Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts


~ inspired by Lisbon

hi there....already Thursday night and I can honestly say that I've lost track of days...
Today has been a wonderful rainy day...
the sea totally calm, I could see "her" changing colours in various stripes from the veranda of the place I'm staying and the gorgeous apartment of a family friend I visited this morhing,
where I had breakfast.

Fresh air, a loud storm, the sun, the clouds & the rain at some point dancing simmultaneously...
 Don't you just love the smell of the ground after the rain has poured?

Before the rain burst out, I had spent the early afternoon 
by the sea with my girlfriend and her little 18 month old Prince...
I just love watching him, hearing him, holding him,
playing with him and especially going on a walk so that he eventually takes a nap...

I could be taking pictures, but there's something about the camera lens that I feel gets in the way of living with a capital "L" & 100 % percentage such moments...
 perhaps because I visit here and see him only a few times a year...
I want to suck in every moment, I want to touch him and let him touch me...
it's such a wonderful feeling....

Still, I'm sure that before I depart for my German home, the right time for a new photo session will come,
 {no promises for publishing pictures though,
as the parents are in a rather quiet wave length}

I know I should be having at least some other of today's pictures to accompany this post,
yet my mood is totally coloured in the hues of the photos seen above & below
and somehow my mind wandered somewhere in Lisbon,
where I spent a couple of days in March in order to celebrate my birthday.

...fresh green
...communicative turquoise
...and tranquil grey
are colouring my mood today
as much as this week's so far favorite outfit,
randomnly put together, only to realise that I must have been having something in my mind...

look below...are you following me?

...the light greyish blue fading paint jumped and coloured my silver cardigan...
....the turquoise tiles got transformed into the cotton top I wore
and the intense green paint showered the wooden beads I handmade the necklace from...

 its name: ~ fresh DNA ~ simply cause it reminds of the DNA helix...
and I guess cause I never got over of the days I studied Biology as part of my Psychology studies back in the days...

as for Doors in general {all the ones portrayed here are photographed in beautiful Lisbon},
 I've been forever having a love affair with them...
Apart from their architectural & aesthetic interest, doors symblolise life choices to me.

The ones {choices} we intent to make, are the doors we dare and put effort to open.
The choices we intend to correct by realising past mistakes, are the doors we close firmly behind us,
while no longer being tempted in opening again, no matter how often they may be encountered.

...are you perhaps feeling chatty tonight?...I'm wondering, what do doors symbolise to you? 

...finally, the package of a custom order above,
 which rather falls in the colour mood described here today, don't you think?
Since it was a special one, 
I prefered to use an equally special box from my personal collection
 instead of the usual ones. 

It held a mug displaying the box's design, 
bought in Amsterdam last year in Rijk' s museum,
...don't worry, I bought a pair of them, so I can still enjoy it, while here in {Apart 44} ; )

....all right, the clock is ticking and tomorrow is a day I work, 
organising shelves of shoes and temptingly pretty bags by colour,
so I'd better bring this to an end...
but not before I share with you the happy news that these little guys made it {again!}
to Etsy's Front page yesterday

~ how lovely is that? 
I really love these little paper boats and it seems that I'll be customly preparing more of them for somebody's special occassion... looking forward!

Hope you are all doing thanking you dearly for visiting & commenting...
...still waiting for this comfortable amount of extra time to pay visits, read and comment myself,
 giving the attention that you deserve.

 have a nice Friday ahead + c u soon!