Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Check these out!

Thanks Jess for taking such cute pics of the kiddies. We love 'em!!!! You're the best!

Check them out at the link below.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 2

These two pics were taken at 1:00 in the A.M. When Karson was in the womb he would always wake up around 1:00 in the morning ready to go and now that he is here is doesn't seem to be considering a new schedule yet!!

Catchin' some ZZzzz on Grandma!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hadley --- The BIG 4

How can it be, our little baby Hadie is 4 years old?!? If you can not tell her birthday party had to be all about princesses.

The Princess Hadley, herself!



Felllow princesses, Tasia and Cazley, are willing to assist with the blow. It was a really fun party and we were sad that Mommy and Karson couldn't be there because they were still in the hospital.

Karson - The First Week

Hadley and Karson at the Hospital right before we brought him home Monday afternoon. She is a very proud BIG sister! Don't try to adjust your screens, Karson really is that Orange/Yellow. But he is looking better everyday.

Little Guy!!



Suckin' ---

We are already head over heels!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

HE'S HERE!!!!!!

Our Little Buddy has arrived! He could not wait until Tuesday, when Jody was to be induced. Last Night at 1:00 in the morning Jody started to have contractions and by 4:30 we were admitted into the Family Birth Center. Karson Michael Riggs, was born at 10:42 a.m. on 4/12/2008. He was 6 lbs. 14 oz and 20 inches long and a HANDSOME little devil if we do say so ourselves!!
Because he was born so early, his little lungs aren't quite yet developed so he spend most of the day in NICU connected to a bunch of monitors. We are so glad that we live in this day and age!!!

Hadley was soooo excited to get to hold her little brother for the first time. Priceless!!

Hadley was also VERY helpful in taking care of Mommy! She took good care her and dressed the part to a tee!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Day is Upon Us..

The day truly is upon us. Last Thursday Jody had her check up and the Doc said that she was already dialated to a 3 and the mucus plug (nasty) was all but gone. The doc also said that the he was measuring at about 7 lbs. and that if Jody were to go into labor at anytime from then on she would not stop it. (Four weeks early) As long as the baby is fine you will not hear Jody putting up a fight. She has been miserable for weeks now, as you can see above from the size of this kid. So anywho, we have been busy little beavers getting everything ready for Junior's arrival. SO, as per the request of my mother, I thought that it was now or never for a pregnant Jojo pic. Isn't she sooo cute???
Here is another pic of the belly

While we were taking the pics, Hadley (already naked for the tub) couldn't resist giving Mommy's belly a little squeeze. She loves to feel her little brother kick!! She is VERY excited for his arrival.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our Hadie!!!

Our daughter is very animated! This is one of the infinite things that we love about her. She has such a bubbly, livly, creative personality. She loves to sing. She loves to bust a move at any given moment! She loves to pretend that she is a nurse, a mother, a waiter at Tony's Pizza, a princess, a grandma, an animal doctor (poor Roscoe!), etc. The list could go on and on. She also loves to pull faces at the camera (see above). We love her so much and are very excited that she is getting a baby brother in just a few short weeks.