
Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts

Friday, April 09, 2010

The US Was Behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa

The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.'


Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Critical Decision

Members of all branches of the United States Military will soon be facing a most critical decision. The European Union Times is reporting here that Obama is using the deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan to cover for the movement of some 200,000 troops, presently on duty in countries other than Iraq and Afghanistan, to USNORTHCOM to prepare for the "expected outbreak of Civil War within the United States before the end of winter".'


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Pakistan Asserts “Hoax” War Call Was Real

Pakistani officials have asserted that the so called “hoax” phone call to its President Zardari on November 28, which threatened war in response to the Mumbai attacks, was in fact real and that Indian High Commission officials have since circulated a report in the media suggesting it was false.
Pakistan Information and Broadcasting Minister Sherry Rehman has stated that the call was put out from “a verified official Phone Number of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs”.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

ALERT! - Gun Confiscation, Martial Law and Civil War In America

All you pollyannas out there, don’t say you were not warned!

Last night’s Q-files with Steve Quayle (Dec 1), he provided extremely relevant information on what will be occurring in the country within the next 12 months; Lindsey Williams also made the same nearly verbatim dire prediction on Alex Jones show sometime last week in that America’s Middle-Class will be destroyed, which will result in gun confiscation, martial law and finally civil war.

I’ve been following Quayle for several years and I do not agree with him on every point, most of all, his interweaving of religious rhetoric into his broadcasts, nor do I agree with his opinion that radical Islam is a threat to the US or the world. Anyone reading this blog knows full well where I stand on “what” the significant threat is. Disregarding those two issues, Quayle is a patriot and his insider knowledge is invaluable especially right now.

When someone like Steve Quayle starts recommending the purchase of BACK ROAD ATLASES everyone needs to get their heads out of the sand and pay attention!

Pragmatic Witness