Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Soccer Boys

 Sam and Max decided to play soccer this fall.  It was kind of a new thing for us and a big time commitment!  The boys had practices twice a week and then a game every Saturday morning.  I felt like a true soccer mom!  They improved so much and did really well.  Max especially loved it.  Eric and I were surprised with how aggressive Max was on the field.  He was one of the biggest kids in his group, so I think that helped a bit.  He wants to play again in the spring.
Sam got to play on the same team as his best buddy, Adam Bailey.  He became a great dribbler and now has some fancy footwork.  He didn't love soccer as much as Max though.  He had a pretty strict coach and Sam wasn't so sure he liked that!  He has heart set on playing football, like real, tackle pad-wearing football in the spring!  Yikes!  Am I ready for that?

Saturday, August 31, 2013


It's a well known fact that I love, love, love to take pictures.  With a lot of thought on my part, lots of encouragement from Eric, and a little courage...I have finally decided that I want to get better at photography and that requires pushing myself a bit.  I'm going to start taking photos of other people and charging money!  Yikes.  This makes me nervous and so excited at the same time.  I'm not charging much, but enough that I can hopefully save up for a lens I've had my eye also costs $1800!!  

We bought a couple of props to use in the upcoming photos I'll be taking.  I thought I better try them out on my handsome boys first.  We walked along the B&O Trail until we found the perfect spot.  
My boys are such good sports.  They get their pictures take a lot!  
And Eric is perhaps the best sport of all.  He drags the props around and then does everything possible to make these little boys smile and laugh.  I love that Eric is so supportive and encouraging of me!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Birthday Boys!

Sam turned SEVEN!  7!  On August 26th!  He picked a double chocolate cake and we celebrated with pizza and just our little family.
Sam is such a good boy.  Always a great example to his brothers...and me and Eric too!  He is so grown up and so excited about getting older.  He talks all about how he'll be baptized next year.  Makes me emotional just to think about it.  Here's to a wonderful year of being seven!

And Mr. Jake turned TWO on August 28th!  He is obsessed with school buses these days, so a school bus birthday cake was a must!  Jake is starting to talk more and more.  I am his interpreter, but he's talking so much more.  He loves to wrestle, play with anything that has wheels, be outside, and have his blankies with him whenever possible.  Jake is a sweetheart.  I adore him!

This week of birthdays is a little tough on Max.  I hardly blame him!  Both of his brothers getting gifts and all sorts of special attention?  What about him?  He handles it as well as a four year old can, but November 6th seems forever away!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Go Girl round 2!

I participated in the Go Girl Triathlon again this year.  I love having a goal to work towards. It's even better to have fun friends to train and workout with.  I did a lot better this year, mostly because I knew what to expect and didn't feel nervous.  I finished 9 minutes fast than last year...with a total time of 1 hour 19 mins.  Eric was even there to cheer me on the whole time!  I loved that.  My mom and dad were in town for a visit and brought the boys to the start of the race and then rushed them off to soccer games.  I was thankful they were here and loved that my boys could see me do something hard.  They need to know that their mom does more than just laundry and dishes!   
Here's to next year!

Monday, August 12, 2013


"Mom, I'm just really into nonfiction."
This is what Sam came home from school and told me.  He insisted we go to the book store so he could buy a nonfiction book for himself.  The library wouldn't cut it; he wanted to own the book.  So, he gathered his $9 and we headed to Half Price Books.  He knew it the minute he saw this bug book that this was just the nonfiction stuff he was craving.  He can read everything in here, too.  He's a smarty pants.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Almost 2

My sweet baby is nearly 2 years old!
I love this boy so much.  He is tries to hard to keep up with his big brothers.  He adores them both.  Jake is a momma's boy these days and I love it.  He is my most snuggly kid and I love that about him.  He's energetic and oh so handsome.  Can't imagine life without Jake.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

First Grade!

School starts early in Indiana...July 31st!!  And somehow my sweet Sam is a first grader this year.  I cried and worried and smiled and fretted and dreaded the thought of him being away from home ALL DAY LONG!  I just love having my boys home and this year with  Sam in 'real' school is going to change how things work around here.  I worry about Max, too.  He's going to miss having his best friend around to play with.  I'll have to keep him busy!

Sam absolutely loved his first day, though.  I think he's got an amazing teacher, some great friends, and so much going for him.  I can't wait to see all that this year has in store for my Sam Man!