Showing posts with label Mangart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mangart. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I started from Bovec (450m) in Slovenia around 0745.  It was heavily overcast and looked like it could start pouring any minute.  In fact after a few minutes it did begin drizzling lightly for a couple of hours, almost throughout the entire climb. The road climbs easily up the Koritnica River valley, past Kluže Fortress and onward to Log Pod Mangartom (645m), a picturesque village with wide meadows along the river, surrounded by mountains.   Here the gradient begins to steepen for next 4 km, averaging 8.6% through Strmec (975m).  A bit further up, after a tall bridge at 1100 meters you reach the turnoff for Mangart (or you can continue straight for another 2 km to Predil Fortress at 1156m).

The first segment of Mangart climb is through a rocky area along a stream, normally exposed to full sun.  But today it was cloudy with a cooling mist, so no problems.  A bit further on the environment changes to fir trees, then big shady beech trees.  Very nice through here.  Then you're exposed on bare rock again, with scattered trees and a few tunnels to cool off in.  The first tunnel had been commandeered by a maraudering herd of goats, who were laying about in the road without concern for passers-through.  Luckily I was able to weave a path between them without being impaled on any horns.  

The final section is alpine, bare rock with some small grassy areas here and there covered with wildflowers.  Quite cold here as the wind was blasting.  At the high point (2055m) I parked my bike and hiked up to the edge of the north facing cliffs.  Here are wonderful views of Laghi Fusine near Tarvisio, valleys, and more mountains.

The windy descent was quite cold, despite my windjacket.  Once I got down a bit lower it warmed up some.  Still I rode fairly slowly because of the damp pavement.  

Mangart's an excellent climb, 10km averaging 9%, with awesome scenery.  The road's not as busy as some others because of its remoteness, it's a dead-end, and has a toll on cars and motorcycles.   I'd climb it early in the morning or on a cloudy day because it's mostly exposed to full southern sun.

Jof di Montasio (2753m)

Kanin range (2587m)

Laghi Fusine with Austria in background

Skala (2133m)

Mangart (2677m)

Close up Laghi Fusine

Looking over the sheer cliff-edge, with wildflowers

Koritnica River gorge
Downstream the gorge narrows to only a few feet across

The climb from Log Pod Mangartom to Mangart

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Monte Mangart is just across the Slovenian border from Altopiano Montasio in northeast Friuli.  Loved by local cyclists for its beautiful alpine environment, its smooth pavement and flowing switchbacks, but most of all its relentless 1360 meter elevation gain in 15km.  A must climb if you're in the area.

I started from Vedronza (319m), a bit northeast of Udine, and warmed up in Val Torre, gorgeous green valley surrounded  by mountains.  After Passo di Tanamea (870m) I descended to the Uccea River on the Slovenian border(570m).  Unknown to me, the climb out on the Slovenian side is quite steep up to 720m, then descends down to Zaga at 370m.  Ascending this climb would be trouble later.

Pretty rolling country in Slovenia, with countless crystal-clear white water streams and rivers.  After Bovec I climbed up past Kluže Fortress along the Koritnica River.  At 597 meters you pass through Log Pod Mangartom, continuing across its meadowy valley.  Soon this road steepens for a long haul up to Strmeč at  1030m, and just above that, the turn off for Mangart.

The spectacular Mangart road starts on sun-exposed slopes and then climbs into thick-trunked beech tree forest.  The shade cools thing off, but the steepness never abates.  There are 5 short unlit tunnels, only one of which was long enough to use the flashlight I brought along (though I kept my taillight on continuously).  Higher up you eventually leave the trees and enter alpine meadows with gorgeous wildflowers.  

Near the summit, a flock of goats was conducting a sit-down strike on the road, calmly chewing their cud.  A young Slovenian couple's toddler fed chunks of carrot and cauliflower to the hungry goats.  The road tops out at 2084m with a little loop road.  Beautiful views in all directions from here.

The descent was fun but almost too long-  nearly all the way down to Kluže (about 30km) before it levels out, climbing slightly.  Now the rolling bit from Bovec to Zaga, and the tough hot climb up to 720m above the border.  I think this was the hardest part of the whole ride because my legs/lower back were fried.  Gentler climb back up to Tanamea but even that was a struggle today.  I coasted down to Vedronza and drove home, bone tired. 

Kluže fortress from WW I

Koritnica River in deep gorge at the fortress

Waterfall at the mouth of valley climbing toward Mangart

Looking southwest from around 1700m

Tall steep cliff face above the switchbacks

Around 1900 meters, the road dwarfed by another huge cliff face;
this section was the site of the goat sit-in

Main peak of Mangart to the east (2679m)

To the southeast, Log Pod Mangartom's grassy meadows far below

These beautiful wildflowers were everywhere near the top

Garmin reading about 70m low- my fault,
should have manually set starting elevation.

The climb

Approach to the climb from Italy
