Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Sweet Boy

I'm happy to say that not alot has been happening and that's a good thing for us. We haven't been in the hospital since the end of January and I can't tell you how happy that has made us. Once a week we have a nurse come and draw his blood to check his blood levels but he has been doing so good they didn't need it this week. His Hematocrit jumped up 10 points in one week which is a MIRACLE. Today for some reason his O2 has been low and ofcourse I had a freak out episode. When things are going well it's almost like we forget that Karson's sick and so when he get's sick reality hits. I know I have to be ok with him passing away but there are days I'M NOT. I ask myself in those moments how am I going to let this sweet little boy go?


Sorry it's been so long I know people wonder about Karson. I will be updating very soon.