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H e l l o !
with true Joy I come here to wish you all
the merriest of New Year's ahead!
Here is to a 2014
where each day - or as many days as possible -
begin - and are! - as if it is
O u r B i r t h d a y .
Here is to a Year
where G o o d D e e d s
brighten up our
W o r l d
Here is to a Year full of
physical, emotional & spiritual
H e a l t h & G r o w t h
Here is to a Year
where P a t i e n c e is not only a virtue,
but an honorable way of living,
benefiting the ones who practice it,
as much as the ones who receive it.
Here is to a Year
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{ clockwise from top right: 1. 2. 3. 4. & 5 } |
where the little things are enjoyed,
true stories are shared
for good purposes
and to a year where I n d i v i d u a l i t y
is celebrated,
cause the W h o l e is nothing without the sum of its parts.
So let each part be as magnificent & pretty
as S n o w f l a k e s are,
all d i f f e r e n t in their own beautiful way!
Here is to o a Year filled
with all kinds of m a r v e l s & w o n d e r s & m i r a c l e s,
cause there is enough space in
the arms of this World & this Life
for i n f i n i t e numbers of them to occur.
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{ the woods + the sea } |
I'm and have been feeling ever so grateful for so many aspects of life in general and mine personally,
and know that this intensely "pregnant" period I seem to have been going through
lately is reaching to the point of a happy, focused & prosperous release.
And yes, sharing my work in what has become { our beautiful, beloved home } & my recent projects!
* ssshhh, let this be a secret { you may as well laugh here, I'm doing so, too ; ) },
but I think I must have gone through a phase of adult t i m i d i t y... well if that exists... can you possibly relate in any way?...enjoying life & very often also wishing to share about it all, but somehow being hesitant... or just wishing for privacy and quietness after all...
a bizarre thing for a person with quite a few social media platforms you might say... *
this calls for reevaluation of situations...
but to return to what I was talking about,
above all I'm grateful for the loved ones in my life,
my home next to the woods,
here in the middle of this beautiful country,
as much as appreciative of my origins by the sea.
On another notice, recently I read this on Pick the brain and I was sighing with r e l i e f,
while the word B E L I E F
was "blinking" with pure, white light all over and around me...
it's just SO NICE to find out there something
that resonates so perfectly with your thoughts & emotions simultaneously ....
Care to read through and come back here to share your thoughts?
A little time consuming perhaps,
but then maybe when you make some time space for it!
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{ left & right } |
So, how about when giving advice, to try to be modest by adding a phrase like:
"this is working for me, so I thought I share it with you in case it could help you, too!"
I do say a big , clear YES to thorough p l a n n i n g & o r g a n i s a t i o n,
as in so many parts of life it is absolutely essential
{ well, much like in our living environments ; ) }
but then, let's also remember that not all people are, think or act the same,
and each situation is unique
In some cases and phases of our lives, perhaps all we really do need is to just:
b r e a t h e, t r u s t, l e t go & s e e what happens,
while keeping in mind that
g o o d things t a k e t i m e,
so let us just b e p a t i e n t
and work passionately towards actualizing our deepest positive wishes & desires!
I'm very happy and thankful that you take part here,
in this blog place which still feels right with my heart,
{ I even STILL like the header after 2 and half years!.. is it just... me? oh well. }
I wish for changes.
There's more than that & I need to combine my strengths to carry it all off!
There is evolving a new order of things & I'm as eager to see the form and outcome
as much as you are perhaps!
We all need each other
and I know I need people like you,
who take the time to go through,
read & reflect upon what is shared here or wherever else I might be.
Above all I love to share
J O Y !
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{ clockwise from : 1. 2. 3. 4. & 5. } |
d i s c l a i m e r :
all the images have been found on pinterest boards of people I follow.
Other than combining them together into collages to convey a personal
message, the full rights belong to their creators,
who I'd very much love to know!
However it seemed impossible to find original sources in most of the cases,
therefore lots of them as just linked to pinterest,
all of which you can find on my "like" page,
I would love to be pinning all these in my boards,
so if anyone could assist in providing valuable sources so that it can be done the "proper" way,
I'd be ever so thankful!
+ + + M e r c i + + +