Saturday, March 14, 2009

Favorite Faces

I have 3 very patient men in my life. Not only do they have to put up with me, but now they have to put up with me trying to learn to take their pictures. They really are the best.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sam the Whale

Meet Sam the Whale.

He's been making appearances around our house for the past 2 or 3 weeks. As a mom, I LOVE when Sam the Whale is around. Life not only becomes more interesting but easier too.

For instance, Sam the Whale loves nap time. In fact, he gets overly excited to climb aboard his whale bed and snuggle up with his seaweed blanket to rest for a couple of hours in the warm ocean. Sam the Whale is also an amazing eater. He loves to show off his powerful whale teeth and will gladly munch through ANYTHING I feed him...broccoli, carrots, turkey sandwiches, bananas, green beans, etc. Sam the Whale is also so obedient. He loves to use his fins and tail to swim quickly to the car, get in and out of the bath tub, and clean up his toys. What more could a momma whale want?

Sam the Whale also has a great sense of humor and will often try to squirt water at us during dinner. We have to be paying close attention because it can be difficult to see that imaginary water coming at you. He also loves to tease Baby Max, the fish, by patting his face and belly with his big fins.
Here's Sam the Whale in action...squirting water out of his blowhole.
And here he's splashing with his big tail.

The only hard part about Sam the Whale, is that I never know when he's going to come around. I would love it if he stuck around 24/7.

Monday, March 9, 2009


It was a rough day at our house. Max got another round of shots today at his 4 month check-up. He was being so sweet and smiley to the nurse and doctor and then WHAM..they stuck him, twice. He was not happy and he let us all know it. He's been pretty miserable all day. Poor guy!
He is getting BIG and strong though, and weighed in at 16 pounds 6 ounces today! We love this chunky monkey!

Friday, March 6, 2009


It is currently 61 degrees outside! Unbelievable!!!!! It feels amazing. We took advantage of the weather and went to the park this morning. Sam was SO excited to play outside. As soon as we pulled up, he bolted from the car and went straight for the playground. It was so nice to let him be his wild little self and watch him jump, run, and scream with friends! Three cheers for warmer weather!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that it lasts.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long time, no blog.

Well, we made it to March!! Hooray!! Hopefully with a new month comes new adventures...and more specifically OUTDOOR adventures. Eric and I realized yesterday that the only time poor Max has ever really been outside is when we rush him from the car and then into the house/store. And even then, he's always bundled and covered up so much that he has yet to really see the sunshine or trees or sky firsthand! I did try to take the boys for a walk earlier this week when our temperatures skyrocketed to nearly 45 degrees. We made it around the block, but Max had a blanket over him the entire time due to the freezing Toledo wind that seems to always blow.

Despite the freezing cold, we have still managed to have some fun indoors. Rice cereal and cardboard boxes have been our main sources of entertainment this weekend. Thank goodness little kids are so easy to please! I love these cute boys:

While I was taking pics of Max eating rice cereal for the first time, Sam insisted that I take a pic of him eating yogurt! He can't be left out!