Saturday, May 30, 2009


Saturday...Tim took us to Costco and the Gallaria's a HUGE mall with tons of stores...we went mid-day, so it was very hot and humid...

50 mileage club...

The girls and I "joined" a 50 mileage club about 2 months ago (I think I may have mentioned this back in March sometime)'s where for 11 weeks we either walked or ran 5 miles each week...Kaylee and Kiera easily got their weekly miles, especially since they participated in their school mileage club, for Kassi it was a lot more difficult. She does have little legs...but we did it!! Even Mikenna got a few miles in (Mike is working on getting a trophy for her as well.)

They had a finishers fun run this morning that Michael and his mom took them to. What a great opportunity this was for the kids to learn how important exercise is. Thanks to all those who put in the work to organize it. (yes those last 2 sent. I plagiarized from Taunya.)

The last photo is from the 3 river's road runners website, and Kaylee & her friend are running on the far right. I hope they continue to love running and exercising...

Friday, May 29, 2009

H...d2...part 2...5/29

Mikenna finally held Olivia. It took some coaxing, had to do some feet comparisons...
and with the help of her mao mao...
we got some CUTE pics...

Proud papa :DMy sister is a milking machine. I know I didn't have this to pump out with my first (or 2nd, 3rd, & 4th) until well into the 2nd week...we are expecting big results at Olivia's first drs. visit! 2...5/29

Mikenna misses her sisters so much...she constantly asks when we are going home. We try to keep her occupied, she loves to help sweep. This her job after grandma sweeps the fact, she saw this same pair of "tools" at the store today and wanted to buy a set to bring home.
With only one TV, she gets the luxery of watching Quinton's mp4 player once in a while...we need to get some more shows for her...
Mikenna has developed a taste for moochies (Mochie) too bad they are a bit pricey, so we'll just have to sick with ice cream from now on...
Olivia has a bit of jaundice, so we have set her in the sun, it's a bit overcast...the hospital actually had catagorized on a chart as a low risk for jaundice, I never had that for any of my girls...anyhow...figured you can't be too overly cautious...
I can't get blog to quit rotating my pics around, but here is a pic of Tim swimming with Mikenna. She is a bit apprhensive of both him and the new baby...hopefully she will warm up some over time.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Houston!! 5/28

Well, we arrived! Travel was easy, thanks to my cousin Quinton, who lent us an mp4 player for Mikenna. Actually, we all napped the first leg, walked the Denver floor walks, read a few stories during the second leg, and then the last hour we pulled out Dora!! It was so cute, watching her with her headphones on.
Here we are at the hospital with Olivia & Julia...their friend Lilian was nice enough to come and pick us up from the airport. Mikenna was a bit hesitant at first.

Here's Julia, leaving the hospital!

Home, with her lucky money!! Olivia is so cute!! I can't believe how tiny she is!! Such a sweet baby!!


My newest, cutest, niece has joined the family!!

May 26, 2009, 5 lbs 15 oz

If you like labor and delivery stories, here's her's...just6moremonths.blogspot.comI am off to Texas to see her!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend...

We've had a relaxing few days. Originally, my cousins were coming down, but because of my grandfather's upcoming funeral, they'll visit 4th of July weekend instead. So, we basically did nothing...

Saturday evening some of Michael's extended family came into town, so we met up at the park for BBQ and chit chat. There were families everywhere!! and a little mexi band that went around playing and singing. We had a great yummy spread set out and we all ate ourselves too full.

We've had wonderful weather these past few days. Mikenna, Kassi, and I have spent many hours relaxing and reading and playing in the sun. Strange that summer is upon us and another school year is about complete.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mikennaism 051908

dots: "Who did this?"
M: "I didn't do it mama?"
dots: "Who did then?"
M: shrug of shoulders
dots: "Mikenna, write your name for me!"
M: "Ok, I know how to write my name!"
dots: "Now hold it up so I can take a picture!!"

What do you think? Did she do it?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

LOVE hand me downs!!

We inherited a bunch of hand-me-downs from a friend yesterday...they are mostly for Kaylee, but all the girls were able to use something today in their church attire.

THANKS jessh & jenh!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Grandpa...

After quite a long grandfather passed away today. I read back to when he'd first showed undeniable signs of aging/health failure/death is nigh event back in Oct. 07...and it makes me wonder about the reasons for this lingering process. Obviously, sudden deaths are unwanted, but then lingering is just as undesirable. I am glad it is done and he can be back to who he is, not what we have seen these past months.

* Ultra strong toes-most definitely did not want to be caught in their grips!
*Wu Gok (Taro footballs....mmmm....)
*Tong Bat Lap...ummm...
*"Love at Home"
*Grandpa's walk
*Almond Cookies
*Hanging out at the Union Building while he cleaned
*Eating out in China Town
*Playing with the cousins in his backyard
*taking things apart to fix them, sometimes better, sometimes not...
*lotto tickets..."lucky money"...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

big-gest lo-ser gale style...

Last night we could hear the girls in the other room playing...and we busted up when we figured out they were playing "theBiggest Loser", tonight, I caught them in their "Last chance workout." Kaylee is a bit brutal with her "Julian" impersonation...and listen carefully (after the toilet flushes) to Kiera & Kaylee's conversation... video...

Right...this is the new "craze" in our household. Thank you Emma. Just google it...hoe.down.throw.down...(without the dots) from HM's new movie. It's catchy...


...Montana...Thank you to whoever gave us the HM makeup collection...and Yes...I had no qualms about taking these faces out in public.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Warning: Long video ahead...

The girls got all dressed up and done up for their "fashion show". It was windy outside and they'd already watched their allotment of TV for the, this is how they entertained themselves.

I tried splicing together the different clips...I'm not sure where they came up with their "stage names"...Mikenna's poses are fierce...I love how Kassi tries to prompt her...Kiera has some stunning moves...and Kaylee-the director of the show, the whole show...(too much ICarly I think) There is one final clip, only I can't get it off the camera and onto the computer...I'll work on that. When I finally "caught" them with my camera, I took it away...then found out what they were doing...I need to be a nicer certainly was a great laugh for me when I saw what they'd been doing. I'm glad they were getting along and happily entertaining themselves!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


This past weekend a good friend of mine got married in the Boise Temple. The temple grounds were beautiful. The girls stayed in the van while we attended the sealing.

Alyce & I were roommates the year after my mission and before hers...1996...She helped me "transition" back into the world, got me hooked on clogging, went with my family back to Hong Kong for the temple dedication...traveled all over visiting friends, she took a cantonese class so she could "understand" better what we RMs from Hong Kong were talking about, we laughed and laughed, played yahtzee, nertz...(did I even take pictures that year? No clue...) She was my best friend that year, and then she went on a mission.

Well, she is married now, he seems like a great guy with a fun sense of humor. They are quite the pair! Congratulations!!

my gymnasts...

Kassi was looking at her stomach before baths the other day. She has a four-pack. She is getting so strong!! I've seen her do all sorts of stuff at gymnastics and can tell she has got some muscles!!

Mikenna is taking a break from gymnastics, but loves to try out moves with her sisters. This video is just her doing the "precursor" to a cartwheel.

Down on the farm...

Our preschool group got to visit a farm last week. The kids had a blast. We saw some very cute baby goats, watched a peacock strut around, spied some hens clucking and rode a spotted horse!! It was great!!
Sariah is oldest preschooler, she'll be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Mikenna loves her. Sariah always is so considerate to Mikenna and tries her best to "take care" of her. Here she is holding her hand because the dogs were running crazy and Mikenna was scared.
Here they are again, riding the horse together.
The little girl riding with Mikenna is my friends daughter, who is about 1 1/2 years younger than my Mikenna...they look to be the same size here!!
A goat who has great taste!!
Actually, it is goats milk, love the bottle though!