Friday, May 10, 2024

Ring of Prevailing Evil

Ring of Prevailing Evil

Price: 1,000 gp

Weight: —
Slot: ring
CL: 3rd
Aura: faint transmutation

The clear crystal set into this silver ring glows faintly purple with a unholy light. A ring of prevailing evil, which functions only if you are evil-aligned, allows your attacks to pierce the defenses of good foes. When you activate this ring (swift action), choose a single melee weapon you hold (or your unarmed strike). Until the end of your turn, that weapon is considered both magic and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming the damage reduction of an good creature, as well as for the purpose of affecting good outsiders. A ring of prevailing evil functions once per day. Once it is activated, its glow fades. However evil clerics, can expend channel energy as a standard (command) action to recharge it (which also restores its glow).
Prerequisites: Forge Ring, bless weapon. Cost to Create: 500 gp.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Gem, Elemental; Lesser

Gem, Elemental; Lesser
Aura moderate conjurationCL 5th; Slot —; Price 1,250 gp; Weight 
An elemental gem, lesser comes in different varieties and is made when combining five individually prepared elemental shards of the same type. Combining unused prepared elemental shards produces a conjuration effect attuned to a specific elemental plane (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, or Water). 
When the gem is crushed, or broken (a standard action), a Medium sized elemental appears as if summoned by a summon nature’s ally spell. The elemental is under the control of the creature who broke the gem until defeated. 
The coloration of the gem varies with the type of elemental it summons. Air elemental gems are transparent, earth elemental gems are light brown, fire elemental gems are reddish orange, spirit elemental gems are violet, and water elemental gems are blue-green.
Craft Wondrous Itemsummon monster or elemental shard preparer Cost 625 gp

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dire Sleep Elixir (Cursed)

Disguised as delicious red wine, the target of this fel elixir falls into an eternal slumber (Will DC 20) for 24 hours. 

The victim can only be awakened by physically agitating the target whereby the victim gains an additional Will saving throw at the same DC, with success indicating the target awakens. Failure indicates the victim does not wake. A new attempt can be made to wake the victim of dire sleep after an hour has passed. 

Noise and similar minor distractions have no effect on a sleeping victim of dire sleep. The elixir may be used to target creatures that do not naturally sleep. Sleeping creatures are helpless.

While the target sleeps, it suffers horrendous nightmares. So terrifying are these that after being awoken (either by the elixir’s duration ending or through the actions of an ally) the target of dire sleep is shaken. This condition lasts until the target receives a long rest.

A target that makes its initial saving throw against dire sleep still suffers a flash of horrific visions and a brief wave of weariness and the shaken condition lasts for only one minute.

Craft Requirements: brew potion, 2 water shards, 8 spirit shards 1,250 gp. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Phobetor Elixir

Phobetor Elixir 

After imbibing this elixir you to enter a sleeping trance that enables you to enter the dreams of another creature drawing both the target and yourself into the Dreamscape

At the beginning of the trance you must identify the individual by name or by some title and have a drop of blood, spittle, tuft of hair or other physical sample (mixed into the elixir) or personal object to find the subject. You then drink the elixir and enter a trance and appear in the subject’s dream and may attack the subject in the Dreamscape. The target is allowed a special Will save (DC15) to prevent you from affecting it, though it is unaware of your effort to do so even if the save succeeds. 

The duration of the elixir is 24 hours. You can remain in the trance until the subject goes to sleep, then enter and attack the subject. If the subject is awake when your trance begins, you can choose to wake up (ending your trance and wasting the elixir) or remain in the trance. You can remain in the trance for up to 24 hours until the target goes to sleep, then attack the target within the Dreamscape as described below. If the subject is awake during the total 24 hours the combat cannot take place and the elixir is wasted. 

Once you and the target are in the Dreamscape, you may attack it. No other kind of communication between you and the subject is possible. You both are at full health and have all the equipment and abilities you carried or had on your person during most over the past 24 hours. Otherwise all the normal limitations of the Dreamscape apply. 

Once the combat ends, your mind returns instantly to your body. If you are victorious, your target experiences death (or some other horrible fate of your choice) within the Dreamscape. The target wakes largely unharmed, but does suffer from disadvantage to all d20 rolls for the next 24 hours.

You are unaware of your own surroundings and of the activities around you while in the sleeping trance and are defenseless both physically and mentally, if you are disturbed or awakened within the 24 hour period before your encounter takes place the elixir is wasted. Creatures who don’t sleep or don’t dream cannot be targeted by this effect.

Craft Requirements: brew potion, 2 water shards, 2 spirit shards, 2 fire shards 750 gp. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Oneiromancy Elixir

Oneiromancy Elixir

Imbibing this elixir you can enter a sleeping trance that allows you to witness the dreams of another creature, thus gaining some insight into that creature’s motivations and desires.

At the beginning of the trance you must identify the individual by name or by some title and have a drop of blood, spittle, tuft of hair or other physical sample (mixed into the elixir) or personal object to find the subject. You then drink the elixir and enter a trance then appear in the intended subject’s dream, and may witness the subject’s dreams in the Dreamscape. The target is allowed a special Will save DC15 to prevent you from witnessing its dreams, though he is unaware of your effort to do so even if the save succeeds.

The duration of the elixir is 24 hours. You can remain in the trance until the subject goes to sleep. If the subject is awake when your trance begins, you can choose to wake up (ending your trance and wasting the elixir) or remain in the trance. You can remain in the trance for up to 24 hours until the target goes to sleep, then witness the subject’s dreams as described below. If you are disturbed during the trance you come awake, ending the elixir. If the subject is awake during the total 24 hours the surveillance cannot take place and the elixir is wasted.

After at least an hour of witnessing the subject’s dreams, you may make a Sense Motive check to get a deeper understanding of the subject. If this check succeeds, you gain a +8 circumstance bonus to all Wisdom and Charisma-based checks you make regarding the subject for 24 hours after waking.

Once the subject stops dreaming, your mind returns instantly to your body. 

You are unaware of your own surroundings and of the activities around you while in the sleeping trance and are defenseless both physically and mentally, if you disturbed or awakened within the 24 hour period before your conversation takes place the elixir is wasted. Creatures who don’t sleep or don’t dream cannot be targeted by this effect. 

Craft Requirements: brew potion, two water shards, 150 gp.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Sorghum Festival Exclusives

Martial Weapon
Class: 1 hand
Category: Melee Weapon
Damage: B
Critical: x3
Cost: 15 gp
Weight: 5 lbs.
A doomhammer isn’t strictly speaking an alchemical item, but it is designed specifically to work with them. It is a specialized warhammer (1d8 damage) with a notch in the striking head. The notch can be filled with any one of a number of alchemical materials (acid flask, alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, itching dust, as well as vials of holy water and similar). On a successful hit, the doomhammer also delivers the effect of the alchemical material loaded into it. A loaded alchemical material works only once, and reloading a doomhammer is a full-round action.

Blacklight Oil: (Lormer) Blacklight oil is pressed from the fat of creatures with natural abilities to hide in shadow, including those with natural abilities of displacement. The light produced by a lantern burning blacklight oil only provides dim illumination, but it goes out to three times the lantern’s normal range. This allows creatures with low-light vision to see normally, and the dim light is less obvious from far away than normal lantern light would be. 20 gp.

Shadow Paste: (Lormer) Shadow paste is a dark, smoky material that can be applied to the skin, clothes, or armor of a subject (a process which takes one minute). For one hour, the shadow paste covers the subject with shifting patches of color that match the surrounding landscape, breaking up visual lines and making the wearer harder to spot. An application of shadow paste grants a +4 alchemical bonus to Stealth checks for 1 hour and allows the wearer to make Stealth checks even in normal or bright light (though not when he is already observed). 50 gp. 

Boompot: A boompot is a variant on alchemist’s fire that creates a bright, sudden flash of light like flash powder, alchemical fire plus a loud explosion as a thunderstone. Any target within 15 feet that can see the explosion is effected and as if struck by all three alchemy weapons. If thrown, a boompot has a range increment of 10 feet.  120 gp.

Dawnleaf: Dawnleaf is a mixture of various dried plant matter, tinged with alchemical enhancers during the drying process. It is designed to be loaded into a pipe and smoked during diplomatic ceremonies and peace negotiations. Doing so produces mellow, soothing scents and actually reduces tension in those who smell it. If two or more creatures are smoking dawnleaf, they gain a +4 alchemical bonus to all Diplomacy checks made with one another. This has no effect on creatures nearby that aren’t smoking dawnleaf. 5 gp.

Wayfarer Loaf:  (Wemics) wayfarer loaf is a compact food made from dried fruits, grains, nuts, and heavy doses of thick, sweet saps. The result is a dark-tasting, sticky cross between bread and candy. While many consumers note that it’s not particularly appetizing after a meal or two, the wayfarer loaf is filling enough that just a few bites keeps most humanoids going for hours. As a result, it is lighter and less bulky than an equal number of servings of normal travel rations. It also has a shelf-life of three years, allowing groups carrying it to go great distances without buying fresh supplies (or to keep some in reserve for emergencies). 5 gp/ week

Bloodbind Bandage: is a cloth bandage that has been soaked in healing herbs and alchemical materials. A target given a fresh bloodbind on an injury gains a +1 alchemical bonus to his effective level when determining the number of hit points recovered during a short rest or with any heal check. A successful Heal check (DC 15) increases this to a +2 alchemical bonus. A single bloodbind grants its bonus only for one day. 25 gp. 

Bladesharp Stone: A fragile, chalk-like, bloodred stone pressed from ground rocks, ash, and glass. A slashing or piercing weapon sharpened for one hour on a bladesharp has a +2 bonus to the confirmation roll of the next critical threat rolled. A bladesharp stone can be used once before it crumbles into useless dust. Cost 30 gp.

Pesh Cactus Flower

Refined Pesh
Type ingested or inhaled;
Addiction minor,
Fortitude DC 10
The milk of this vibrantly flowering green cactus, when mixed with resins and other ingredients, congeals into sticky, black chunks with an exceedingly sour taste. Though pesh comes in several different varieties, refined pesh is both the most potent and expensive type. Taking refined pesh gives a person 15 temporary hit points for 1 hour,
Initial Effects 1 hour; +1 alchemical bonus to Strength and Constitution plus 15 temporary hit points; a +2 morale bonus on saves versus fear effects for 1 day but a -2 penalty on saves against illusions and mind-affecting effects including dream magic.
Effect after 1 hour; 1 hour of fatigue
Damage 1 Dex damage and 1 Wis damage

Golden Pesh
Type ingested or inhaled;
Addiction moderate,
Fortitude DC 18
Effects 1 hour; + 1d2 alchemical bonus to Strength and Constitution, -2 penalty on saves against illusions and mind-affecting effects, +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws against the effects of drugs that are not a type of pesh (this bonus also applies to saves to recover from addiction to non-pesh drugs). If the user takes a dose of golden pesh while under the effects of another drug that causes a penalty on saves or skill checks, such penalties are decreased by 1 (to a minimum penalty of -1).
Effect after 1 hour; 1d2 hours of fatigue
Damage 1d2 Con damage and 1d2 Wis damage

Black Pesh
Type ingested or inhaled;
Addiction major,
Fortitude DC 22
Effects 1 hour; +1d4 alchemical bonus to Strength and Constitution, -2 penalty on saves against illusions and mind-affecting effects. Anytime the user could attempt a Strength check as a standard action or quicker, she can elect to attempt the check as a full-round action, adding a +2 alchemical bonus to the check. Doing so deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage to the user as she strains herself. If the user takes lethal damage from any source while under the effects of black pesh, she must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or become confused for 1d4 rounds.
Effect after 1 hour; 1d3 hours of fatigue
Damage 1d4 Con damage

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Prayer Rug (Lion of Night)

The Lion of Night
This rug was used by worshipers of a distant religious order thought long dead. Clerics, and priests would kneel upon the opened rug and prayed to their deity. The coloring signifies that this rug was used by one of the holy warriors of the religion. This carefully-made rug is bright red with the image of the Lion of Night holding a sword. It’s a thick rug and, when found, is tightly rolled and secured with ancient lengths of black cloth. Opened the rug measures 27” x 43” and weighs 5 lbs.

The name of the god was the Lion of Night. According to tales told by the priestly scribes, the Lion of Night fathered a son on the Maiden-Made-of-Light. This son was the God-on-Earth, who ruled the Great Empire of the Dawn for ten thousand years before ascending to the heavens.

The descendants of the 'God-on-Earth' ruled the empire after him, each ruling a shorter time than the previous one, until the brother of the Amethyst Empress usurped her in the Blood Betrayal and crowned himself as the Bloodstone Emperor, ushering in the Long Night.

The Maiden-Made-of-Light turned her back upon the world and the Lion of Night came forth in all his wrath to punish the wickedness of man.

If a divine spellcaster performs his daily prayers upon this rug; for the next 24 hours he gains a +8 bonus to Knowledge (Religion) checks. The Prayer Rug can only be used for once each day.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Transport Via Dreams Elixir (Morpheus)

This elixir allows you to travel through your dreams, taking objects and willing creatures with you to travel physically through the Dreamscape. One TRANSPORT VIA DREAMS elixir can accommodate up to 5 Medium or smaller subjects. Large subjects count as two creatures, Huge creatures as four, and so on. You and each subject can carry objects up to a heavy load.

This elixir has no immediate effect when imbibed; it remains dormant until all subjects fall asleep. Once asleep, you and all other targets of the elixir that are currently sleeping dream of growing wings and flying calmly across a cloudy skyscape for several hours. After you have had eight hours of sleep, the effect ends and you and all targets who are asleep at that moment are transported to a distant location of your selection. You all arrive awake, upright, and ready for action.

If your sleep is interrupted you can go back to sleep to finish the sleep required by the elixir, however you must add one hour to the total amount of sleep needed to discharge the elixir.

The destination of a TRANSPORT VIA DREAMS elixir must be a place that is well-known to you or one of the elixir’s subjects and may be as far away as 1,000 miles. This will not transport any of the targets to another plane of existence than the one you started on. The sole exception to this is travel to and from the Dreamscape, which may be accessed by this elixir if you or a subject of the elixir have been to the Dreamscape previously. If used in this way, TRANSPORT VIA DREAMS takes all recipients physically to the Dreamscape.

Craft Requirements: brew potion, three water shards, two spirit shards, and one air shard. 750 gp.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Exceptional Ability (New Spell)

Exceptional Ability (New Spell)
School transmutation; Level 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (two [animal based] elemental shards)
Range: touch
Target: creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
The subject becomes better, faster, or stronger. The spell grants a +2 enhancement bonus to one ability score for 24 hours, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks when applicable. As a side-effect the subject gains the following animal class skills Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim; and Low-light vision. The target also become proficient with unarmed attacks (d4 damage, does not grant extra attacks). This spell replaces Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Foxes Cunning, and Owl's Wisdom. A character can only benefit from one Exceptional Ability effect at a time.