Saturday, March 14, 2009
Haven't felt up to doing new work still, so here's more pictures of old models! :-D
Three servitors. Might be good if I ever get a Techmarine.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
5th Squad Part II
Here's a shot where you can see the interior of the rhino. The interior of all the Rhinos are detailed, but it's really hard to get a decent picture of them. :/
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dark Anegls 5th Company 5th Squad
I was really busy over the weekend, and so didn't get a chance to do any painting, or photography. Didn't even post a daily glamour shot like I wanted, so I'll do that now.
This is the Dark Angels 5th Company 5th Squad. I made them all beakie marines as if their armor were a little older than the rest of the company. I also hinged the top hatch on the rhino, which I didn't do on any others. I built this rhino first out of all 8 of mine, and I later decided that I might want to be able make razorbacks out of the other Rhino chassis, so the top hatches are glued, and just set in place.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dreadnought Marael part 2
Here he is again with the other weapons I have for him. Bonus is that you can see how he swivels.
I'm going to have to take some more glamour shots soon - that or stop being so busy so I can make more progress on my projects.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dreadnought Marael
Here is my dread "Marael" in Lascannon and Powerfist configuration. The top swivels and comes off for those pesky destroyed results.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dark Angels Command WIP
This wasn't orginally going to be a WIP shot, but I've decided that the robes aren't light enough, the green needs more highlighting and the powerswords need to be snazzed up.
More proof that models are never "finished" you just get sick of improving them, and I'm not sick of them yet.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A closer look at the 1st Squad Rhino
A little closer shot of that Rhino for the 1st Squad. I used the Forgeworld Dark Angels doors and panels on it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
WIP - Dark Angels Command
Right now I'm working on a Dark Angels command squad that I started a while back. Also painting up 2 more Dark Angels sergeants in robes. Here is a work-in-progress shot. I need to have these done by midnight on the 23rd as I made a painting oath for them to force myself to finish them.
These are the first models I've used the new GW washes on. So far I like them, but I think I'll still stick with my own home brewed inks for blacklining and such. I also found an unopened bottle of the old GW armor wash which was like striking gold in my closet.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
1st Squad Lightbox Pictures
I've been taking pictures of my squads in my lightbox lately (what I like to call glamour shots). I'd like to post these daily if I don't have any other updates.
We have here two shots of the Dark Angels 5th Company 1st Squad deploying from their Rhino.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Christmas review
This past christmas, since funds were a bit low, I got creative with presents. One of the things I did, was offer my painting skills to my nephews along with a couple of minis. They were pretty excited about it, and I think the above pieces turned out pretty well. We have a Necron Destroyer, and a Black Templars chaplain with jump pack.
These pictures were taken pre-lightbox, but I think they came out decent.
Black Templars,
Painting Oath,
Warhammer 40k
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Working Image of the 6th squad
Well, the name of my blog appears to be fairly accurate. Not sure why the picture in the last post won't show you the full-sized image, but here it is again uploaded through Picasa. This works.
Dark Angels,
Warhammer 40k
Home Made Light Box
I ran across this article that describes how to make a homebrew lightbox. And it's awesome.
What is a lightbox? A box that you put things in to take better pictures of. They are used in product photography quite a bit. Sometimes they are made of cloth and called light tents as well.
Well, the process took about an hour from beginning to getting the thing set-up.

First thing I notice is that my bulbs are only 60 watt, and he recommends 100 watt. The second thing is that I think I need a second set of shop lights. I was standing in front of them at Home Depot today and decided not to get them. I guess I should have.

I did a little post-processing in photoshop (auto-level) because the box didn't have enough light. With more bulbs I probably won't even need to do that.
I turned off my camera flash, set it to auto, and used a remote do I wouldn't get jiggle. That's it!
All in all it only cost me about $15 for the foamcore. I already had the shop lamps, but I'll go out and buy two more and get brighter bulbs too. We're talking maybe $30 invested tops.
Everyone interested in miniature photography should build one of these babies!
What is a lightbox? A box that you put things in to take better pictures of. They are used in product photography quite a bit. Sometimes they are made of cloth and called light tents as well.
Well, the process took about an hour from beginning to getting the thing set-up.

First thing I notice is that my bulbs are only 60 watt, and he recommends 100 watt. The second thing is that I think I need a second set of shop lights. I was standing in front of them at Home Depot today and decided not to get them. I guess I should have.
This is the result:

I did a little post-processing in photoshop (auto-level) because the box didn't have enough light. With more bulbs I probably won't even need to do that.
I turned off my camera flash, set it to auto, and used a remote do I wouldn't get jiggle. That's it!
All in all it only cost me about $15 for the foamcore. I already had the shop lamps, but I'll go out and buy two more and get brighter bulbs too. We're talking maybe $30 invested tops.
Everyone interested in miniature photography should build one of these babies!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Blood Ravens terminators

Here is a picture of my latest Warhammer 40k army - Blood Ravens. I used the Assault on Black Reach set as the base for it. I have plenty of Dark Angels, and so I wanted to try a vanilla marines force. I really like the Blood Ravens' color scheme, so I decided to start that chapter.
For these I most used Vallejo Game color paints.
I'll make another post that goes into more detail about it.
I painted these as part of the December Warhammer Painting Oath from the Something Awful Warhammer thread.

Blood Ravens,
Painting Oath,
Warhammer 40k
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