Sunday, December 27, 2009

Chan Family Photo 2009...

Julia did a great job "compiling" a current Chan Family Photo...Now, I've just got to get it printed off!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

More WA Photos (Julia)

Had fun playing lots of games, eating lots of food, and doing lots of crafts. Snowmen, penguines, and washer necklaces (well, I guess I just watched that project).

It was great when Tim was finally able to fly up and join us. We had fun exercising to P90 together over G-Chat. The nieces and nephews even joined in and did it with us...and they LOVED it!

Christmas was cousin-exchange, Christmas program put on by my nieces, and lots of gifts!

One of my favorite memories from the trip: Little Kyle sobbing in his little Jeep...hunched over, head on arm on steering wheel. After Kiera consoles him and convinces him to come inside to watch a movie, his little Jeep juts backwards. He pauses for a bit in between sobs to reach down, pull a lever to change the car into drive, then speeds forward. Still sobbing, he maneuvers his way into the garage, slightly ricocheting (sp?) off the bumper of a car sitting in the garage. Still sobbing, he parks the little jeep in the garage. Aunt Dorothy comes out to help in stand up. He then sadly says, "I can't walk!" Dorothy picks him up and takes him inside.

Oh how I wish I were a better writer to catch that moment. Better yet, I wish I had my camera! :(

Lots of great moments from this trip... maybe I'll document them later... or I'll just totally forget about it...

Chan Family Christmas (Julia)

Tim headed back to Texas while Olivia and I continued on to Washington. Did I mention that a stomach flu began to spread during Thansgiving? Yeah. So the night before flying out, Tim and I were NOT feeling well at all. We were about to cance/change our flights...but the cheapskates won. :P WE felt AWFUL!

It was a long flight for me... Olivia did not sleep again. But at least I didn't vomit on the plane like Tim did. Once we finally arrived in Washington, everyone was excited to see/hold/play with Olivia.

Here are a ton of pics... I'm not sure where the text will end up being (in relation to the images), so I'll just blab a bit. Dot had a fun time playing with my camera, and caught a ton of cute faces from Olivia.

I had fun helping my sis take some preggo pics...helped dot take a few pics of her friend's family... the nieces wanted a ton of pics taken of themselves...

I was able to drive up to Seattle with my parents to see my grandma. While there, got to hang out with Pauline and Jacob, Brenda, and Auntie Audrey and Uncle Ted. It was fun to see them all with Olivia.

My cute niece Emma was baptized while we were there! I'm glad we were there for that! It was cute to see how much the cousins (especially the boys) LOVED Olivia.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2009 Christmas Gingerbread houses...

So, I felt ambitious again and tried my hand at making my own gingerbread for our houses this year. I think they turned out GREAT!! The kiddos...all 8...enjoyed decorating without supervision...I should have made it a rule that they couldn't munch on it for at least 2 weeks. But I forgot and once I said, "Ok. You can each have one piece of candy," it was a lost cause...I don't think we even had the houses around for a week afterwards. Even in this picture, they had already begun nibbling...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My sister...

My sister and her husband Andy were able to come home for about a week at Thanksgiving time. It was so fun to have them around. She is expecting their first child...and so Julia took a few photos of her 6/7 month profile...I am so excited for this little spirit to join our family. Only he, our Heavenly parents and Christ really know and understand the journey that was taken for him to join the Sio family. I know he is a choice spirit, predestined to be a forever family with Tanya & Andy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mikennaism 120209

I was talking to Mikenna about how when Kaylee was 4 years old, just like her, Kaylee had 2 little sisters!! I asked Mikenna if she was sad since she didn't have any little sisters. Her reply, "No, because my little sister is Olivia!!"