Showing posts with label pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pinterest. Show all posts


Welcoming a wonderful New Year: H a p p y 2 0 1 4 !

{ vertically from left to right: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. }

H e l l o !

with true Joy I come here to wish you all

the merriest of New Year's ahead!

Here is to a 2014

where each day - or as many days as possible -

begin - and are! - as if it is

  O u r   B i r t h d a y .

Here is to a Year

where G o o d  D e e d s 

brighten up our  

W o r l d 

Here is to a Year full of

physical, emotional & spiritual

H e a l t h  &  G r o w t h

Here is to a Year

where  P a t i e n c e is not only a virtue,

but an honorable way of living,

benefiting the ones who practice it,

as much as the ones who receive it.

Here is to a Year 

{ clockwise from top right: 1. 2. 3. 4. & 5 }

where the little things are enjoyed,

true stories are shared

for good purposes

and to a year where  I n d i v i d u a l i t y 

is celebrated,

cause the W h o l e is nothing without the sum of its parts.

So let each part be as magnificent & pretty

as  S n o w f l a k e s  are,

all  d i f f e r e n t  in their own beautiful way!

Here is to o a Year filled

with all kinds of  m a r v e l s  &  w o n d e r s  &  m i r a c l e s,

cause there is enough space in

the arms of this World & this Life

for  i n f i n i t e  numbers of them to occur.

{ the woods  +  the sea  }

I'm and have been feeling ever so grateful for so many aspects of life in general and mine personally,

and know that this intensely "pregnant" period I seem to have been going through 

lately is reaching to the point of a happy, focused & prosperous release.

And yes, sharing my work in what has become { our beautiful, beloved home } & my recent projects!

* ssshhh, let this be a secret { you may as well laugh here, I'm doing so, too ; ) }, 
but I think I must have gone through a phase of adult  t i m i d i t y... well if that exists... can you possibly relate in any way?...enjoying life & very often also wishing to share about it all, but somehow being hesitant... or just wishing for privacy and quietness after all...
a bizarre thing for a person with quite a few social media platforms you might say... * 

this calls for reevaluation of situations...

but to return to what I was talking about,

above all I'm grateful for the loved ones in my life,

my home next to the woods, 

here  in the middle of this beautiful country,

as much as appreciative of my origins by the sea.

On another notice, recently I read this on Pick the brain and I was sighing with  r e l i e f,

while the word  B E L I E F 

was "blinking" with pure, white light all over and around me...

it's just  SO NICE  to find out there something

that resonates so perfectly with your thoughts & emotions simultaneously ....

Care to read through and come back here to share your thoughts?

A little time consuming perhaps, 

but then maybe when you make some time space for it!

{ left  & right }

So, how about when giving advice, to try to be modest by adding a phrase like:

"this is working for me, so I thought I share it with you in case it could help you, too!"

I do say a big , clear YES to thorough  p l a n n i n g   &   o r g a n i s a t i o n,

as in so many parts of life it is absolutely essential

{ well, much like in our living environments ; ) }

but then, let's also remember that not all people are, think or act the same,

and each situation is unique

In some cases and phases of our lives, perhaps all we really do need is to just: 

b r e a t h e,  t r u s t, l e t go &  s e e  what happens,

while keeping in mind that

g o o d  things  t a k e  t i m e,

so let us just  b e  p a t i e n t

and work passionately towards actualizing our deepest positive wishes & desires! 

I'm very happy and thankful that you take part here,

in this blog place which still feels right with my heart,

{ I even STILL like the header after 2 and half years!.. is it just... me? oh well. }

I wish for changes.

There's more than that & I need to combine my strengths to carry it all off!

There is evolving a new order of things & I'm as eager to see the form and outcome

as much as you are perhaps!

We all need each other

and I know I need people like you,

who take the time to go through,

read & reflect upon what is shared here or wherever else I might be.

Above all I love to share

J O Y !

{ clockwise from : 1. 2. 3. 4. & 5. } 

d i s c l a i m e r  : 

all the images have been found on pinterest boards of people I follow.

Other than combining them together into collages to convey a personal

message, the full rights belong to their creators,

who I'd very much love to know!

However it seemed impossible to find original sources in most of the cases,

therefore lots of them as just linked to pinterest,

all of which you can find on my "like" page,

I would love to be pinning all these in my boards,

so if anyone could assist in providing valuable sources so that it can be done the "proper" way,
I'd be ever so thankful!

+ + +  M e r c i   + + +


Staying at home for a s w e e t November... { Inspiration Friday }

left: all white home in Copenhagen by Norm architects via Vosges Paris
right:  via Tiziana Tosoni's pinterest 
H e l l o   e v e r y o n e !  
{ s m i l i n g  wholeheartedly to you... }

Friday morning* and it's been since the beginning of this - past already! - week
that waking up at home in Germany
is the norm.

{ have you perhaps read the instant post about how it felt to wake up in the middle of nowhere,
when I spent some beautiful days on Mallorca island with my man,
this trip being a surprise,
shortly after I returned to our home
in the beginning of September? }

Do you also like to wake up in similar places?
Have you been to this island?
If yes, how did you like it?
{a little more about it you can read in this recent post }

* was indeed as these lines were being typed; thanks to a nicely busy day though, late afternoon and this post can finally go on line!

clockwise from top left: figs via / "she believed she could so she did" via / wonderful Elizabeth Heier's new beautiful home via / fresh wreath via

It feels great to be having the chance to grow stronger
through the challenges of the past months.

It feels great to be back home, with my man.
However it requires
constant work with ourselves in order for relation ships to really flourish,
in order for them to become a means
of bringing each part of it forward and to the right direction,
we both made the brave and perhaps wise choice,
to use difficulties as  o p p o r t u n i t i e s  to learn, 
to grow,
and to take strength for realizing our dreams.
One by one, day by day, one strep at a time, minute by minute.

left: via / top right: via /  bottom right: via

I am personally particularly pleased with myself,
for I handled what was a demanding and discomforting situation
in a very  p o s i t i v e  manner,
emphasizing an open heart & mind,
and deep belief in deserving to receive.

I'm really proud that I seem to have crossed a bridge
I always wanted to, but somehow was reluctant to do so.

I'm confident in my choices.
Allowing & welcoming prosperity & wealth our ways,
sharing even if just a little bit of  g o o d n e s s with the  w o r l d .

Sometimes it takes such a small action, yet full of  love, awareness and pure, clear intentions
for what we have been taught to perceive as  m i r a c l e s  to occur.

left: via / right: via 

Going back to the norm of being at home in Germany,
I love it. I love it with all heart, mind & spirit.

Visiting Greece again for some days in October
in order to take care of some practical issues
requiring care & attention
has been nice this time.

I enjoyed myself as a tourist in my own country of origin,
focusing on spending quality time
even if just mostly by myself,
gladly enjoyed meetings with few good friends,
who always seem eager to engage into constructive conversations
about our lives,
exchange opinions about life in Greece, life in Germany,
the economic crisis, ways to deal with it,
a t t i t u d e  changes that when put into action,
following deep awareness, understanding & true love for life
they make the everyday nice, meaningful & joyful.

left:   via, via / right: via
Right now, I'm very happy when I find the peaceful time to post here
and since it's Friday, I put together some collages and diptychs
using images that came through my screen using pinterest,
making another Inspiration Friday post.

They all convey current moods and they aim at bringing you
t r a n q u i l i t y ,   h a p p i n e s s   &   g o o d   p o s i t i v e   v i b e s
while encountering them.

left: via / right: via

I hope you enjoy!

Have a  w o n d e r f u l  weekend!
See you next week while sharing some of my recent work & projects.

left:  via / right: via

individual picture credits can be found linked in captions
collage curation: Iro - Ivy Nassopoulos for Domestic Stories with Ivy 2013

{ a note about today }
p.s: in Greece people celebrate not only birthdays, but also name days and today my father and the son of a wonderful woman & man have theirs. 
So many happy returns dear Stratos & Serafeim!

For the record, I personally don't have a name day, as my first name - Iro -comes from Greek Mythology.
But from next year I will celebrate, cause this summer, my man decided that I do have my own and it is on the 10th of August which is regarded as "hero" day. 
This summer I was in Amsterdam, I'm all smiles to find out where next one will be!


c o m m i t m e n t & . . . letting g o

starts with no collage,

4  l e t t e r s,

o n e  word :

L O V E 

There are no words to describe how it feels  h a v i n g   t o   l e a v e  someone you love.

I love beyond words the person I'm leaving from.

Then again, love is all about two basic things simultaneously,

{ however contradicting they might appear }

being willing to  c o m m i t 

{ commitment is  a c t i o n s }


being willing to  l e t   g o .

Life asks me to do the first and so I am.

I'm letting go, however every bit of my newly emerged self is an outcome of

this relation ship

I can let go of him, but not of who I've become.

And who I am is a big percentage him.

It's a part of me I've come to be familiar with,

embrace, accept and most of all love and feel comfortable with.

Thanks to  t h i s  relation ship,

which begun with the most wonderful

"I know I'm not supposed to say that yet but...

I love you and I know I'll see you again" scenes,

{generously offered by life to me, us, him & I being the protagonists rather than just moved viewers
watching a Hollywood movie, almost some 6 years ago}

having taken place on a very  i d y l l i c  surrounding,

on an almost private, tiny Greek  i s l a n d ,

under the midnight sky of warm autumn nights 

and  f i r e  being exchanged between a pair of the  w a r m e s t  blue eyes that exist in the world

and another pair of eyes with a color ranging from bright green to chestnut brown { these would be mine}

Thanks to  t h i s  relation ship,

YOU my dear all,  are able to read  e v e r y   w o r d  written here from the very beginning some 4 years ago till now,

you are able to  s e e  my view of capturing the world & emotions through my c a m e r a,

thanks to  t h i s  relation ship my inherited  t a l e n t s

got a  f e r t i l e  ground to unveil, to evolve, to get expressed and shared

w i t h o u t  any fear.

Everything you perhaps like, admire or even love about me and what I do,

is taking place because someone I felt was an angel fallen from the sky,

 b e l i e v e d  in me & told me I'm wonderful.

Someone offered me the  t i m e  to experiment & to discover

Someone offered me the  t o o l s  to do it.

D o n ' t   e v e r   h e s i t a t e  to encourage others to  f o l l o w    t h e i r   d r e a m s .

Don't lie to them.

But if you see  p o t e n t i a l, 

then just selflessly  e n c o u r a g e  them to  s p r e a d   t h e i r   w i n g s .

No matter how I let go of him,

I am part of him.

This is why leaving everything behind me makes no sense.

I'm leaving  just material things behind me,

while taking  e v e r y t h i n g  wonderful inside my heart.

Practically, some things are packed to be sent to my temporary home in Greece,

till I come back to  s t a r t  again on a new basis,

unpacking then all favorite things that will be in the meantime stored in a garage.

I'll go on with everything I do,

infusing more and more love, effort & concrete planning in it.

O n e   c a n   e s c a p e   m a n y   t h i n g s   b u t   l o v e   n o t .

Without it  there wouldn't be any existence.

Have you dear all thought of it at all?

somehow I think you have.

I feel truly blessed to have been loved

the way I have.

Now, I'm strong enough to create my own basis.

currently broken , but alive 

And as time passes,  h e a l i n g  will come,

through love for creativity & sharing...

and there'll be sweet times & carefree times once more..

{ I know it's a risk to be returning to a bankrupt country with current, huge unemployment
but my tool is the I n t e r n e t , which means I can work from  A N Y W H E R E 
I can travel  E V E R Y W H E R E   for WORK }

till eventually L O V E  manifests again in my life

in the most wonderful & appropriate of ways.

Thanks for reading through,

I'm trying to keep you posted and not abandon this place

despite the current madness of organizing all this {unwished for} l i f e  c h a n g e,

while ensuring it runs as smooth as possible.

The most  w o n d e r f u l   o f   w e e k e n d s  to you!

 many thanks for following along via  blog loving

google reader will be shutting down soon,

which means that all lovely 525 of you

can keep up by clicking "follow"

and unless you already do, 

you are mostly welcome to join another 2300 followers on  f a c e b o o k 
 around 2500 on  p i n t e r e s t

Thank U so much for your precious, continuous support!