Friday, July 15, 2011

We're painting the Roses red....

Brads class did a play about Alice in Wonderland. It was so well done! He played card 3 and had some lines and got to sing in a trio! He sang so well! He practiced and practiced until all of us were able to sing the song with him. In fact we all still sing it! We are proud of him because he gets shy when he gets in front a crowd. You could not even tell he was nervous!

Kamryns 5th Grade Program

Kamryn was able to do a 5th grade program about the early years of America! She had a solo and played the violin a couple of times. We are so proud of her and how well she plays the violin and sings! She had the best teacher Mrs. Stockwell. She encourages her class to best the very best in all that they did. Her theme for Kamryns class was "The power of one." We are so grateful for all the things she taught Kamryn.

Harrisons Preschool Program

Harrison was able to attend Sherwood Oaks preschool in Bloomington. He had the best teachers Ms. Heather and Ms. Stacey. They were so kind to him and helped him learn so many wonderful things this past year. They studied the 10 commandments this year or as Harrison says, "10 rules rock!" This was his end of the school year program where they sang songs they had learned. His favorite.. God is number one. He sang it at the top of lungs where ever we went. Target, Kroger or in the car. My camera was being funny that night so my pictures were a little fuzzy. He was so excited to have all of us go watch him. As we were getting ready he came into my room he walked into me closet and announced .." mom, I will pick out something for you to wear because you need to be gorgeous!" It was so fun to watch him sing and say his name! I can't believe my baby is getting so big!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

White Trash...

(Some of the crowd was interesting .. this girl was not drowning.. just floating in the water with her "crack" out for all too see!)

When I say white trash I mean bags.... White trash bags. Who knew they could be so much fun! The day before the Soelburg's moved we went hiking then we came home ate some lunch and went down to the Lower Cascade park to go sliding down a concrete slab into the creek. It was so much fun! We had fun spinning, doing the superman and having races. I did not win despite me pushing (cheating) Sara and Jen out of my way. I guess my mom was right when she said "Cheaters never prosper!" We had a wonderful time with the Powells, Stansels, and the Whitings! My only regret is that we waited until right before we moved to try it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

He Did It!

Bryan graduated! Not only did he graduate but he had a GPA of 3.93! Thank goodness I was able to help him with his homework and papers. Who knows what his GPA would have been? We loved having his brothers Blake and Brigg and his parents come! The highlight of the graduation was when our two oldest starting fighting and hitting each other right as Bryan was going to get his diploma. We teach them to behave well here at our house. It was a great day and it took a lot of hard work on everyone's part to get to this day. We are sad to see this time in school coming to an end. It has been really hard at times but having the friends and being here in Indiana has been a time that we will forever cherish! Go Hoosiers!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


We had a great month with Brad with the Blue and Gold Banquet and then the pine wood derby. At the Blue and Gold Brad did a skit with the boys in his pack. He did a great job and is learning to love being the center of attention. Later on in the month we had the pine wood derby. Let's just say it involved a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth. (not Brad or Bryan.. I confess it was me) Bryan was out of town the week of the race. Before he left he finished all the the wheels and the weights on the car. I thought "no sweat, I can put wheels on.." Boy- was I wrong! I broke his car the night before the race. I was so mad. So after I called Bry I decided that I would use this special glue and glue the wheels in. I told Brad on our way that the car probably would only last one race and he would probably not win any race. When we got their my friend's family was there with signs for Brad to cheer him on. It made our night! Brad LOVED having people to cheer him on. ( Thanks Meekers!)I think the signs and the cheering helped because Brad won 4 out of 6 races! Woo hoo!

My Birthday..

I turned ____( insert any small number here) in February. It was a fun day that included lunch with friends and a date with Bry. That morning I woke and open the curtains and found this on my back sliding door... I died laughing! Let me explain why this was so funny to me. I LOVE the show hoarders. Its like a train wreck- you have too look but its really horrible to see. I have been known to have my friends over for lunch while we watch this show. Almost always the hoarders has cats that dead and.or alive . So the joke between my friends is that once you have a cat you are one step closer to becoming a hoarder. Which for us here at school can be very easy because we are crammed into these town homes. So Amy and I always joke that we are going to get each other a cat. So she got up early on my birthday and put this up! One day she might receive a furry friend of her own on her special day! Meow!