Thursday, December 29, 2011

After Christmas Visiting

We went and spent a few days at moms. The kids always have a good time and there is never a dull moment!
The kids all like to get water out and most of the time they end up making a big makes them so happy.
After Shiree's family left, Gracie and Leah hung out with Arden.
They had so much fun pushing each other around in the carts...
Mayzie was unsure at first, but then she loved it!

The kids love to ride the horses when we go down there. It's always a highlight!
Maddie and Isa had so much fun together!
Cute little Laila...
I love this picture of Montana :)
These two always have a blast together!

Isabelle sat with grandpa and looked at books for a long time.
Loving on baby Laila......
She wanted to hold her the whole time!

We always have so much fun down there! They can't wait to go again!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Chriatmas Day

We had a yummy Christmas dinner and a full house, but it was so fun!
Desmond liked to drink out of this dolly bottle and got a kick out of the kids jumping around :)
Tobin had a great time pushing the strollers all over.

Christmas Eve

This year for Christmas Eve,Grandma Seely thought it would be fun to have the same kind of food that Jesus would have had when he walked on the earth. We had all sorts of cheeses, meats,breads, grapes, olives, humus, quinoa salad, and lots of other things. We even ate by candle light. I think the kids thought it was ok, but we don't know if they put the concept together. Next year I think we will do something a little more simple :)

Isabelle got to be Mary this year. She loved it...

This is how it ended..... I think it was more calm when Jesus was born......

Emma, Shoph, Mariah, and Ammon all slept over at our house. We went to bed at midnight and the kids didn't get up till 8:00 which shocked us all, but we were waiting for grandma and grandpa to get done with papers, so it worked out great! Emma said Sophie woke up at 5:30, but they kept her in bed till 7. I had a hard time sleeping! I was so excited for the kids and couldn't wait till morning:)

Gracie and Leah both got an "older" doll. They didn't want a baby one...
Isa got her baby alive. She was so excited!

Daniel loves Lego and will spend hours building and playing with it. So, new sets are so exciting! We found out that Addison got the same ship and we had no idea that they were getting the same one!
Mayzie loved this little bear!

The kids got a new kitchen this year. I think it is so cute!

We had a great Christmas this year and we feel so blessed! I definitely felt the Saviors love and am truly grateful for this time of year and for family!

Ward Christmas Party

Our ward party turned out good. The kids all got to see Santa which was a highlight. Gracie didn't want to sit on his lap, but she took Mayzie up there and so she ended up getting a turn. Mayzie did good, she didn't get scared at all!
Mrs. Clause was so cute!

Isa was excited to see him all week. She asked me all the time when she was going to see him, then when she finally got to, she would not go see him. She was so scared and we could not talk her into it. When Santa got done with all the kids, he came off the stage to visit a little sweet girl in a wheel chair. When he got done he passed Isabelle and started to talk to her and she sat on his lap, although she would not talk to him.........her face says it all don't ya think?
The kids all participated in the nativity. Gracie was Mary, Leah was an angel, Daniel was a Shepard and Isa was in the choir. They all did great!

Mayzie kept going and looking at all of them.......

I love that they get opportunities to do these kinds of things and reminds them what Christmas is all about.

Desmond's Blessing

Thanks to a time change, we got to go to Desmonds Blessing. We are so glad we were able to go! We miss seeing them now that they live far away. I love Lex's big cheesy smile :)

New Bike

At school they had a drawing for a new bike and Leah won! She was so excited! A fun early Christmas present :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

We made gingerbread houses last night for family home evening. We had a hard time getting the roof to stay on, so we ended up doing flat roved houses. I think they still turned out cute! After words we had a fun lesson. It was a good night!

The first one is Mayzie and the n Gracie..

Above is Leah and the only pointed roof, Daniel..
Then finally, Isabelle

I love doing this with the kids! It is always so much fun!!