Council (+4 Society, -2 Law, -2 Lore) administered by a council of academics, learned scribes and librarians who delegate one member as Vizir to the Sultan.
Ward Qualities:
Academic (arcana, geography, history, local) Artisan’s Colony (books crafters, crafter workshops), Cultured (bard college, entertainment, crafting musical instruments, libraries), Eldrich (mythal warded, magic school/research, mage for hire), Romantic (theater).
Vizir Abbas el Quaahl |
Ward Vizir:
The quiet scribes exterior of this small, venerable Calishite, hides a politically cunning and motivated individual. Beginning as a druzir and member of the Scribes Union long before the Time of Troubles and before the reign of the current Syl-Pasha. Abbas el Quaahl has proven a capable wizard and sage who clashes, sometimes openly at court with the Syl-Pasha in regards to municipal budgets, policy and taxes.
Jhaapir Sabban
Other names: Arch Sabban.
Tucked in the southeastern third of the ward and abutting
both Wizard Ward and Maker’s Ward is the Jhaapir Sabban- the district for supplies and raw material traders. Thus,
the smell of ink, pressed parchment, and treated vellum wafts through the streets here. Many of the inns and lesser wizards’
domiciles cluster here grateful for the quiet not found in the rest of the city.
One architectural feature in this sabban not shared in many other sectors of
the city are the arched bridges and ramps that link the wall byways with many
minarets. These older minarets, once established amlakkar or sadimmin posts, are now
public buildings where lovers stroll up to the open parapets around the domes
to gaze out over the peaceful sabban.
Sabban mark: Three vertical stripes linked by two arches near their top ends.
Drudachs: Jemil Drudach, Jhalal Drudach, Shuzah Drudach.
Some people, locations, and features of the Jhaapir Sabban include...
Malik el Quaahl |
Deneir Rosetta Stone |
The Gallery Majesta (Unique domed Temple/library and Museum with several lower levels in the Jemil Drudach) Temple to Deneir god of art, libraries, wordsmiths, glyphs, and runes. The first floor is the actual temple to Deneir, all who enter are expected to honor his altar by stopping for an informal prayer service or making a donation to the attendant priests. The second floor is the Gallery proper, and it is an artifact museum with many incredible unique displays.
Eli yn Estarr |
Ehmarik yn Estaar |
Vimahlydah (Large multi-story domed Guild hall/Theater/Bard College with three 4-story minarets with 2 lower levels in the Shuzah Drudach) The Vimahlydah is the location of the Chorus Council- Guildhall and Bardic College. Consisting of a dozen separate buildings all connected by bridges and walk ways, it is the center of the performing arts in Calimport. Here individuals are encouraged to express themselves through art, dance, musical performance, or song. Rahim yn Uarel, Cleric of Milil- is a friendly, boisterous guild member of the Chorus Council.
Hassandah (Large multi-story domed Theater College with three 4-story minarets in the Shuzah Drudach) One of the most popular indoor stage theaters in the central wards.
Shuzah Villa |
Summarl el Voraya |
Best Rest Inn (large 5-story elaborate Row/Bath House with 2 lower levels in the Jhalal Drudach) VACANCY Fair/Moderate. One of the largest apartment buildings in the ward that houses many of the middle-class Calishites of the ward.
Cloud Nine (Unique 3-story domed Gaming hall/Bath House/Hookah/Massage Parlor with 2 lower levels in the Jemil Drudach) Expensive. This opulent members only hookah, massage and reiki parlor caters to discerning scribes from all neighboring drudachs. Cloud Nine is a member of the Dancers, the Sylph guild of innkeepers, gaming halls and hookah parlors owners.
Amberlyn Kamadan |
Nine Pashas Trading Coster Warehouses (2-story warehouse with 1 lower level) This warehouse, one of many owned by them, holds durable goods that cater to the needs of the ward.
Rahimat el Yasin |
Pasha BlueSky (5-story Flying Carpet livery/Minaret in the Jhaapir Sabban and Hapij Sabban) These familiar blue minarets scattered in Calimport are owned by a private consortium of magic carpet owners. Travelers with a basic Arcane Mark can schedule a flying carpet ride across the city. Fees are expensive starting at 1,000 GP per (8-hour) day for up to five passengers.
Shawqi al Saeed |
Hapij Sabban
Other names: Scribe Sabban.
This squat sabban is the entire western sector of Quill Ward and contains the largest concentration of scriptoria, private libraries, and places of learning in the city. Despite the din of the rest of the city, this area tends to be eerily quiet at all times. Crime is very low. The street level of most buildings is either personal quarters or storage; all building entrances either have bridges built to the byways or there are stairs to the second-floor entrances of nearly all buildings. Most trade buildings herein are row houses with living space above while below are the workspaces. Interestingly, the former gateway through the sabban walls from Khanduq Ward has been sealed thoroughly, preventing any access into this sabban save by the byways from inside the Quill Ward making it an 'island' sabban.
Sabban mark: A quill with a black ink drop at the tip.
Drudachs: Hikaya Drudach, Na'adil Drudach, Fikra Drudach.
Some people, locations, and features of the Hapij Sabban include...
Oma el Voezil |
The Spell-Lord's House |
Zini el Chandrakant |
Tarub Patel |
Khariyl Goldcloak |
Nasim Sabban
This sabban covers the entire northeastern quadrant of the
ward. Its purpose is to provide a buffer between Hammer Ward and the
quietude of Quill Ward. Thus, many of the basic needs businesses and common laborers’ living quarters are found in this relatively poorer Quill ward sabban.
Sabban mark: A small flame surrounding a trio of stacked coins. The mark has ben in use for more than 150 years, and yet no one (not even sages of Calimport) can recall the origin or significance of the mark.
Drudachs: Eggaeda Drudach, Nuvis Drudach, Yaraf Drudach.
Some people, locations, and features of the Nasim Sabban include...
Druzir Kitaeb el Anvari |
The Bard’s Wisdom (large, elaborate 2-story domed private library with ironwork walls and two residential lower levels in the Yaraf Drudach) This private library hosts the exclusive Sages Consortium, a think-tank group of scribes and sages managed by Druzir Kitaeb el Anvari of Oghma (see above). The 'Wisdom' is one of many private libraries and book collections in Calimport, Kitaeb's collection of books spans topics such as planar travel, planar beings, as well as gods and legends- some from other realms beyond Calimshan.
The Respite (large 7-story unique Row House in the Jhalal Drudach) VACANCY Fair/Moderate. Ninety percent of the working lower-class scribes and apprentices of the ward live (laugh and love) here.
The Sultan’s Library (Unique 5-story domed Library with several lower levels in the Yaraf Drudach) One of the original structures in Calimport from the Shoon Imperium, the Sultan's Library is the private library, repository and auditorium exclusively for the ruling Sultans of Calimport.
Healer's Hospital |
Pasha Mariam el Qoriha |