Sunday, July 31, 2022

07/28/2022 Virtuous Age Session 16: Ending Downtime, the Feather Fiend, and Why do we have all these Bards?

 Downtime Remaining: Aiming for September 12 to wrap up our business. 

Eabrossi – Butch, completed in Skill Focus Geography (including the Cloud Continent) and has completed 2 additional days in the library and by time everyone completes their downtime he will have completed 5 days. This also yields five ‘heroic’ clues along our quest: giant lore, cloud continent and embassies and the like. These clues were increased to seven later in the session, in addition these clues can be shared. 

Tena- Russ requires 2 more days of downtime for Improved Initiative. 

Aevum- Josh working on Spell Focus feat and also requires 2 more days. 

Zaigan- Rob, continues in training the nephew. 

Kron- James trying to unconsciously trigger his Inhuman Vigor racial ability and gains the ability in the coolest way later in the session. 

Review reminder: we all have a page in the 'Find the Path Book'. 


Goals, as Tena lays it out for our characters:

First, warn Talbot of the Luna clan about the assassination plan- because his clan is the main irritant to dragon trying to nest in the area. Next, take Gwelldar to the King- warn the king and about the nefarious plots against the Saxo line and the region in genera.- Gwelldar would be the most helpful. Then travel to the Solarium to find an Embassy, or  if the Solarium trip bares no fruit, the ziggurat Polurn told us about. 

We begin this week’s session the morning of September 10th. 

Overnight both Aevum and Zaigan have vivid dreams. Both involve Zaigain’s uncle in the lands of the Luna clan. Later that morning Aevum and Zaigan eventually learn they shared the dream. Zaigan observes a change in his uncle’s behavior. Aevum meditates and focuses on the dream and believes Agamotto is conveying this. 

The rest of us wake at 6:30 and after a morning meal some of our group complete their daily downtime or head into the Four Winds to trade gold for items. 

Kron and Zaigan head out in the morning and find themselves outside the Mountaineer Bandolier seemingly run by tieflings. Here, Kron trades gold for a Belt of Giant Strength +2 that he wants blessed by the Church of Stronmaus. Zaigan provides valued company. 

Tena actively looks for clues in the library for Orbs of Agamotto for the next few nights. Here she finds a list of Titans: Hyperion (Coeus is also a Titan name from a different source. In that, Coeus received an orb in a dowry). 

Nevertheless, Hyperion sought an orb in the story she finds. His purpose was to enhance his observation powers and generate light. The book is signed by Kaiakos the Historian among other books on artifacts and great items of Antiquity. 

Zaigan and Kron shop for scrolls for Aevum. At Soupies Soaps, they are able to secure the scrolls Aevum requested. 

Later that night, Kron and Zaigan arrived at the Sky Dome. A priest Kron has never met offers to awaken the belt if Kron says the night and participates in a ceremony. Kron enthusiastically agrees.  

That night Kron experiences vivid dreams of his relationship with his weapons and armament. A baptism and a feeling of responsibility and self discovery.  

At the end of the ceremony the Belt of Giant Strength now has storm clouds and iconography of Stranmaus. It will also gain the ‘swift’ action necessary for Kron to use his inhuman vigor even while unconscious. Kron donates 200 gp. to the Sky Dome. 

The next morning our characters wake to sounds of thunder and rain- and our last day in the Four Winds. 

Kron stays with Gwelldar and Polurn while everyone else finished their business before meeting at the Portly Frog for a final bash and appreciation party. 

Our characters arrive to a bustling Portly Frog where we are greeted by several friendly faces and some familiar ones. Here we see a black tar minotaur- very similar to the guards provided to us- gesturing to a disgusting off stage tengu. 

A short time later, out of the crowd, the vile Zedar Ekran approaches and rubs palms with Eabrossi. Zedar tries not to act offended he did not get a personal invitation. 

Later, Earth, Wind and Fire and Water make set arrangement for the night. 

About 45 minutes into the night Zaigan begins to feel on edge before everyone starts to feel tension rise. Perception checks all around. 

Kron observes the Tengu change into Eckran as the creature begins to walk with purpose to Tena. It is at that point Kron intercepts the “Feather King” and strikes with Shieldbreaker. The next moment 4 winged minotaurs reveal themselves and take hostile actions while flying about. 

In the end Eckran is killed as are two winged minotaurs but two are allowed to escape. 

From the encounter we garner: 

4 potions of CMW, 3 potions of jump, 11 smokesticks (Russ), composite short bow +1 STR and 20 +1 arrows, cloak of resistance +1 (James), 100’ silk rope, 5 tinder twigs (Russ), thieves tools, masterwork shortsword and an amulet of natural armor +2 (Rob). 

Most of the crowd cleared out except the bards who were active in the brawl. We spend the rest of the night with them. 

Next weeks session we loot the library and plan on leaving (September 12th) for the Luna Clan. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

06/30/2022 Virtuous Age Session 15: Aevum Has a Sister, The Prophecy of The White Minotaur, and Investigating Average Residential Areas

We begin this week’s session at a dinner meeting at Zedar Ekran's on September 8th. We briefly revisit our experience as we arrive... 

Eabrossi knocks and answering the door is a woman dressed in a translucent cloth. Definitely genie-kind, beautiful save for being horribly scarred and very blind. Some of our starting attitudes are improved upon entering the abode.

We are guided to a sitting room and are invited become comfortable. Music emanates from youths playing instruments, each of them have extreme deformities or handicaps.

Eventually a drow woman enters, dressed in leather, greets us and introduces herself as Bacall. Seems we are not to be the only guests at this dinner. Eventually Zedar Ekran arrives and heads straight for the prince and provides smoke and small talk.

Diplomatically Zedar Ekran did not offer the prince any condolences; Bacall is observed with having a slavers mark on her neck. As do the small children.

When Aevum notices the cat familiar in the room nearby...

In that nearby room servants are  busily setting up a long dining table as delectable aromas waft headlong from the kitchen. Zedar offers a tour of his dome, we agree and see the drow Bacall following along. 

The Curious Zedar Ekran

During his tour he clouts his appreciation of art from around the world and trades with the Lowport Art council. Bacall asks Zedar at a point during the tour “is Jadula coming? Dyn’Tai?” Zedar seems annoyed at being interrupted with these inquires during the tour. 

Zaigan, while strolling, sees servants setting the table- with them is a gnoll armed with a battle axe. Tena sees this too, she also notices the odd objects the man has collected- a "collector". Kron observes the cat following us and as Zedar leads us around Kron notices a trap door closing. Eabrossi attempts to cozy himself to Bacall and asks her some get to know you questions. 

Along the tour Tena picks up on Zedar’s distain for minotaurs and his fascination with Zaigan’s wings.

Everything he shows us is in relation to his grandiose lifestyle. He claims to have several individuals who work for him. (about 20 servant slaves each with some form of deformity and of different races. Of these creatures 10-12 openly carry weapons)

All in all we don’t get a full tour of his dome, but we do get to visit several galleries where we see several other individuals gathered about. A middle aged male who immediately goes to speak the drow but backs off when he sees us. A woman who appears human blooded except her eyes are a striking blue/purple sparkle. Another individual with a light crossbow and a humanoid possibly a half orc both near the dining hall.

At the end of the hall servants offer us drinks and smokes before we are eventually seated at a long ornate table. The table also has places for 7 others.

We are introduced to Ash’Gai, Jadula (F) human blooded something, the Knoll Threnemy, Dyn’Tai (?) human blooded individual with a dagger on the hips, Bacall, Awanga Ganga (orog) on his hip is a pistol, and Pumate (half orc with a sap, polearm and bolas).

Many of us imbibe antitoxins before conversation. Kron doubles down and claims to be fasting this day.

The dishes and soups are of a regional uniqueness that makes the meal stand out among the best some of us have ever had.

Conversation begins immediately as our characters do not wish to be here any long than is required. 

What caused Eabrossi to reach out to me? Zedar asks Aevum. But Eabrossi maintains conversation, and mentions the lack of a library and wanted to reach out. Astonished, Zedar is surprised we and Aevum can read. Insulted Earbossi says we all read in servant of the King! An exclamation on King. 

Tena states there was a priest of Ra who said Zedar keeps a collection at the Portly Frog. Aevum expresses interest about geography.

He uses some of the other guests in minor insults and jabs at us and the prince during and between the dinner courses. 

Eventually Bacall asks Eabrossi how he came into the service of the prince? When he answers Eabrossi turns the question  on the drow. She replies she is not in service to Zedar she is here a guest. She is an international trader and visits this area frequently.

The orog Awana Ganga engages Kron in shop talk for a short time. Both Tena and Kron get a strange feeling from the half orc Pumate and see him looking closely at them- mayhap studying our characters.

Aevum moves to sit next to Awanga Ganga and remarks on his pistol. Awanga then produces an arquebus made with what looks like dragon scales.

Zaigan remarks on Bacall’s 'slave' mark. She says it is her house symbol and unlike the servants with jobs.

In a long proclamation Zedar eventually does grant us access to his book collection. He has a letter drafted and abruptly ends the dinner before desert is brought out.

Tengu Spy

Fine as we are all eager to leave and less than a half hour later our characters return to our suite at the Grand Dome. Gwelldar and Polurn remain at the Suites while we are out.

We are told a 7’ tall human who was rail thin, was looking for the prince.

That night as most of us rest, but Aevum has a breakthrough with his cypher clockwork ring. 

This breakthrough solves the mystery code of Sanguine's books. Suddenly all her tomes levitate and are drawn into what is revealed to be an extradimensional work space (for one). This is when Aevum learns he has a sister on the cloud continent. Furthermore there is an importance to the seventh generation is the one that permanently ensure the continuance of the minotaur kingdom.

His sister is in an arranged situation on the cloud continent with the royal cloud residents.

Sanguine used this extradimensional work space to connect magics from different ages to come to her conclusions. Her belief confirms one of our character's suspecisions that one of the Embassies Pools at the Ziggurat and requires giant blood. Like Frank was the link for her and Embassy Pool activation she hoped Kron would be the key for Aevum when he goes to the Cloud Continent to eventually warn his sister of the coming danger.

We rest and wake the next morning September 9th for another 8 hours of downtime.

Eraborssi spends the day in study at the Portly Frog.

Kron spends the day at the temple of Stranmas trying to work on his inhuman vigor while unconscious.

Zaigan trains the Nephew during the morning and in the afternoon summons his Campus for a ride.

Aevum explores Sanguine’s workspace and begins plans for on the setting of the jewel we hoped to get 10k for.

Later that night we decide to explore a close by Average Reseditinal District (#9) and on the way we drop in on Dakor Cault. We are all also surprised and Jadula is here. Dakor indicates the item is ready, furthermore there is a buyer. 

Cault has made a torc and took the liberty of making a symbol of Agamotto with it. The offer is 12k in gems. Aevum counter offers 11k for the service and brokerage. 2200 in gold each.

He has a request and that is to tell others Dakor has done work for the prince. He also tells us Jadula asks about us, specifically Eabrossi. He is not sure why Jadula knew to ask.

In the Average Residential Districts are populated by minotaurs. There are many domed as well as ranch houses.

We get to a more populated area and hear a caller “soup is on, soup is on, ...”

On the gumbo pot in is a pentagram and over that a horned bull's skull. Kron peers about for shadowy areas. Nearby is a fenced building with an overhand that creates a large shadowy area.

The Prince and Zaigan return to our suites and Kron, Tena and Eabrossi who was intrigued and stays for the neighborhood cookout.

Eabrossi watches as some many individuals take advantage of the free meal. Some stay and linger and there are others who leave. Very natural. 

However Kron eventually spots a oily tengu in the shadows. It soon steps out of site. Kron follows him into a Soupies Soaps (12.5) where he encounters Zedar who happens to be soap shopping. (A little beneath his station?) Kron enters convinced there is an invisible kenku there. He keeps a distance from Zedar and looks for invisible opponent sign. A shop keep (mayhap a shapeshifter) startles the Kron with a soap kit which frustrates the big fighter.

Zedar eventually exits as Eabrossi and Tena enter the soap shop to have a look around. 

Eventually everyone returns to the Grand Dome. We end this night and begin next session the morning of the September 10th.