Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Harley 1887 commish

I think that this may have been my first 1887 themed piece I did this year.
After I post things, I often get messages asking if I do commissions, the short answer is yes, when I have time. I can send details on options and costs etc  if you drop me your email. Here's a hint, the 1887 pieces often move up to the top of my to-do list since I like doing them ;)

Thursday, February 02, 2017

New drawing for old art ;)

I got an email from a guy who bought a batch of old indy comic art at a thrift store, including one of my pages from my Gizmo series way back when. Out of nostalgia, I offered to buy it or do him a ninja turtle drawing that would be worth a lot more than a Gizmo page ;) in exchange (he was a TMNT fan) and he said he loved Fugitoid  so I did this extra shiny piece for him. One thing that made me smile was the original price I had written on the back of the Gizmo page was $35...ah, simpler times ;)