

Yes this blog has ended. I have started a new one at http://youknowyouwanttoreadaboutus.blogspot.com/. This blog will remain up until I can get it published. To continue reading OUR STORIES please visit the new address! :)


I believe ...

It is not the thought that counts. It's the action. You can think about a person all day long. You can think about helping for hours until it's too late. You can think about getting that gift for someone until their day is over. None of the thoughts matter. Show the person you're thinking about them by doing something for them. I hate hearing 'It's the thought that counts'. It's a cop out.



Ryiah has been climbing up her shelves since she was about 18 months old. She loves to get up there and destroy her perfectly placed stuffed animals. She thinks it's hilarious so I let her do it. She's so dang cute it's hard to say no when it's an easy clean up! Sometimes I'll walk by her room and not see her for a moment. I look up and she's just chillin' with her animals looking oh so cozy up there. She's so funny!

She made it safely.

The destruction begins!

Mission accomplished.

So Thankful

I just want to say that I am so incredibly grateful for the blessings I have in my life. I am surounded by a disfunctional family that loves me and a sassy child that keeps me smiling. I am fortunate to to have the support that I do from all those in my life. I have been through a lot in the last couple years and it left me pretty uncertain about many different things. I have tried to stay positive and not dwell on things I could not control, but sometimes I failed. Just when my thoughts would turn negative, I would feel love and support from one or more of the people in my life that matter the most. I am so thankful for them. I am grateful to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I work from home and make just enough to get by without all the extras in life. I choose this. I love being able to be with Ryiah to teach her and love her and even beat her when necessary J/K (but not really) ;). I'm so grateful that Ryiah has everything she needs and more! She truly is such an astonishment to me. I am left speechless all the time with things she says and does. I pray every day that I can be the kind of mother she needs me to be!

Thankful Rambling Done.

Water Fun

Ryiah and I decided to give Braxton a bath this morning. Usually she goes to the groomers, but I figured I'd save the $40 and get a little dirty! After making a mess, we stayed out back and played in the water for a while. While I had my back turned, little miss angel face took control of the hose (I had shown her how to use it while bathing Brax). She went crazy with it! It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but the attachment was a hardcore, super soaker! She got the hang of it a little too quickly and turned it on me! It was icey cold and on full blast so running to her and getting it away from her was not happening! We were both laughing and having such a good time it was worth it!

The culprit - innocent looking isn't she?

I set the camera up to capture a moment, but she got me really good before I could get any pictures! She wouldn't even let me by her to get the camera. I had to trick her!

Love this girl!

Boozer almost took a header into the pool!

See how good she is with that hose! She's a straight shooter!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Boozer got it good!


Memorial Day 2011

Just a little get together with family and lots of food for Memorial Day.
I love when everyone is here. Things get completely rowdy and chaotic and so dang loud! I love it though. I wish my family got together on a more regular basis. The little babies are growing up way too quickly. I know that in the near future some will be moving away and we won't be able to see everyone very often. This breaks my heart! There comes a point in time when you realize family is better and more important than anything else. It's too bad that it took so long to understand that, but now that I do I embrace all the family time I can!

Nathan, Daddy, uncle Keven and Gpa Taylor

Mashin' the meat...he asked me to help before remembering I DO NOT touch raw meat!

Logan (2), Ryiah (2), Jeremiah (2), Chyler (22 months)

Kaleb and Ry. They could be siblings

Smiley Chyler. I LOVE her smile!

Pretty girl, Makayla

Elise lookin' oh so purdy

Wishing there was pool time involved this day but it was a bit chilly :(

Me and my Gpa. I love this man.

Nick and Elise - I don't get to see them near enough!

Abby was NOT entertained with any of us.

Uncle Kevin

Gma Taylor with the kiddies

Shannon and Chy - cutie pie!

This boy is so dang handsome! Love my Logey Bear!
Catchya Gma!

The perfect couple - jealous!

Most of the kids and grand kids - I think just Jer is missing.

Showing off my chopping skills

Nick, Daddy, mom, Jeremiah and Elise

Dog Pile!



Ryiah goes down between the bed frame and the mattress all the time and gets stuck. She CANNOT get out but thinks it's hilarious ... until I don't rush right over to save her ... then she freaks out! As soon as I get her out and walk away she slides right back down.


Ryiah made this cupcake then devoured it. 


Mommy's Little Helper

Ryiah LOVES to help with pretty much anything I'm doing. She won't even know what it is I'm doing and she"ll say, "Can I help you, mommy? I can do that! Let me help. I'm a good helper!"

We were making some banana bread here. :)

I love that her cute messes don't bother me at all! I would rather her have fun and enjoy being with me while we work together than worry about how I'm going to clean things up!

How can you not love this!?

Tired Much?

I asked Ryiah 4 times to get off of that table. When I walked over to physically remove her, this is what I found. Haha! I just laughed. Of course, I moved her to the couch so she would be more comfy! This little girl is by far - my absolute everything.