Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

 This Christmas season has been filled with so much joy! We did lots of baking, sang lots of Christmas songs, ate lots of good food, spent a lot of time together as a family and we were even able to give to a family in need. We went to the temple and saw some lights around town. I truly love this time of year! I was filled with the spirit many times and was reminded of the true meaning of this season. I love seeing the magic of this time of year through my children. They make it so enjoyable and wonderful. We did a little 12 days with books. Every night till Christmas the kids got to open a book and then we would read it together. It was a fun thing to do and I want to try and do it every year. We had Christmas at home this year and Mariah and Vern's parents came and joined us. Ammon and Savhana came later on and played games and hung out for the day. The next day most of us headed down to my moms. We had a really nice time visiting. I love going home and spending time down there! Vern and Daniel stayed behind and went to the shooting range and a movie. They had lots of fun! I am glad they got to spend a day together.

This year has been so great! We bought our first house, added a new perfect little person to our family, had a very special baptism and blessing, and lots of good times with our little family. I look forward to 2014 and all the new memories we will make! I hope you all had a a good Christmas!
 The kids put Justus in a doll stroller and he loves it (:
 We did a ginger train instead of a house this year.
The kids made ornaments at Grandma Seelys house. They loved it!
 The kids liked the nativity at the temple.

 They also love the visitor center!
 Opening jammies on Christmas eve.

 Trying to get them all to smile is not easy... Love Mayzie in the second picture... Vern was trying to show her how to smile normal (:

 There is a channel on tv that is just a we had it going Christmas morning.

 We got this fun game called Fibber. Everyone looks so funny in the glasses!

 Pure JOY!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sugar Cookies

 Every year we make sugar cookies and it has become a fun tradition! The kids all really enjoy it!
I am not sure what Leah is doing... love them all!!
 here is just a few of the ones we made..
I love Christmas traditions and hope that my kids have good memories and carry them on with their own children one day, far, far, far, very far into the future:)

December Fun

 We had a good snow storm last week. It was so much that it broke records! We got 6 to 7 inches, which is a ton for this area! It was so fun! I loved it! I really don't like driving in it!!
Gracie took Justus out in it and he thought it was great! It was really fun to watch him :)

 We had a fun ward party. They cooked dutch oven food, the kids sang, and santa came.

 Isabelle and Elizabeth are such good friends!
 Justus wanted dads hat....
 So he got to wear him!
 Santa had to keep his head down, so the kids in line didn't see that his beard was coming off...
 Isabelle loves Santa, but always was really afraid to talk to him. So this was a big improvement! She even talked to him..
 just cause.. I am a lucky woman!!

 Daniel put his beanie on Justus the other day. So glad he has a brother!
 Daniel gets to be king of the jungle this week. That means he gets to take a poster about himself and mom goes into class and talks about him. The kids wait for their turn and love it!
 Someone gave him a fruit leather and he loved it!!
 He is pure joy! That's the only way to describe him....pure joy!!

 Seriously! can't handle it! Look at those eyes!!
 I try to do little projects with the girls during the day. It doesn't happen every day, but they really enjoy it and it is fun for me too. We made little Christmas trees. They turned out so cute!

Random Pictures Off Of My Phone

I was going through pictures the other day and found these from my phone. Justus loves food! He got a taste of whipped cream and wanted to eat the whole bowl :)

This was taken a few months ago, but I love it! He would get his binki in his mouth and it was always upside down..
 I love looking at my kids while they are asleep! They are perfect and so peaceful! Love these mom moments!!
 He thinks he is such a big boy!

 I was eating a yogurt and he figured he should have it, so I let him :)
 He kept pulling funny faces, but he would not let go of it..
 He loved it!
 Mayzie was supposed to have a nap and when I went to check on her, she had found a few suckers and ate them before sleeping...
 She was so tired she couldn't eat the last one :)
 Shopping in Costco with 2 cute kids!
 Mayzie gets a little excited..