Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August Adventures

Hello from Kirtland!
It is August and it feels like fall already. Some of the leaves are starting to change colors and the weather has that fall feeling to it. We still have visitors and love to share Kirtland--but our off time can be interesting as well. We had an interesting Saturday when the sisters (dripping from the rain)knocked on our door and brought in two soaked motherless kittens. They didn't even have their eyes opened but they wanted to see if they could help them. They can't have them at their house so they left them at ours and we even had to so midnight feedings! Sadly they were sick and we had to get rid of them. The sisters were pretty sad about that. Last Monday we went to Middlefield for an Amish dinner and saw some of the Amish farmers busy working their fields. It is always interesting to see the old methods still being used.
We also toured the countryside on our P-Day...just a casual stop where we want to...kind of day. A few antique shops and lunch at Punderson Park. What a beautiful view across the lake as we watched a storm come in and quickly moved inside! We love our exploring days!