For those who haven't been following our saga of "The Barbarian Brothers", here's some background before the Update:
The brothers came up from the mainland with one of our friends who is a Kenpo and Tai Chi Chuan instructor. They started sometime around last August, and we were mostly helping them with Tai Chi and push hands stuff.
Somewhere along the way, they informed us that they were going to try and enter some MMA (mixed martial arts) fights that are promoted in our area of Western Washington State.
Since we are more of a traditional arts Dojo, we had never delt with this kind of training. None-the-less, one of our guys had fought in national Karate tournaments, another was a Boxer in college, and I wrestled
and fought in a lot of tournaments. Almost reluctantly, we started training them so they would be prepared for ring-fighting.
So Saturday, we loaded up in Tom's old cop car with his 120-pound dog and a bunch of Beer and took a boat to the mainland to watch the guys fight again in Anacortes, Washington.
The fights are conducted in an old fish cannery warehouse on the water at the end of town. In February for the last fights, the place was cold as hell and only had two bathrooms for a crowd of 300 Beer-drinking Yahoos.
This time they had brought in three portable toilets, yes three for several hundred people. That mostly ment pissing on the beach behind the building. One of our guys tried to use an indoor toilet, but there was a guy banging his girlfriend inside. Now get this; he then went out to use a portable toilet and there was a guy banging his girlfriend in that also. He overheard the guy saying "We have to be quick, I don't want to miss any fights".
Ah, to live in a coastal seaport.
So the Barbarian Brothers prepared to fight. Barbarian #1 is the older Brother, in his mid-thirties and has been very serious about his training and conditioning.
Younger Barbarian #2 has been slacking and not quite as ready for a serious fight.
Young barbarian #2 fought the third fight on an eleven-fight night.
He was matched with a skilled Jujitsu fighter and you can imagine what happened.
A few blows were traded, and then the Jujitsu guy got three good single-leg takedowns. Barbarian #2 escaped the first two, but in round two he couldn't get away.
He took a huge amount of punishment and lost by a TKO in the second round. It's good he bailed before he got hurt too bad.
Barbarian #1 was serious after a narrow loss in his first and only fight in February. He was definitely "in it to win it".
His conditioning was good. his skills have improved and he was ready to kick some ass. It wasn't too pretty, but he won his fight in 43 seconds. His hitting power is now impressive, he hurt the guy and as the guy made a desperate attempt for a leg dive, Barbarian #1 kept laying heavy right hands into the opponent's head- over and over.
The referee stopped the fight because the other guy couldn't defend himself, after 43 seconds.
I think both the Barbarian Brothers are re-assessing their futures in MMA, and if it is worth all the stress, trouble and punishment. They deserve major cred for just stepping up and fighting without any previous martial arts experience.
This is not what our little Dojo would like to focus on, but it's been a fun run. We've had some heavy training sessions and had a couple of big guys that don't mind
getting pounded on. We've been able to test our old Dojo Rat bodies against guys almost twenty-years younger and help them achieve goals none of us had ever thought of.
I think they have another fight or two in them, we'll see what happens next...