Friday, July 2, 2010

Things that are taken for granted

The name of this picture is take my hand.

This is one of the days we were able to take him outside. He loves it!

I've always tryed to not take things for granted but after Karson was born I realized that I was. A couple of weeks ago we took Hadley and Karson to toy story (one of his favorite shows) I know that doesn't sound like a big deal but it was HUGE for us , and Karson LOVED it! Ever since Karson was diagnosed we were told it was best for him not to be around people because the more he gets sick the less time we will have with him. Ever since then I have really been PARANOID about germs and being in the hospital 9 times hasn't made it easier . The thing is most of those hospital stays have been because of the progression of the disease not a bug he has caught. There are families that choose to take their kids everywhere but I have never been able to do it . We will take him to places that we will be able to be outside but other than that I can't bring myself to do it. People don't realize how blessed they are to be able to just jump in the car and go at the drop of a hat even if it's just to the grocery store and not think twice about it. Tonight at work this guy that's a new employee happen to mention that his wife was having a baby boy and that it better stay that way. I said" you should just be happy with a healthy baby" then he had the nerve to say" I would take a sick baby boy over a girl" then begins to laugh. Normally, I would have ripped his head off but he didn't know my situation. I was actually proud of myself!

Just a little update.... Karson went septic again from his PIC line I love and hate that thing. Luckily Dr. Swoboda let us stay at home and promise if things were starting to look worse we would go to the hospital . After many sleepless nights and days giving IV antibiotics he is doing better. Can I just say we have practicly the whole ICU in our living room.

The picture at the top comforts me. When I look at it I think of my son walking , holding the Saviors hand.... Please pray for Karson