Saturday, November 3, 2007

Halloween "P-U"

I can not believe that Halloween has come and gone already. I was just telling Jody that it feels like it should be August still. We had a good day, Jody took Haldey to Mary's work during the day while I slept off my 3hrs of sleep coupled by a Mt. Dew headache. Later that night we went to trunk or treat, which by the way I feel has ruined Halloween. From start to finish it lasted 30 mins. After that we took Hadley to a couple of other people in the ward and then went a spent an hour with Grandpa Nay. All in all it was a pretty good night. Hadley good way to much candy for any child let alone a 3 yr old. Later that night Jody and I watched The Skeleton Key to get our scare on. In tyical Jody fashion she fell asleep and I ended up watching it by myself. Til next year!! Sorry about the crappy picture. We can not wait for our tax return so that we can get a sweet camera.