Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cali Chan Reunion...

After an afternoon at the beach, we went on cruise of the bay. Saw a few "famous" people's homes...I think the highlight was the sea lions.

The group of us from that day...

The next morning we attended the temple with my Uncle Stanley who was taking out his own personal endowments. The LA Temple is beautiful. Afterwards we went to a nearby church where all the kiddos were being watched by cousins and family...had a quick lunch and sat in traffic for a bit trying to get back to our hotel. (We DISLIKE California traffic.) That night we met together at another church building for dinner and pics and some entertainment. The tacos were super yummy, family talent show was great :) and the magician was a hoot!!

Here we all are...minus Justin and Jessica :(
I am certain I've missed some fun details...

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Friday, July 22, 2011


My parents and I, and the girls, took a few days and drove down to California after Activity Day Camp. We left Monday, stopping in Utah at Kathryn's for a night. Mom and Dad went to the MTC for a Mongolian lesson. While the rest of us just rested and hung out. After lunch we left for Las Vegas...stopping in at Ada & Andrew's for the night. After a yummy breakfast that Andrew made for us, we stopped in on the strip...checking out a few casinos and M&M world. My dad wanted to "walk" down to Paris, which he said wasn't far, but we all developed was so hot and it was only 10 in the morning!! After eating some french pasteries, we were back on the road for California!!

Driving with my dad=a lot of stops...not to just "stretch" his legs, but for him to get desserts...i.e. milk shakes, ice cream, candy, drinks, hard boiled eggs...

Once in California we hit the beaches on a few days...actually a lot of days!! Our Arizona cousins took us around. Our favorite beach was...o-no!! I don't remember the name!! Del Mar? We went to Newport Beach on the day of the main reunion. It was rockier and the waves were more intense. (Photos below). Many of our family were there to hang out. Kaylee and Kaitlyn did a lot of boogie boarding, except when Kaylee crashed onto the beach, tweaking her left hand pinkie. It was so swollen and painful :(

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

More landscaping...

Trenching for sprinklers was surprising rock free...especially compared to our last sprinkler project on 9th place. Once all of the lines were put in, we had a "fill in the trenches" party. The kids had fun mucking around in the dirt and mud, until we finally had to tell them to get out. Then they took to the street...biking and playing who knows what.

A good friend came and helped us level everything out and a few days later we had the curbing in!! Looking good!!

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Activity Day Camp 2011

Quick week of swim lessons with Bonnie...and then Activity Day Camp!! Kassidy was excited to attend this year. We had so many fun classes!! Shirts turned out cute, girls had fun crafting, making music and just hanging out with good friends.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Fourth!!

Quinton and Linsie stayed a while with us...celebrating the 4th of July and swimming, jet skiing, etc. etc. Quinton took a lot of cool fireworks pics, but I haven't unloaded them from my SLR yet.

A friend of ours told us about a nearby blueberry patch that we all went to pick at. Most of my girls didn't like eating them, but we all had fun picking them. Mainly because we were with friends. They worked hard and we came away with almost 10 lbs!! (They didn't even like the blueberry muffins I made, but do enjoy them in smooties.)

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kassidy's Baptism :)

We are ever so grateful for all of our family who were able to come and celebrate with Kassidy on her special day! Thank you for making the time to be with us.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Last day of school....and Kassi's B-day!!

A few photos from the last day of school and a fun beginning of summer party at Ted & Stacy's...

...and KASSI's BIRTHDAY!! She is lucky to have gotten a homemade birthday cake this year. (I didn't get around to making any for the other girls. Seems to be an ice cream cake type of year for us :) Kassi even had one up in Seattle too.) Her cousins from Utah were also able to make the festivities this a lot of fun cousin time and swimming!!

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