Monday, November 7, 2011

Lake Powell...a family tradition

At least once a summer we head for Lake Powell...we have been going for almost 30 years. We have a rule that kids under 5 can't go on the houseboat if they can't we got the boys in swimming lessons and off we went.

Sean surfing even after ACL surgery in May

The boys liked to ride in the front of the boat

Grandpa Gene and Rita came to Utah for a visit and went with us Lake Powell. Both sets of grandparents...they were spoiled!

Kyo learned to kneeboard...even in the rain!

The start of a tradition for the Sean Lambert family...Lake Powell or bust!

The grandparents!!!

We came, we swam and skied and we conquered!!

The boys learning all about boating!

We didn't take the houseboat out of the slip, and we only stayed for a few days, but we had a blast.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wow, what a summer!!

This summer was spent with lots of family. We had Sean's boys for almost a month, so we also had visits from aunts, uncles, cousins..lots of cousins, and grandparents. All our grandkids had a blast and are asking for a repeat next year.

Mcrae and his name sake...Uncle Crae

Noelle and Brynnley with Aunt Camie and cousin Ryan

A picnic in the backyard

Funny faces with cousins Halle and Wyatt

Bike riding: Brynn and Mcrae

We love popsicles

Addysen's new hat

A new way to eat apples

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hiking up to Silver Lake

Today was overcast, so instead of going camping, we just went up to the mountains to hike and relax. We went with Uncle Bart, Jesse and Wyatt. We first had a picnic at the Roadhouse picnic site. After full tummies we drove up to the Silver Lake trailhead. The road was very bumpy and Mcrae and I kept saying how bumpy it was and that we wished we were almost there. We started to hike a few steps, when Mcrae wanted to be picked up. First he asked Grandma, then Papa, then Uncle Bart. They all said no and offered to take him back down the trail, but he wanted to keep going. We went for about 1/4 of a mile before Mac was tired and wanted to go take a rest in the car. So grandma went back with him and I continued up the mountain with everyone else. I slipped a few times, but had a lot of fun. Papa and I finally went back and left the other 3 to go up to the second lake.

When we got back to the car, Mac was napping so I went exploring with Papa for a bit. When Mcrae woke up we went with Grandma and Papa and threw rocks in the lake and sticks, too. Then we discovered a prairie dog town and watched them for almost an hour. We could get pretty close to them even.

Everyone soon came back and we left for home right before it started to rain. It is good we left when we did. It was another fun day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grandma's Water Babies

Wow do Kyo and I love the water...and we have played in all kinds of water this week...splash pads, swimming pools, water parks, the lake. Today we went to Deer Creek Reservoir with our Uncle Bart and cousins Jesse and Wyatt. We had so much fun and even got in the cold water.

The day started out with Kyo falling over the edge of the boat and falling into the water at the dock. That is why our grandparents put on our vests first thing!!! Safety first they tell us even if we don't want to wear our vests. But after that, we won't argue again.

We all went tubing, even me! Here's a few videos of us.

Kyo also tried to surf, while I practiced the kneeboard right inside the boat. Besides the tube, my favorite thing was holding the orange flag. We had so much fun and by the end of the day, Kyo and I both fell asleep on the boat. We want to go again next week. Since we have practiced safety and know more about being in the boat, we are ready to go play at Lake Powell!!!.


The kids have been so busy trying so many new things! They both had a nap on this day, so we let them stay up until dark and do some fireworks. They loved the sparklers and small fountains! Kyo was the most excited and told he loved us about a hundred times and said he loved fireworks. We'll save the really big ones when dad gets here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We Can Do Hard Things!!!

We hit a few milestones today!!! Grandma has been teaching us that we can do hard things. Mcrae has been potty training and I have been learning to ride a two-wheeler as well as do chores. It has been one week and both Mcrae and I have had great success. Mcrae is now peeing in the potty all the time and is even telling us when he has to go all by himself. Of course the jellybean reward is quite an incentive for him (I get some too!) And tonight he went #2 in the potty for the second time! and he told grandma he had to go. When he goes 3 times he gets a Batman car. I can ride the two wheeler almost all the way down the driveway!!! I have a hard time doing things that don't come easily, but they just won't let me quit. I know I will be glad that I can ride a 2-wheeler. And when I learn, I get the Joker Laugh House!! It won't be long now!!

For fun tonight we did a few fireworks! We were soooooooooooooooooooo excited. We got to do real fireworks right in the driveway. Sparklers, fountains, snakes, and colored smoke bombs! We loved it and can't wait to do more another time. We might wait for you daddy if we can!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Swimming and Mining

Today we started swimming lessons. We were so excited and did everything our teacher told us. Our teacher is Shelby Larsen and she lives down the street. We take lessons in her backyard pool.

Today we learned to do a "star" (Floating on our backs) and kick and do a bit of stroking. We got to go down the big slide and play games, too. We are gonna like swimming lessons I think.

Mcrae with Shelby

Kyo with his class
Kyo swimming across the pool
Mcrae practicing straight kicks with his class.

In the afternoon after swimming lessons, we went to Kennecot Copper Mine. We looked at the huge hole in the ground created from the mining and watched huge trucks carry rocks. We got to look through large binoculars and look at them close up.

Here we all are standing in front of one of the truck tires. Told ya it was a big truck, if this is the size of the tire!
This is a view of a tailing pond by the mine.
Here y can tell how big the trucks are in comparison to the small white trucks close to them. Uncle Crae works at this mine and repairs these huge trucks. We looked for him since he was working today, but we couldn't see him.

Lambert Chronicles