perform live and outdoors in the park!  They definitely put on a good show.

We were feeling pretty youthful that night so we even bought t shirts.  I wore mine all weekend.

Friday was about us-- Saturday was all about the kids.  Doug and I have been talking about buying a trampoline for the backyard for a while now, since Doug had a rare Saturday at home we decided it would be the perfect day to buy the one we've been eyeing and set it up!

You cannot imagine how excited our older two kids were.  They have grown to love jumping on their cousin's trampoline, so the thought of having one of their own was pretty much the best thing ever!

Just look at the smile on Caleb's face.  Can it get any bigger?  I think not.

Since we have the trampoline now we've decided to retire our above ground pool (aka Gladys) for this year.  I was feeling a little apprehensive about setting it up this summer since I have to watch the kids like a hawk anytime they play in the backyard with the pool around and because it's a lot of work to maintain during the summer.  

This trampoline doesn't have any exposed springs or metal bars and has a huge cage to keep them on the trampoline as they're jumping-- so I feel like it is a much safer backyard activity for them.

It's pretty great to zip them in and let them jump their little hearts out.  I foresee many early bedtimes in the near future!  

I don't want to leave anyone out... so I'll just throw a quick picture of little S-dog up on the old blog today.  Just when I think he can't possibly get any cuter I wake up and bam-- he's 10 times cuter than the day before.

Melts my heart.  Especially when he sleeps through the night THREE nights in a row!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Switch Up

Over the past few weeks (or make that months) we've been working on adding some much needed storage to our living room.  This weekend we pushed to finish.  Here's a peek at what we've been up to.

Custom cabinetry-- finished the kitchen.  Moved on to the next room...

Took down the mirror and framed one of my pictures from our Italy trip! 

Don't you love those azaleas from my front garden?  I snipped those branches 5 days ago and they still look amazing!

I'd post more details, but let's be honest.  After a weekend of work I'm exhausted :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Will someone please make it 1000??

Just noticed that I have 999 pinterest followers.
Will some one please make it 1000?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

pulled out the spray paint again

I bought this little table at a thrift store last September.  It was an ugly reddish brown colour.  

It may look okay in this picture but in real life it was real ugly.

But last weekend I whipped out a can of white spray paint.  
Turns out there was cute little table hiding in there!  

I love cheap thrift store finds.  I love white spray paint.  I love this little table.

The end.

ps- If I'm painting it white I always spray.  It is WAY easier.
pps- Always prime with Kilz no matter what kind of paint you plan on using.  The BEST.  Spray it on-- instant stain blocking and instant perfect surface to apply your paint.
ppps- I used Rustoleum Painter's Touch.  Used it a few times now and love it.