Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kaiju Zombie battle!

More tales from the lunch art alert!

So I have this idea for a mini internet comic thing. Basically this big ol' Godzilla like monster rises out from the ocean after a ten year absence (like all good giant monsters). The catch is, this future society in there greed for longer life, have all gone zombie. So the monster's eating shitloads of them, until it begins to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of zombies. Then it has to fight it's way back to the ocean. I'm not sure if I'd have it escape back into the water or die under millions of zombies.

SLOW ZOMBIES. They don't all have to fucking run. ;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Monica Bot

I kind of liked this, so I'm adding to it. Still early.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Godzilla Lunch 2

1/2 Hour. It'll be sort of fun seeing this move hour by hour, or 1/2 hour by 1/2 hour maybe. ;)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From the depths...

Two lunch sketches for some longer pieces I'm planning. Hoping to really improve my portfolio this year. Time I take this shit more seriously.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Language Warning....

A quicky. I was worried about the use of the f bomb, but then I thought " I've drawn a dingleberry monster and an ogre crapping on the can on this blog already. People really should expect some of this by now."


Less time than usual today.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Alien Mommy

Well, looks like lunch is my new drawing time. It's hard though, because I have to decide if the pic is worth carrying over to the next day or not. I get an hour for lunch so I have to draw, upload and post in that amount of time. I feel like Speed Racer, but with a Wacom.

This one was just an alien, but I turned it into a mom. Suburban aliens, the most boring sci-fi novel ever!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lunch Continued...

man, I love and hate happy accidents. I messed up and adjusted the contrast on this pic, but I kind of like it. It's hard to accept that it might be better for two reasons. One, I loose a lot of bits I like in there. Two, it was an accident, not planned. Not even a planned accident. So what do you think, light, or dark?

To be honest, in the end it'll probably be a mix. I might spend on more day on this, but then I enter oerworking it, so no more than that. Maybe I'll just walk away and take a break from it. We'll see.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Astro Boy!

My daughter (the first one) and I have been having fun reading the old Astro Boy comics at bedtime. We're also watching the 80's cartoon on Netflix. I also finally beat Astro Boy Omega Factor for the GBA. It's a great game. All in all Astro's pretty fun stuff. I could go on and on, but I'm nearly out of lunch time, and I want to post my pic!

That's right, I drew during lunch! I barely have any time lately, none at home, but today I took a break at work. I plan on doing it more. I'm hurting due to the lack of sleep, but it'll pass eventually...once the kids are gone and safely out of college.

The pic looks a little too Popbot, and isn't finished, but fun to do.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My second non-art post! (But worth it)

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really busy though. I recently wrapped up working on my first movie project. I'm not sure if I can say anything about it, but it was recently announced in Variety. I hope it goes through and they use some of my stuff. I'd love to see something of mine on the big screen. It was a really cool experience.

It was also announce that I'll be in Spectrum 15, which is exciting. I've always loved that book and look forward to it every year.

The big big news though is the birth of my second little girl, Nola June Williams. Which means....a serious lack of updates in the future! Hopefully I'll have something, even a quick hour long project, up soon.

Well, back to the fam and fun!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Space Wizard

No time lately. Too busy. Quick goof.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Man I was sick. High temp and the works. Still recovering. Even worse was doing a freelance gig and staying up till one in the morning. Paid for it though. My high temp got even higher. It was a solid high 104, almost 105 (the thermometer said it was, but I doubt it). Anyway, some quick free time.

On a side note, weird fever dreams about my job, death and art. Like sixth season Sopranos weird. One bit about my digital art not being tangible, and if I died, I left nothing to my kids to hold onto and look at. Expect some traditional paintings soon!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bubsy Boyo

He be so tall. Again, might be dark, will fix later if it is. The guy was just for scale, but he got a little too finished. Now he really looks pasted in. BAH!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reworked Art

Did it on my laptop, might be too dark. The lappy tends to be overly bright. If it is, I'll fix on the morrow.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Quick, but some things I like. Might work on this more.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

REVELATIONS and Massive Black hosted a workshop up here in Seattle recently and I got to be an instructor. It was super duper cool. I met a lot of great people and got to hang with some of my favorite artists in person. I cannot stress how incredibly nice everyone was. You'd expect some ego from these folks, they're good enough to have them, but there was none. So damn fun.

Anyway, my main demo was a disaster. Noting would take hold on the screen. Major flop, really, really bad. It left me feeling very disappointed with myself. Like my whole goal of improving this year was a miserable failure. I wasn't going to go to the next two days I was so upset. Luckily I did, and redeemed myself a bit. Here's those demo pieces. They were done pretty quick, and you can see my short cuts ( I kept fucking up the chickens feet, so BOOTS FOR YOU!), and what I focused on, but there's still a few ok things on there. The brain eating fella was for the thunderdome (topic=Dream Devourer), Jason Chan annihilated us. I mean ANNIHILATED.

Friday, December 7, 2007

More Guild Wars work...

Sorry for the amount of old stuff, but it's new to the internet. I've been trying to finish that skatedeck, but it's a big file and my 7 year old computer can't handle it. Adding a layer takes 5 minutes. Also I'm watching season four of The Wire. Billy Wardlaw got me into it several years ago, and I've come to believe it's the best thing on tv, maybe that has ever been on tv. Anyway, some more Gwen work.