Friday, November 11, 2011

Fabulous Fall

As anyone who has been living in Utah this fall knows, we've had a fabulous warm fall, and it's just now starting to get nippy regularly. I've loved this fall, loved being able to send my kids out in the backyard throughout most of October, then to trick-or-treat without coats or jackets on Halloween night, continue to run outside without too much trouble, etc. Here's a few pictures of our fall thus far.

 New parks and new adventures while Evelynn is in school. Michael has mastered going down the slides, even the really high ones, all by himself.

 Free hay rides and hot chocolate at the pumpkin patch opening night right down the rode from Wal-Mart made for a fun and easy FHE night.

 Eloise's, Evelynn's, and daddy's

Leaves with the neighbors.

 I picked these from my neighbor's grapevine because they didn't want to use them. I made 10 quarts of juice with these, and then picked some more and made 5 more. I also made applesauce with a different neighbors apples that they also weren't going to utilize. I was so bummed when I moved to Orem because I was leaving behind my fruit trees, but all is not lost. :)

 Michael has learned to walk! And because of that, he's figured out that he can be much much taller than before, especially if he s t r e t c h e s :)