
Showing posts with label Disinformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disinformation. Show all posts

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Coffee Party Parasites

The Coffee Party is a political parasite which presents itself as something it is not. As reported in the NY Times [see update below], Park presents herself as not hostile to the Tea Party movement, and in fact, hopes to bring some Tea Partiers into her group:

“We’re not the opposite of the Tea Party,” Ms. Park, 41, said. “We’re a different model of civic participation, but in the end we may want some of the same things.” ....

Ms. Park and chapter organizers said they would invite Tea Party members to join their Coffee counterparts in discussions. “We need to roll up our sleeves, put our heads together and work it out,” she said. “That’s, to me, an American way of doing this.”
In fact, a simple internet search (which the NY Times apparently is not capable of doing) reveals that Park organized the Coffee Party for the specific purpose of undermining the Tea Party movement.'


Friday, December 04, 2009

Your Endangered Mass Media Needs Your Help

Zionista, Henry Waxman, says that the media needs government help. After I stopped laughing, I reflected on the hard and incontrovertible fact that primarily Zionist-Jewish interests control 96% of the world media. Waxman says, "We cannot risk the loss of an informed public and all that means because of this market failure" (more laughter). I don’t know what informed public Waxman is talking about but it wouldn’t be in America unless, all of a sudden, the American public has switched off this endangered media and migrated in a large, bleating mass to the alternative, internet news sites. I haven’t seen that. The official stockyards and approved grazing areas are still packed full of head-bobbing sheep. The resurrection theme of Easter has a different meaning for sheep; lambs in particular.'


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today’s Ancient Warfare: Facts vs. Beliefs

In unconventional warfare, manipulated beliefs are used to displace inconvenient facts. When waging war by way of deception, false beliefs are an oft-deployed weapon. Recall Iraqi weapons of mass destruction? Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda? Iraqi mobile biological weapons laboratories?

Iraqi meetings in Prague with Al Qaeda? Iraqi purchases of yellowcake uranium from Niger? All these claims were reported as true. All were later proven false or, worse, fabricated. Yet all were widely believed. Only the yellowcake uranium was conceded as bogus before the invasion of Iraq. As the U.S. crafted its response to the provocation of a mass murder on U.S. soil, those widely shared beliefs shaped a consensus to wage war on a nation that had no hand in it.

A similar deception-traceable to the same source-is now working to expand this war to Iran. Based on fast-emerging events, the next conflict could include Pakistan.'


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News — as a primary fount of Operation Mockingbird — is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Serb Demonization a Propaganda Coup

The successful demonization of the Serbs, making them largely responsible for the Yugoslav wars, and as unique and genocidal killers, was one of the great propaganda triumphs of our era. It was done so quickly, with such uniformity and uncritical zeal in the mainstream Western media, that disinformation had (and still has, after almost two decades) a field day.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Fusion Center Agents Working Public Forums?

People continue to ask me, "what is a fusion center?" At first, I was perplexed by the term, but as I looked seems to be a coordinated effort by Homeland Security, through various state run agencies, to monitor websites and forums in their area. They monitor for illegal activities, including terrorism. However, there is a likely scenario that goes beyond law enforcement, but a potential brainwashing tactic, under the direction of the Obama administration.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

He's Not The Messiah - He's A Very Very Naughty Boy!

David Shayler now states that not only is Ian Crane The Devil but an alcoholic one at that. Shaylers vindictive superego is getting really out of control and that proves to me IMHO he is no more the messiah than is my dog. !

Friday, September 12, 2008

Iran Renews Nuclear Weapons Development

Nuclear experts responsible for monitoring Iran's nuclear programme have discovered that enough enriched uranium, which if processed to weapons grade level could be used to make up to six atom bombs, has disappeared from the main production facility at Isfahan.
American spy satellites have identified a number of suspicious sites, which the Iranians have not declared to nuclear inspectors, that intelligence officials believe are being used for covert research.
The new discoveries emerged as it was revealed that Israel had asked America for military supplies, including "bunker buster" bombs and re-fuelling planes, suitable for an attack on Iranian nuclear installations.
The Israeli paper Haaretz reported yesterday that Israel has also asked for permission to use an air corridor through Iraqi airspace, currently controlled by America, to Iran.
So far the requests have been turned down by Washington, which is currently not as keen as Israel to consider a military strike against Iran.
But concern that Iran has resumed work on building atom bombs has deepened following the revelation that large quantities of uranium has gone missing from Iran's conversion facility at Isfahan.
The Isfahan complex, which enriches raw uranium "yellow cake" into material that can be used for either nuclear power or atomic weapons, is supposed to be subject to close supervision by the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). But the Iranians only allow IAEA inspectors access to the final stage of the production process, where the uranium in gas form - UF6 - is stored.
By conducting a careful study of the amount of material stored at Isfahan, and the amount of "yellow cake" known to have been processed at the plant, nuclear experts believe between 50-60 tons of uranium - which if enriched to weapons grade level would be sufficient to produce five or six atom bombs - has gone missing from the plant.
And these would be the same 'Intelligence Agencies' that told us there are WMD in Iraq are they?
This stinks to high heaven of media disinformation to justify a strike on Iran
Don't fall for it !!!