Salves: Salves are herbs and other natural ingredients with healing properties that have been brought to peak potency within alchemical infusions, forming a topically applied paste after that they lose efficacy. In additional to all normal methods for identifying alchemical items, salves can be identified with a DC 10 Heal check.
Milk of the poppy is powerful holistic medicine, drunk as a liquid, which is used as both a painkiller and an anesthetic. Higher doses will induce unconsciousness, so patients can undergo surgery. It is commonly used throughout the Seven Kingdoms for those who have suffered severe injuries. Maesters make it from crushed poppy flowers and it has a white color, hence "milk of the poppy". A single dose automatically stabilizes a dying creature, provides a +5 alchemical bonus to any Heal skill check made to restore wound points to a creature and adds +1 to the total wp healed. Furthermore milk of the poppy allows the subject to sleep fully for 8 hours after which the subject naturally heals an additional 1 wp. 50 gp.
Blue Salve: Made from a combination of waxes and animal additives, blue salve is a topical treatment for burns. An application of blue salve heals 4 hp of acid or fire damage (including sunburn) to a living creature and provides a +4 alchemical bonus to First Aid Heal checks. 50 gp.
Red Salve: Made from a combination of purified oils and crushed herbs, red salve is a topical treatment for damage caused by freezing temperatures. An application of the salve heals 4 hp of cold damage (including frostbite) to a living creature and provides a +4 alchemical bonus to First Aid Heal checks. 50 gp.
Golden Salve: A thick unguent made from plant sap and the ash of various animal hides. An application of golden salve heals 1 wp to a living creature and provides a +4 alchemical bonus to any Heal check made to stabilize a target that is suffering from the bleeding condition. 25 gp.
White Salve: White salve is a tincture of plant essences designed to restore sight to damaged eyes. If a creature is blinded by spell or injury and receives a dose of white salve within 24 hours, he may attempt a new Fortitude save (same DC as the effect that blinded him, or DC 20 if the original effect had no DC). If this save is successful, eyesight is restored 2d12 minutes later. This salve immediately removes the dazzled condition caused by the sun glare of desert environments and snow blindness in the Lands of Always Winter. 50 gp
Black Salve: Black salve is commonly used by Dark Folk to overcome their sensitivity to bright light. Made by the dark alchemists black salve appears like a thick dark paint and when applied across the eyes it reduces the illumination level for the wearer by one step. Therefore any source of bright light is reduced to normal light conditions. A single use of black salve lasts only one hour. 50 gp.
Universal Solvent: This substance has the unique property of being able to dissolve sovereign glue, tanglefoot bags, and all other adhesives. Applying the solvent is a standard action. 50 gp.
Desert Gear: Special gear of the waste helps its denizens deal with particular hazards and difficulties of desert terrain. Natural hazards include extreme heat, dehydration, sun blindness and sun exposure
Desert Outfit: This outfit consists of loose, billowy clothing to keep the wearer cool and protected from the sun while in hot, dry desert terrain. It includes a caftan, turban, scarf, loose pantaloons, and sandals or high cloth boots. This outfit counts as light clothing and offers limited protections against some waste hazards. The protection it offers against heat is negated if the wearer also dons armor. Wearing a desert outfit is sufficient to prevent sunburn. 6 gp.
Ironthorn Extract: The ironthorn plant has extremely tough tissues to prevent water loss. This extract of the plant is used to harden delicate items, make containers waterproof, and stiffen clothing to provide some protection. One flask of ironthorn extract is enough to treat a typical outfit, increasing the clothing’s armor bonus to +1. Ironthorn extract does not improve materials that already provide an armor bonus. When applied to outfits, clothing, leather (not armor), or similar material, ironthorn extract improves its hardness by 1, to a maximum of 5. Both benefits last for one week or until the item are thoroughly washed. 25 gp./flask
Armorbright: This metallic paint is applied with a brush to the outside of a suit of armor (requiring 1 minute to apply), producing a shiny surface that reflects the light of the sun to reduce the effects of hot weather on the wearer. For 24 hours after applying armorbright to a suit of armor, you gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to avoid heat dangers. Armorbright also raises your level of protection against heat by one step. 50 gp./flask
Sunshade Lotion: This translucent green lotion contains extracts of succulent plants, mixed with oils from the skin of chameleons. It darkens slightly on exposure to sunlight. One flask is sufficient to protect a Medium creature from nonlethal damage due to sunburn and increases your level of protection from heat by one step for 8 hours. 20 gp./flask
Keepcool Salve: This small clay pot contains several ounces of a pearly ointment, enough to cover one medium creature. Applying the ointment to your skin increases your level of protection against heat by one step. The salve also grants a +1 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves to resist damage from hot environments for 24 hours. 50 gp/pot
Blackeye: This oily paint is smeared around your eyes and on your cheeks to reduce the effects of bright sun, protecting you from sun glare for 4 hours. 1gp/vial
Sun Lenses: Made of thin slabs of obsidian affixed to curved frames, can protect your eyes from being dazzles by bright light. If you are already dazzled when you don the lenses, you are treated as if you had entered an area of shade; you recover from the dazzled condition 1 hour if you continue to wear the lenses. 10 gp.
Filter Mask: A filter mask is a fi ne cloth mesh, usually of silk or cotton, that covers your mouth and nose. Cords or straps fasten the cloth around the back of your head to provide a good seal. A filter mask grants a +2 bonus on saves against gas-based effects. It negates the effects of suffocation from dust and sand, as well as the effects of supernatural or magic dust (such as slumber sand) for up to 4 hours. After this time, the mesh is clogged with grit and can no longer allow air to pass through freely. A clogged filter mask requires thorough laundering before it can be reused, but most travelers simply replace it with fresh fabric. 1 gp.
Deep Draught: This powder is a mixture of salt, dried herbs, and extracts of desert plants. Adding it to water increases your body’s retention of fluid and helps counteract the effects of dehydration. One packet of deep draught is enough for 1 gallon of solution, which grants a +5 bonus on the Heal check to treat dehydration. 10 gp
Frostbite Salve: This pale yellow cream provides instant relief from frostbite damage. It does not cure frostburn damage, but temporarily suppresses up to 2 points of ability score damage caused by frostbite. The salve’s effectiveness lasts for just one hour, after which point the ability score damage suppressed by the salve returns. 50 gp.