Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An offical letter from the desk of a secret location somewhere in the Nevada desert!

To whom it may concern

I leave this communiqué to be discovered by someone in the distant future, to try and help make sense of what has happened to our mission. If you have stumbled across this accidentally please return it for the sake of our country. If you came by it honestly than I am sorry for my vague references but I cannot be sure this location has remained secure. I am not willing to compromise myself, my team, or the mission I intend to undertake.

I am the lone participant of a team that has traveled here from afar to combat a hostel force infiltrating our government. My team has either been killed in a horrific explosion or at best been flown to safety by our pilot and unable to return. Either way I must forge ahead alone, if I am to try and salvage any part of this campaign.

First I have secured a prisoner who will provide vital information as to our enemy’s objectives at this location. Based on my findings, and as a secondary mission I will try and run interference on those objectives to the best of my abilities. However my primary plan of action has already been set into motion and cannot be undone. I must keep the identities of my accomplice’s secret, as well as the details of our objectives as to not risk there safty or tampering from outside sources. I will say that I intend on staying at this “location” for 14 months to ensure success of my mission after which I will return home.

I will check this location biweekly for news in case you are somehow able to respond. I hope to see you again when I return home.

Sam Patriot

P.S Phil I parked your truck in the last underground parking garage we staged our trip from

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Feeling is Mutual

(Jessie) I want Mukai- I want to take him down in a big way. I want him to find himself in situations he can’t control. I want to make him feel powerless.

Ever since these powers emerged and our enemy revealed himself; I’ve walked the line on influencing time to our advantage, but a little can go a long way. It forces Mukai to make adjustments. He is already NOT what he first set out to be. More important is that his concept for himself has had to change because of us.

Oh, I’m sure Mukai wants us defeated at all costs.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Time and Time Again

Man, the past... Even the air smells different. Anyway, Mukai definitely seems to be going all-out now. Forcing thugs from the Moon-prison to fight us, putting them in situations where they have nothing to lose and everything to gain (as far as they know) seems to me to be a sign that we're either a bigger thorn in his side than we may think, or we are close to screwing up some major plans of his. He doesn't care about the ramifications of slaughtering possibly hundreds of people just to get to us. How many were killed in the kamikaze attack at Dulles Airport, in D.C.? Just to get at me and Jesse. I just hope our plans to discredit the marketing coup of Paragon and the U.S. government works. As I remember it, the anti-war protests didn't work overnight. I guess we just continue on w/ the plan, enjoy Coke in glass bottles and beer in steel cans!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Events at a glance

(Jessie) I'm on board with the idea of discrediting Mukai in 1971 somehow. Some features of 1971 that stick out to me re: Egypt, Russia, US, Japan. Lets formulate a plan.


Speaking of going to the moon; February 5th, 1971- Apollo 14 landed. (lick the post title for 1971 wikipedia)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You better sit down

(Jessie) While our team is back at full strength I can not help bu think how fragmented we remain. Prioritizing our goals, preserving our assets and utilizing our resources; remains our hottest topic in group meetings. It seems I know how Mukai feels when we execute a successful mission.

It makes little difference what we do in the now, when it could change in a moment. Once we understand how our actions impact Mukai and his machinations, can we stop his raping of history. Furthermore, I remain in the school of thought that we can prevent Mukai from making important contacts in the past.

May 31st 1968 is the last plotted destination and will probably be the most difficult. I doubt Mukai will let us interfere without trying to stop us. Every intercept of these groups has been relatively easy. But I don't think Mukai knew positive we have our own way to time travel- he knows now.

Looking into past events I search for ways Mukai benefits from the events in 1968; then it dawns on me. Maybe it is not only Mukai but the President somehow gains prestige of a nation or falls under the aegis of Mukai.

Welcome back Paul, we have some catching up to do.

To sum up: (last week) Jeremy and I were promoted and given US Martial status. Gen. Ralston presented papers proving we exist- Jeremy and I are public. Visit to Rockefeller's Plaza and depths below. Discussion and debate on our next goal.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Rockefeller Center Rooftops

Not a bad place to be if you have to be there:

Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings covering 22 acres between 48th and 51st Streets in New York City. Built by the Rockefeller family, it is located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, spanning between Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avenue. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1987.[1][3][4] It is the largest privately held complex of its kind in the world, and an international symbol of modernist architectural style blended with capitalism.


Stapled to the flag pole. Welcome to May 31st 1968

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The duality of an Adam

Excerpt about the author from Mind Potential:

Adam Worthington II is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by nature with a phenomenal mental faculty. At the age of twenty-one he wrote Mind Potential, which set an industry standard not seen since Freud or Adler. On the strength of it he won the psychology chair at Potsdam University at Germany. Adam currently lives in Nevada where he maintains his practice and interests.

Excerpt from New York Journal of Psychological Medicine Weekly:

Adam Worth had, to all appearances, a most brilliant career before him. However, he suffers from inherited negative tendencies of the most troubling kind. An ancestral criminal strain ran in his upbringing, which, instead of being modified and managed, was increased and rendered infinitely more dangerous by his extraordinary mental capabilities. Violating doctor patient code of conduct and exercising gross professional deviancy he lost his way among peers. Mysterious rumors gathered round him in the University, and eventually he was compelled to resign his chair and resort mental health services for the US military.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Team Name

(Jessie) The bad ass 4 was fun and all, but lets get a team name that history can chronicle. (Click the post title).

I like:
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. = Primary Anti-Terrorist Regional & International Operations Taskforce

Monday, July 7, 2008


Name: Jessie Ralston Rank: Captain
What protocol is utilized during executive security detail...

(Jessie) I always suspected but now we know; President Woods anticipated the Eldridge Event. She knew what was going to happen, that's how she was at Area 51 so fast; she was 'tipped off'.

This question was on the last exam...
Back when this all started, I had trouble discerning what were post-cognitive visions and what were real memories, but I will not mistake the look on the President's face when she realized we knew time was being manipulated.

Taking up the stylus indicating the correct answer on the screen (here goes nothing)...
That makes two in as many hou
rs: President Afleck; our government liaison- he too perceives the wrinkles in time. And Janis Keats; powers or not could be an adversary to me.

Done, that only took a few hours.
In the grand scheme of events, I will use my power to stop any and all manipulations of the time stream- I am not above fighting fire with fire however.