Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pioneer Day...

It is nice to have family that blog events that you've both attended...a good reminder of "oh yeah!! That happened!!"

I stole this collage from Allison, a fun Pioneer Day dinner our ward put on with yummy ribs and some fun games...3 legged race, stilts, water balloon toss, tug-o-war...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mikenna is FOUR!!

She is getting so big, and wants to be thought of a big girl...just like her sisters...With her short little haircut, she doesn't quite seem to be my baby anymore, but I will always consider her to be my baby, especially when she snuggles up to me as she falls asleep.

We started swim lessons this week, wasn't sure how Mikenna would take to it. She doesn't like to get her face wet, but swimming with Hannah was too enticing. Hannah got her to put her face in once on the first day, but this picture I snapped of her on her birthday was after Bonnie "dunked" her...
I'd made mini cupcakes so we could sing Happy Birthday to her, that way her friends and cousins could celebrate with her a bit. The lighter I tried using didn't work, so, we didn't light the candles.

When I asked her what type of cake she wanted, thinking we'd be doing some type of princess theme...she said, "A lot of colorful flowers and butterflies." So here you have it! After I took this picture, she asked if she could taste the frosting...which I thought no harm in that...there was a bit on the plate when I'd finished. Little did I know that she would come back a few more times...a nice "clean" ring around the bottom of the cake.

Mikenna mentioned to my mom that her birthday was going to be celebrated at ChuckECheese's...which wasn't in the plans, but since I figured it was a cooler option than swimming, took them there to play the games. We also needed to be out of the house while a few realators came through. While at CEC, as we were playing air hockey, this little girl stood watching us, after our game, Mikenna asked her, "Do you have money?" (the tokens to play) and the little girl shook her head. So, Mikenna gave her a few of hers. Mikenna has such a kind sharing heart. I'm glad she was willing to share, even if that little girls grandpa was at the machine getting their own tokens. :9
Red Robin, of course for our birthday dinners...

Then back to my parents for cake and ice cream!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

An evening of playdough...

The girls caught a glimpse of their "stash" of playdough when I had to get something ready for primary sharing time. Thus, they pulled it all out after we got home from dinner at my parents'. Sure does create a mess, but they had fun for an hour.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is this how you eat a carrot?


We have a serious flushing problem in our family.

I went into the bathroom, noticed it hadn't been I flushed it, and then reminded everyone "NICELY" that they needed to flush the toilet...

I go back in...LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES LATER...and someone forgot to flush!!!!


I am LIVID!!

Any solutions?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Michael's grandparents have a neighbor whose tree hangs into their yard. When the apricots are ripe enough, we get to pick some!! They were a bit small, but worked! Mike wouldn't let the girls climb up the ladder, a lower branch had broken, other pickers getting their first...left the ones more ripe up higher...they were a bit upset...especially Kaylee, don't you love her "I'm mad" body language.

This year I canned 11 jars (5 pints, 6 1/2 pints) of jam, and then 6 qts of nectar.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

snip snip chop...

We found a great gal who cuts hair for a great price! Kassi was the first...she's been wanting a "style" like her friend Maddy for awhile...knowing I hadn't a clue how to cut it, we went to Lindsey...Then once Mikenna saw the cut, she wanted it too! Kiera was brave enough to get a shorter style too...and Kaylee had layers put in...but I didn't get a picture of her, she's been into ponies lately...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Van in repair...

It's reassuring to know that my husband is so handy...he can fix just about anything...he's not afraid to get dirty or work hard...

My van was "diagnosed" with a loose ??? and needed a coil (on the struts?) replacement. (I think.) Mike ordered the parts and then, despite 100 weather, got to work...took him a bit longer than planned but eventually he got it done. These coils were huge!

While he worked, he said he waited for me to come out and ask the questions I always ask...which I eventually did..."Are you sure it's going to work? Are you sure you put it back together right?" If you saw all the parts that come off and get put back on, you'd probably wonder the same thing.

While they were working, I tried getting a video of Mikenna...but it didn't turn out too well...the song "the Climb" by HM came on and Mikenna was singing with times she would close her eyes, or get this cute "singing expression" on her face...I wonder what was going through her mind as she was singing...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Painted Ladies...

Aunt Gloria gave us a certificate for some Paintedlady butterflies, well actaully you get the larvae, that turn into the caterpillars then the chrysalis and finally butterfly...Anyhow, she loaned us her butterfly "cage" and we sent in the certificate. The girls checked the mail everyday, anxiously awaiting their delivery...when we finally did get them, they were already full caterpillar size, and the next day...crawled to the top of the holder, "j"ed and changed into their chrysalis. A week later they emerged, few days after that we let them go. Everytime one flew off, Mike would comment, "oh, the bird got that one." which the girls did not appreciate.

BBQ at the park...

The city put on their 2nd annual City Councel BBQ last night...can't pass up free dinner, especially when it's hot out! Plus, the girls still hadn't had much of an opportunity to play at the water park, so I sat in the shade while they stay cool in the water. Eventually Mikenna got over her "I don't water on my face" thing and joined in.

Pretty Toes...

The girls are excited that I have relented and made their toes pretty. Still, 40 toes are a lot to we'll see how long it will last...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Activity Day Camp...

Yeah!! It's over!!

I didn't realize how tired I would be by the end. It certainly is nice to be able to relax and not have anything to really worry about. (Except for working out our house plans and getting bids and getting this house sold.)

Two other ladies and I were asked to help organize camp this year. For camp, I was in "charge" of 1/2 of the classes, but there were two that I was helping to prep for: an accordian book class and a watercolor class. There were 110 girls from our stake that attended, so it was a lot of prep. Luckily, I have a few great friends who helped out!!

Anyhow, my girls loved it, so all of the hard work and time was well worth it!!
Here the girls are with their completed accordian books and their watercolors.
Below they are creating sugar cube temples. Not sure what we'll do with ours, afraid that they will attract ants...definitely don't want any more of those...

Here they are participating in some water relays/games. It was the perfect weather to get a bit wet in.

Music creativity class.
Enjoying a snack!!